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Sandy shores [Nikki/Kanna]

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#1Kanna Kusanagi 

Sandy shores [Nikki/Kanna] Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 4:32 pm

Kanna Kusanagi


"Baaaaabe, don't keep me waitin long ya hear...? Water's lovely today~", Kanna could only call out to her lover as the ebb and flow of the waves carried her along the warm, clear waters of the island's shoreline.

This island was their own little slice of paradise. A vast shoreline of soft, golden sand stretching as far as the eyes could see, spanning the entire uninterrupted length of the island. A smaller island off the coast of Luluhawa, unknown to the vast majority of tourists... Luluhawa was a perfect tourist destination in its own right but, not enough... Kanna wanted to feel like she had her woman all to herself. And now, that meant just the two of them in that vast stretch of beach, yards away from the nearest people, with only a beach bar close by if they got hungry... The waves were a bit rowdier than she'd expect... Maybe she should take up surfing while she was here? Or maybe diving? With her armor, diving should be easy enough... For now though... She settled on looking towards the shoreline where her luscious lover yet lingered, folding her arms behind her back as she glanced off towards her beloved, adjusting her sunglasses as the next big wave nearly toppled them over:

"Ooof... Keep me waitin too long and I might just take a dip without ya, regardless of whether I want it or not~", she snickered, holding on to the floating matress as a larger wave lifted it higher, her full bust rippling as it came back down and left the blonde adjusting her tight black swimsuit with a smirk on her face, the sizzling sunbeams kissing her skin as she shifted her wet body atop the welcoming mattress with a squeak


- Kanna Kusanagi

credit to nat of adoxography.


Sandy shores [Nikki/Kanna] Empty Sat Sep 14, 2024 1:45 pm


WORDS: 310 | TOTAL: #### | Red Hot

“Whoa, getting all uppity huh~?” The scarlet eyed siren found smirking as the blonde who she had made her bride seemed to demand her entry so very urgently, Nikki Marcello poked her head from the cabin which they had made their new home and peeked out with a mild wince at the brightness around her, though one born more from habit than anything else. Getting so used to being a creature of the night that she still found the afternoon sun a little dazzling, she lifted her hand above her brow for a moment as she let those ruby reds search for a sign of the stunner who called for her, and then licked her lips when she saw what was waiting. Damn, did the beach look good on these girls, eh?

“Well then, if you’d rather get wet on your own…” Certainly by no means letting the side down herself and perhaps embracing a long overdue chance to show off in the sun by selecting something in rouge which might have set tongues a wagging if they hadn’t got a beach all to themselves, the formerly vampiric vixen jumped clear of the decking and touched down on the sand near Kanna with her teeth kneading her bottom lip a little, and lifted a hand to her hip as she left her wife decide whether or not her wait had been worth it.
“I can always take all this back to the room~?” Standing there on the shore with so very much of herself on display and perhaps carrying a sentiment of smugness because of that, the free hand of the fox swept down herself as she asked if the lusciousness whom she loved would prefer some time to herself, though could guess the answer even before she did so. I mean, she looked amazing, and damn did she know it, huh~?

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#3Kanna Kusanagi 

Sandy shores [Nikki/Kanna] Empty Tue Sep 24, 2024 1:05 pm

Kanna Kusanagi


"Damn straight, can't imagine how i can last this long without you in my arms babe~...", Kanna purred, and yet she was far out into the sea enough that she had to raise her voice for her luscious lover to hear her...

But nowhere near far enough that she could miss that ravishing red visage in front of her as she finally stepped out of their cottage... Nikki had made damn sure Kanna didn't get a chance to see that sizzling swimsuit before she finally brought it out and right now... Boy was she glad that she could exercise her restraint until now... Merely letting her gaze wander over that shapely form had Kanna biting her bottom lip as she lifted her sunglasses over her jade green eyes, feeling her spine tingling already:

"Oooof~... Y'know if you're not here in the next five second I might just have to come back and getcha~...?", she teased, her voice turning into a heated, hungry little growl as she lifted her torso upright, propping herself up to better admire her bewitching beauty


- Kanna Kusanagi

credit to nat of adoxography.


Sandy shores [Nikki/Kanna] Empty Tue Sep 24, 2024 1:07 pm


WORDS: 370 | TOTAL: 680 | Red Hot

“Woooow, you sure know the way to a woman’s heart, hm~?” The fire between the pair seeming to burn as brightly as ever and yet if anything had changed in their connection since sharing rings being how they could express their affection, lines which were once steeped in sardonic sentiment and a hefty dose of irony now seemed to carry no small degree of sincerity, or perhaps at the very least a more honest expression of it, that was.
“Or some part of her, at least~?” Not that Nikki wasn’t above being a little bit playful of course and showing that as she teased the effect that her emerald eyed enchantress had upon her, she circled the rather cavernous cleft which separated her chest before letting those directing digits drift down and downer still as she left little to the imagination when it came to the implication she spoke of, though in doing so expected that her beautiful bride wouldn’t want things any other way regardless.

“Maaannnn, decisions, decisions, hm~?” As such left purring back at her beloved blonde as Kanna saw fit to threaten her with the good time of coming to drag her into the water or at least that might have been the common assumption, Miss Marcello cocked her head and her hips for a moment as she let the radiance from upon high seem to bathe her buxom form and tapped her chin as she did so, though had to say even as she feigned indecision her mind had been made up long ago.
“Well, we both might as well get wet, one way or another hm~?” The ravishing raven showing that with how readily she seemed to thrust herself forward and dive into the water, the fine form of the fox seemed to sweep through that blissful blue medium in mere moments thanks to the effortless brawn which she possessed and in a moment that dark mane seemed to peek out from the deep next to where her fair headed fellow femme seemed to be floating, giving the girl with the green gaze the full shy mermaid routine as she poked her head clear and fluttered her lashes to beckon the bewitching belle closer to her, with a mind chock full of mischief…

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#5Kanna Kusanagi 

Sandy shores [Nikki/Kanna] Empty Tue Sep 24, 2024 1:08 pm

Kanna Kusanagi


"Mmmmm, ain't gonna settle for less than every part babe~...?", she snickered, blowing her a kiss as she shifted her elbows atop the cushy floating mattress, biting her lip as her lover's words had her skin tingling off the implication alone...

She had to admit... Kanna actually felt damn lucky that neither her nor Nikki were vampires anymore. How else could she have been able to enjoy a sweltering summer afternoon with her like this, with such a vast stretch of beach all to themselves. With the mattress rocked up and down by the ebb and flow of the waves, the blonde merely let herself get swept up in the flow as she watched her bodacious beauty diving right into the crashing waves, deeper into the sea until she got closer... Kanna grinned and bit her lip, rolling onto her front, stretching an arm out, padding closer, ready to meet her lover halfway and offer her a hand to get her right back up onto the mattress with her:

"Shit Nikki~... If you just want us to get wet we don't even need the ocean or anythin'?", she purred, shooting her a teasing, flirty little wink as she paddled closer until she could drag her wet body over the mattress, practically tipping herself overboard to drape her arms around her woman, pulling her into a wet, sizzling kiss, her lips tinged with salt from the earlier dip in the ocean, "Mmmmm, fuck meeeee~... I must be the luckiest woman in this whole damn world~..."


- Kanna Kusanagi

credit to nat of adoxography.


Sandy shores [Nikki/Kanna] Empty Tue Sep 24, 2024 1:08 pm


WORDS: 260 | TOTAL: 940 | Red Hot

“Damn, looks like I feel for a real greedy bitch, hm~?” The voraciousness which her vixen showed when it came to her fine form something which the buxom brunette could only purr at, all too readily did Nikki seem to feel a shiver shake its way up her spine as she imagined the ways in which the woman she had wed might make use of what she seemed to crave, and was found nibbling all the more at her bottom lip because of the intriguing pictures which seemed to form within her because of such intoxicating impetus.

“Mmmnnn, Kanna…!” For her part the fiery fox seeming to similarly crave no small taste of her beloved bride and certainly getting it when she found the fair haired femme practically flinging herself toward her, though the trip to meet the minx had scarcely left her breathless she still found herself gasping as that perfect pout was presented to her, and all too soon did the scarlet eyed stunner seem to shudder and suckle upon that lusciousness as she swept her arms around her wife and pulled them closer together.
“Damn, I’m working on it~” Making good on the rather spicily framed exclamation which her beautiful blonde bride made next or at least verbally so, Miss Marcello could only pull her lover that bit closer, practically clawing at the woman and turning that case of almost tipping her off the inflatable item upon which she floated into something of an absolute. Though really, she was only making good on the promise she had made, right~?

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#7Kanna Kusanagi 

Sandy shores [Nikki/Kanna] Empty Tue Sep 24, 2024 1:09 pm

Kanna Kusanagi


"Yeeeeah bet that sweet ass you did~...", she snickered as she watched her bride paddling closer to her, rolling onto her front as she too paddled across the waves, bringing herself closer to her lover until she could finally drape her arms lovingly across her shoulders and pull her into a sizzling, sweltering smooch, hotter than ever the sun's searing rays shining down overhead, one that paled in comparison to the heat of those supple lips as the blonde suckled them hungrily, ravenously eve, "Mmmmmmm, Nikkiiiiiiii~..."

In the end even her growl melted into a purr as she pulled her woman closer, practically inviting her to climb onto the floating mattress, shifting her leg to counterbalance her weight and hopefully keep the two from being toppled over, even though with such vigorous motions, that was a highly likely possibility at this point:

"Fuck... Ain't gonna wait... Too long at this rate... C'mere babe~...!", And with a sudden, huffing grunt, she rolled onto her back once more, using the leverage she had on her lover's upper back to lift her onto the floating mattress, hoping Nikki would cooperate and use that momentum to lift herself off the water's surface


- Kanna Kusanagi

credit to nat of adoxography.


Sandy shores [Nikki/Kanna] Empty Tue Sep 24, 2024 1:10 pm


WORDS: 270 | TOTAL: 1210 | Red Hot

“Well shit babe, you know I ain’t one for being patient~?” The ravenous raven left to grin at how her gorgeous goddess with the green gaze mentioned the urgency building between them, Nikki couldn’t help but snicker as she affirmed the fact that she would have no mind for taking her time with such an eminent event, and tilted her head toward her luscious with a smile as she clung to that sizzling and sinuous shape which so effortlessly seemed able to seduce her.

“Daaammnnnn, you been working out babe~?” The scarlet eyed siren feeling surprised however when Kanna soon after seemed about to lift them both onto the floating air bed upon which she had been relaxing, Miss Marcello smirked at her lover’s startling show of strength and coordination, and ever more so as she felt their forms mix and mingle together in the aftermath of such a deed.
“Suppose we have had plenty of reason to work up a sweat of late, eh~?” Practically savouring the soaking she had been given with her swim now that she could feel that salty slickness share itself with the stunner with whom she now shared this rather close quarters ‘accommodation’, whilst better seeming to mix their forms atop their inflated rest the brunette bobbed her brow and noted how the strenuousness of their recent company had no doubt helped to better condition the coquette for such efforts, and smirked as she let her fingertips dance up the ribs of her dishy delight while clawing for the lips of the lass with her own to fully enjoy their reunion even after so brief an absence from each other…

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#9Kanna Kusanagi 

Sandy shores [Nikki/Kanna] Empty Tue Sep 24, 2024 1:15 pm

Kanna Kusanagi


"Yeeeeeah I guess hauling all that metal around counts as a good workout huh?", never missing the chance to show off for her woman, Kanna still felt thankful their inflatable raft was not only large enough to accomodate two people, but sufficiently stable not to easily topple over from that little pull...

And the result was well worth it as she soon had her sublime siren in her loving arms, the blonde rolled onto her back and draped her arms around Nikki's back, gliding up and down, tracing the curve of her spine as she felt her suppleness mesh oh so sensually with her own, the softness of her skin bringing a tingle to the base of her spine as her smile brightened immediately once she had Nikki in her arms:

"Mmmm, bet~... And we sure as hell ain't done either...~?", she replied as a slow, sultry little smooch, loving yet dripping with seduction as she finished with a purring little nibble of that plush, pillowy bottom lip, hooking a hand behind Nikki's neck as she indulged, "Mmmmmn~... If only a honeymoon could last forever... Being out here in this place, with you... Shit, that's everything a girl could want."


- Kanna Kusanagi

credit to nat of adoxography.


Sandy shores [Nikki/Kanna] Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 1:38 pm


WORDS: 290 | TOTAL: 1500 | Red Hot

“And here I was thinking it was allllll that endurance training we’d been doing~?” Even with her bout of vampirism behind her there seeming to be something about the scent of her beautiful bride that drove Nikki wild, the dark dish drunk in the aroma that this awing shape gave off as she squeezed their forms closer together, and giggled in a soft and breathy fashion as she teased the temptress on the rather strenuous manner in which they had been spending their little getaway in between the teasing little kisses which she gave to the lips of the lusciousness whom she loved.

“Not by a long shot, sweet cheeks~” Meanwhile keeping those hands busy and making sure to hook one of those perfectly tapered legs and wrap it around her hip, Miss Marcello found something sweet seeming to surge up her spine in a shudder as she felt her fellow femme groping at her behind, and returned such attention both verbally and physically by letting her fingers trace down the back of her woman’s thigh before rapping her rump with a teasing note of restraint.
“Heehee, ain’t like we got much to rush back to, eh? I say we make the most of the getaway…” Groping at that pert and perfect peach with a purr as she suckled on the pout of her partner fiercely, soon after the scarlet eyed stunner eased herself back with a playful little nip at her lovers lips before peeking up at that gorgeous green gaze and nibbling at the woman’s collar bone, affirming her intention of making sure she stretched their honeymoon for everything it was worth and feeling happy that they had food and company enough to sustain them a while longer yet…

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#11Kanna Kusanagi 

Sandy shores [Nikki/Kanna] Empty Sat Oct 19, 2024 11:18 am

Kanna Kusanagi


"Oh babe, I'd hardly call that training~... That was the real deal~...?", she purred as she smooched those soft, luscious lips, admiring the salty hint of seawater clinging to her woman's smooth skin as the ebb and flow of the waves rocked them into a lazy, relaxed lull, until the blonde wanted nothing more than to enjoy her lover's warmth, running her fingers through that wet hair, "Mmmm~... I almost wanna keep this bungalow as our secret getaway spot~? Just eat off the land and sea and live out here by ourselves~?"

Kanna dipped her hand in the water, a slow, gentle motion paddling them a bit closer to shore, just enough so the waves didn't carry them off completely. The currents here simply travelled around the island, so there wasn't any risk of them getting carried off to high seas... But at this rate... It might turn into a long walk home? Sure Kanna could always fly them back but... That would be cheating huh? Besides... Something about having Nikki all to herself in a mostly deserted islet... Felt like a dream come true:

"Yeeeeeah sounds about right~...? Mmmmmn~...", yet she could hardly focus on paddling with her beloved belle slowly kissing down from her lips, to her neck, making kanna's whole body shudder as her nails dug into her back, "Ffffuuuuuck babe~... At this rate we might just... Get carried off to the other end of the island."


- Kanna Kusanagi

credit to nat of adoxography.


Sandy shores [Nikki/Kanna] Empty Sun Oct 20, 2024 7:23 am


WORDS: 340 | TOTAL: 1840 | Red Hot

“Damn, battling dragons don’t got shit on my red hot waifu, huh~?” The scarlet eyed siren snickering as her beloved bride remarked on how their ‘exercise’ had been wholly practical and challenging in the time that they’d been away, Miss Marcello couldn’t help but grin as she talked of how no monster would test or impress her more than the vixenly Valkyrie which she had claimed as her own, and purred all the while as she reaped the rewards of their common victory by suckling upon those lovely lips and groping at the chest of her lover lustfully.

“Ahahaha, live here? Suppose it wouldn’t be so bad, fill the boat with booze every other month. Ain’t like there’s anyone back on the mainland I’d miss. Got everyone I need right here, eh~?” Such passion seeming to be interrupted however when Kanna suggested the idea of them making this seaside spot a more permanent getaway for them, while the dark dish initially seemed to chuckle at the notion of them becoming beach queens the memory of that country getaway seemed to still lurk within her mind, and the more that she thought about the idea the more she seemed to like it. Clearly there was a reason that the blonde was the brains of this particular operation, eh?

“Well shit babe, we got nowhere to be. Might as well get carried away, hm~?” All the while that want for her wife seeming to tickle both the back of her mind and more than a few places in her body as well, though the buxom brunette beamed as her woman cautioned her about how they might be prone to getting a bit lost if they allowed themselves to become too distracted by one another, as Nikki seemed to drift down to the chest of her lover and tug on the top of her fair femme to find something to snack upon she was hardly concerned about the problems of the future. After all, right now, all she wanted was right here, wrapped in her arms, right~?

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.

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