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Taking a cookie from a bear (Spies Like Us) <Closed>

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#1Thunder Clappy 

Taking a cookie from a bear (Spies Like Us) <Closed> Empty Today at 6:19 pm

Thunder Clappy
The humidity became more stifling as Thunder Clappy sauntered around the crowded line of smelly tourists waiting for their bags in Halawai. The good bags were always at the airship locations.

These haughty blue bloods smell worse than the time I found Mop full of sewer water. I should have brought him as a distraction. The laughs would definitely be worth the split.

As she arrived toward the front of the baggage claim Thunder Clappy seamlessly grabbed the two pieces of luggage, the smaller bag being brightly colored and covered in some kind of horse with a horn and the slightly larger one was similar to what the prim and proper ladies carried. The one thing the bags both had in common was matching luggage tags.

As soon as the bags were in tow Thunder Clappy walked with a purpose and found the closest bathroom to rummage through the bags. The easiest way to look like a tourist is to wear their clothes.

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