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Sylvia's Starter Spells

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#1Sylvia Fuyatsuki 

Sylvia's Starter Spells Empty Mon Aug 28, 2017 11:53 am

Sylvia Fuyatsuki
Sylvia's Starter Spells 2994253_1347049498285.0res_500_280

Name: Water-Make: Rosen Krone (Translation: Crown of Roses)
Rank: D
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Water-Maker Magic
Type: Offensive
Element: Water
Range: 5 Meters
Cooldown: 1 Post
Duration: Instant
Effect: The molding spell Rosen Krone is performed by curling your hand into a fist and putting your palm behind it. Then when you recite the incantation: “Water-Make, Rosen Krone!” many large roses with giant thorns attack the opponent. Piercing Damage. AoE=1 meter.

Sylvia's Starter Spells Latest?cb=20150103084935

Name: Water-Make: Zyklon (Translation: Cyclone)
Rank: D
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Water-Maker Magic
Type: Offensive
Element: Water-Maker Magic
Range: 5 Meters
Cooldown: 1 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: To perform the Zyklon spell, the user must thrust both open palms in front and reciting the chant, “Water-Make: Zyklone!” which will send a swirling tube of water (5cm by 5cm) towards your opponent causing a wave of force against them. Bludgeoning Damage

Sylvia's Starter Spells Latest?cb=20100426184540

Name: Water-Make: Mizu Suraisa (Translation: Water Slicer)
Rank: D
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Water-Maker Magic
Type: Offensive
Element: Water
Range: 5 Meters
Cooldown: 1 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: Casting the spell Mizu Suraisa requires the user to hold their arm out with an open palm, doing so would create a blue magic circle. The magic circle would produce 1 thin sharp blade, after that the user swipes their arm to the side and then the blade would fly through the sky like a boomerang and would disappear after the blade has made a full circle within 5 meters if it misses the attack. Blade is 2 foot long and 3 inches wide. Cutting Damage.

Sylvia's Starter Spells 250px-KataraOctopusForm%5B1%5D

Name: Water-Make: Umihebi (Translation: Sea Serpent)
Rank: D
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Water-Maker Magic
Type: Offensive
Element: Water
Range: 5 meters
Cooldown: 1 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: This spell is cast by the user holding their curled fist in their left hand, and then pushing their hands apart so that they are standing with their arms up on both sides. The user must recite “Umihebi!” to have a blue magic circle appear underneath the mage. From this magic circle, 4 serpent-like arms will grow out of the ground in a circle around the caster. The arms are long and they will attempt to swipe at nearby opponents, each arm dealing 1/4 of normal D-Rank damage. The user can only maintain this as long as they are inhaling. When the user exhales, the arms will lunge outwards hitting opponents in their path. This spell will leave the user slightly breathless after inhaling for as long as possible. All arms are 5ft tall and 10 inches thick. Cutting Damage

Sylvia's Starter Spells Water_phoenix_by_hbruton

Name: Water-Make: Mizu Taka (Translation: Water Hawk)
Rank: D
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Water-Maker Magic
Type: Offensive
Element: Water
Range: 3 Meters
Cooldown: 1 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: The caster must shoot their arms up in front of the creating an “X”. A hawk will appear from the shape when the user says, “Water-Make: Kori Taka!” The hawk will shoot out and fly towards the direction the mage is facing, upon impact the hawk will be smashed to waterdroplets that disappear when they touch an object or person.The hawk is 3feet wide and 1 foot long. (Tail is 2 feet) Cutting Damage.

Last edited by Sylvia Fuyatsuki on Sat Sep 16, 2017 10:41 am; edited 2 times in total

Sylvia's Starter Spells A3f1a910

Sylvia's Starter Spells Empty Wed Sep 13, 2017 7:56 am

Hello Sylvia,
I'll be your moderator.

  • Water-Make: Rosen Krone:
    Please specify what type of damage this (and all of your other spells) deal. You can find a list of them here. Also, this appears to be an AoE (area of effect) which covers a larger area, please specify how large it is (you can find info on that here). Please apply this to all of your other spells as well if necessary.

  • Water-Make: Zyklon:
    - Change the Range to 5m.
    - How large/wide is the "swirling tube of water"?
    - Specify what type of damage this deals
    - Remove this part: "attempting to push them into a wall"

  • Water-Make: Mizu Suraisa:
    - How big/long is each slice?
    - State that they travel within range
    - Specify what type of damage they deal (probably cutting)
    - Note that to deal D-rank damage, all three slices need to hit the target (to make this easier, you could only make this 1 slice instead of 3, that way 1 slice would deal D-rank damage and the damage wouldn't have to be split up)

  • Water-Make: Umihebi:
    - Change range to 5m
    - Specify the size and number of each arm
    - Note that only when all arms hit 1 target at once, D-rank damage is dealt
    - Specify what type of dmg this spell can deal

  • Water-Make: Mizu Taka:
    - Going to have to deny this spell, you can't regain Mana. So please change this spell (turn it offensive for example, don't forget to change the spell type to only "offensive" then)

Bump when changes are made.

Sylvia's Starter Spells LqKLdpe
#3Sylvia Fuyatsuki 

Sylvia's Starter Spells Empty Fri Sep 15, 2017 4:57 pm

Sylvia Fuyatsuki
b u mp

Sylvia's Starter Spells A3f1a910

Sylvia's Starter Spells Empty Sat Sep 16, 2017 4:21 am


  • Water-Make: Mizu Suraisa: Please mention that the water blade will disappear after hitting a target and only come full circle if it missed.
  • Water-Make: Umihebi: Please mention that every arm deals 1/4 D-rank damage.
  • Water-Make: Mizu Taka: Please take out that the hawk flies directly at the opponent, it flies towards one, straight direction instead. Also, freezing damage is only for Frost type moves so you will have to pick a different damage type please. Also mention how big the hawk is.

Bump when changes are made.

Sylvia's Starter Spells LqKLdpe
#5Sylvia Fuyatsuki 

Sylvia's Starter Spells Empty Sat Sep 16, 2017 10:41 am

Sylvia Fuyatsuki
b u mp

Sylvia's Starter Spells A3f1a910

Sylvia's Starter Spells Empty Sat Sep 16, 2017 11:43 am

These spells have been approved.

Sylvia's Starter Spells LqKLdpe

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