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Something Smells Fishy (Quest; Solo)

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Something Smells Fishy (Quest; Solo) Empty Sun Apr 12, 2020 12:13 pm


Noel Raion.

Mago Oscuro @ Advent World

During his third day in Astera, Noel was found at the pier once again. There was a certain pattern being played here. The male received a lot more recognition when he journeyed to the pier. People in Astera seemed to have recognized his powers somewhat - mysterious stories of a certain Advent World wizard had been passing around.

His pockets had been lined up with literal gold by now. But the fishmen truly felt they could trust Noel to solve their issues. And Noel truely enjoyed ever peso that entered his wallet. “Hey Noel” Strangers greeted him as he entered the pier. The master fisherman for the first time withdrew his bait from the water to properly face Noel. “Looking for trouble once again, I suppose?” Noel gestured with a head nod towards the man. “Yes, just like yesterday - and the day before. Though this may be the last time you will see me for quite a bit. So feel free to give me your most dangerous task.” Noel proposed to the master fis herman, who approved of the idea. “Very well. Give me a moment. I need to grab something from my shed.”

Fis Herman had a shed on the beach. Noel begun following the man. Some of his squires followed along, a large gap between them and Noel remained as he spoke to the fisherman. “So. What is the job about this time?” The fisherman grunted a little bit. “Well. Remember that Kraken you brought down? It apparently has an older sister” Noels facial expression changed to somewhat fake surprised. A fake double take followed along. “You don't say, huh? So what is it like and where is it exactly?” Noel asked as he crossed his arms. Fis Herman led him to his cabin and continued the conversation. “I'll show you, come in.” He pushed his door open and let the Advent World wizard in.

  • [RARE] Gust Gauntlet

  • [RARE] Great Warrior Helm

  • [RARE] Great Warrior Armor

  • [RARE] Raven Night Ring

  • [RARE] Stonerang

  • [LEGENDARY] Amulet of Magical Resistance

  • Spells
  • MANA : 4150/4150


  • None

  • Misc.
  • [UNCOMMON] Winged Lemur

  • [GUILD - ODIN] : S - ranked shield remaining

  • [TAROT - DEATH] : C - ranked phase remaining

  • 322 / 1875


    Fis Herman.

    Granted the greatest glory among fishers, Fis Herman is a master fish. Known specifically for his master bait. #ffcc99

    Status : Trusted client
    👊 strength.15
    🚅 speed.25
    🏃 endurance.5
    💖 constitution.25
    🎓 intelligence.55
    🎩 trick.master baiter

    Mer Maide.

    Chief protector of the sea, Mer portrays the role of Queen in a small mermaid covenant. Mer is a mermaid. #ccff66

    Status : Enemy
    👊 strength.70
    🚅 speed.100
    🏃 endurance.90
    💖 constitution.90
    🎓 intelligence.255
    🎩 trick.mermaid takeover


    Something Smells Fishy (Quest; Solo) Empty Sun Apr 12, 2020 4:01 pm


    Noel Raion.

    Mago Oscuro @ Advent World

    “For this venture, I shall join you.” Fis told Noel, who took a seat on one of the wooden chairs in his living room. Which also was his bathroom, his kitchen and his bedroom. He'd raise his brow a little. “A magician doesn't reveal his tricks to outsiders.” He'd say, to try to dissuade the fisherman from joining his venture, it'd just weigh him down. “I'm afraid I have no job for you then. What I was going to explain before you rudely interrupted me was that I only know the location when I see it. This one isn't as big as the others. It's much more delicate.” Noel squinted his eyes at the fisherman, testing if he was telling the truth or not. It seemed like he was. He'd sigh, twiddle with his thumbs. “People will blame me if something happens to you.” The fisherman chuckled. “If you're so great, can't you guarantee my safety from a distance? I didn't mean to involve myself in the extermination portion” Noel shrugged, he thought that was fair enough. If he could keep him out of sight of the creature, it wouldn't matter. “Ehh, fuck it. Sure. Going to need directions from the sound of it anyway.” Fis pulled out an old parcel from one of his old wooden drawers.

    He'd spread the parcel out over the table, revealing a naval map. Noel wasn't that much into nautical charts, he couldn't do much with the information that was presented to him. “Ehh, alright you do the navigating, captain. Do you have a tugboat ready to be used somewhere?” Noel asked the male fisherman, who nodded. “Hm, yes. Suppose our ship gets destroyed, I may have a tug boat that I have little emotional connection with.” Noel nodded approvingly. “Alright, let me gear up and then head out?” Fis nodded, the fisherman quickly gathered some tools he thought was useful while Noel put on his armor and was ready to depart.

  • [RARE] Gust Gauntlet

  • [RARE] Great Warrior Helm

  • [RARE] Great Warrior Armor

  • [RARE] Raven Night Ring

  • [RARE] Stonerang

  • [LEGENDARY] Amulet of Magical Resistance

  • Spells
  • MANA : 4150/4150


  • None

  • Misc.
  • [UNCOMMON] Winged Lemur

  • [GUILD - ODIN] : S - ranked shield remaining

  • [TAROT - DEATH] : C - ranked phase remaining

  • 322 + 336 = 658 / 1875



    Something Smells Fishy (Quest; Solo) Empty Sun Apr 12, 2020 4:33 pm


    Noel Raion.

    Mago Oscuro @ Advent World

    The duo eventually arrived at the tug boat. Noel took the position of the rower, he'd paddle the wooden sticks against the water to gain traction. Eventually they'd gain enough speed to depart from the coastline. Fis intently studied his map, holding up multiple devices to measure their direction. Noel followed his directions, until they eventually approached a shrouded mysterious cove quite a distance away from the coast line. “Hmm, no it wasn't this one.” Noel heard some shrieking from the inside of said cove, but decided to skip it due to Fis' instinct telling him this wasn't the right one.

    He kept on paddling further down east. A formation of symbolic rocks led up to the coven. “This is the one, I'm sure of it. I-i'll just stay in my boat.” Even the fisherman could feel the wicked aura around the entrance of the cove. It kept lower ranked adventurers out. “Alright, sit tight. I'll be back in a yiffy with it's head.” Noel stood up, withdrawing the paddle and putting them on the middle of the boat. He put his boot on top of the edge of the boat, staring into the deep dark water. He'd jump from the boat onto the rocky formation, regaining his balance on top of one of the rocks. He'd skip towards the cove and enter the shrouded mystery with both hands raised. Through the echoes of the cove, he could hear some kind of classical music being played. It didn't frighten him, he enjoyed fighting with a good tune on the background. It did suck getting your ass beat on a good tune though. What was different from the last cove was that there were no lowly ranked minions around. Noel did slightly worry if the fisherman would be fine outside. He'd roll his sleeves up a little bit and proceed further into the cove.

  • [RARE] Gust Gauntlet

  • [RARE] Great Warrior Helm

  • [RARE] Great Warrior Armor

  • [RARE] Raven Night Ring

  • [RARE] Stonerang

  • [LEGENDARY] Amulet of Magical Resistance

  • Spells
  • MANA : 4150/4150


  • None

  • Misc.
  • [UNCOMMON] Winged Lemur

  • [GUILD - ODIN] : S - ranked shield remaining

  • [TAROT - DEATH] : C - ranked phase remaining

  • 658 + 317 = 975 / 1875



    Something Smells Fishy (Quest; Solo) Empty Sun Apr 12, 2020 5:00 pm


    Noel Raion.

    Mago Oscuro @ Advent World

    A shallow voice came echoing out from the back of the coven. “Who goes there?” A somewhat feminine voice. Noel felt like a stripper jumping out of a birthday cake at that moment, as he entered a very large open room with a red mermaid sitting atop of a throne like sculpture. “Sorry, not in the talking mood darling.” Noel said in response, readying his hands to fire of spells at the mermaid. He knew better than to have long conversations with his opponents. The male clapped his hands and moved backwards from the center of the open room. A distance of ten meters separated between himself and the mermaid. A gigantic large magic circle appeared outwards of Noel, his feet a few inches off the start of the circle. As his clap came to be completed, a shroud of white energy surrounded the area from the ground upwards to the ceiling, applying heavy damage to the mermaid who became enraged after the spell had been activated.

    “GRAAAGRH YOU LITTLE SHIT” Noel could hear its voice transform from a somewhat angelic one to a very demonic one. Effectively most of her physical capabilities were unlocked and enhanced to their next rank. Noel wasn't going to let this opportunity slide, so he activated his next spell as the enraged mermaid began charging at him. “KAMEHAMEHA!” He'd yell at the mighty beast, who used some kind of trident like weapon to cut through his spell, incinerating her spear in the process. Noel moved backwards in unison with the mermaid lunging in towards him. He'd activate his flight spell, making him levitate off the ground as he darted around the room - dodging several clay pillars as the mermaid began conjuring up more self buffs. It seems like Noel was getting caught in a tight position, the mermaid somewhat tried cornering him in the vast open room, and lunged out from the water going with subsonic speeds with her nails pointed at Noel. Her fist impacted his armor, instantly shattering it. Noel followed up with a mighty punch against her face, knocking her away and into the water as he increased the height of his flight.

  • [RARE] Gust Gauntlet

  • [RARE] Great Warrior Helm

  • [RARE] Great Warrior Armor (broken)

  • [RARE] Raven Night Ring

  • [RARE] Stonerang

  • [LEGENDARY] Amulet of Magical Resistance

  • Spells

  • Fight or Flight -200
  • Halt Hammerzeit -500
  • Kamehameha -200

  • Misc.
  • [UNCOMMON] Winged Lemur

  • [GUILD - ODIN] : S - ranked shield remaining

  • [TAROT - DEATH] : C - ranked phase remaining

  • 975 + 365 = 1340 / 1875



    Something Smells Fishy (Quest; Solo) Empty Sun Apr 12, 2020 5:12 pm


    Noel Raion.

    Mago Oscuro @ Advent World

    Jet came out from Noels shoulder, flying off to the ground to find a safe space for he knew this fight was going to drag out quite a while. Noel concentrated on the task at hand, carefully tracking the movement of the mermaid with his perception as he couldn't see her for a moment. She'd have gone into the water, encircling Noel in the deep cloudy water as he looked around him frantically trying to guess its next move.

    Noel raised both of his hands for a split moment, activating Wingardium Leviosa as he summoned four razor sharp rocks to his orbit of ten meters. When the mermaid left the water to lunge onto Noel in the air again, he'd use two of the stones to block her path - giving the objects of his desire direction by using his hands. This time he had reacted better than previously, but regardless the Mermaid powered through, suffering some damage from his spell as she connected another hit onto his torso, breaking his spell shield and injuring him somewhat in the process. Noel responded by punching the mermaid in the face using his gauntlet covered fist. This time, he didn't opt to knock her back into the water - so he lined his strike up somewhat horizontally, allowing for a second strike to follow up before the mermaid dropped to the water once more. Noel was panting, putting one hand on the injury that had been caused he'd gather his strength in both arms again as he concentrated at the water around him. The mermaid came out one final time at her maximum speed, thrusting onto Noel from his back this time. She'd have barely missed the point of contact, as one of the stones from his spell pushed her out of the way. Exposing her to Noels fist, he once again punched her with all his might two times, killing the mermaid and knocking its head off its shoulders.

  • [RARE] Gust Gauntlet

  • [RARE] Great Warrior Helm

  • [RARE] Great Warrior Armor (broken)

  • [RARE] Raven Night Ring

  • [RARE] Stonerang

  • [LEGENDARY] Amulet of Magical Resistance

  • Spells

  • Fight or Flight -200 (sustain)
  • Wingardium Leviosa -200

  • Misc.
  • [UNCOMMON] Winged Lemur

  • [GUILD - ODIN] : No ranked shield remaining

  • [TAROT - DEATH] : C - ranked phase remaining

  • 1340 + 326 = 1666 / 1875



    Something Smells Fishy (Quest; Solo) Empty Sun Apr 12, 2020 5:36 pm


    Noel Raion.

    Mago Oscuro @ Advent World

    Noel begun levitating the head of the mermaid by the use of his magic, he'd leave the cove slightly injured. He'd pull off his helmet, as he exited the cove. Following the rock formation, he'd skip between some stones hopping from one to the other to meet Fis back at the boat. Upon arrival of said boat, Fis appeared to be sleeping. Noel jumped into the boat and tapped him, causing him to push him over and reveal his grave injury. It looked like a gigantic shark bite. “Nani? Kuso kurae kusottare kisama temae!” Noel cursed, obviously angered. This was his fault, and he realized that. He never should have left him to his own devices here. Noel gently picked Fis up, trying to straighten him. It was obvious to him that he had already passed. Noel saw the glinting of jewels in his pocket though.

    It felt morally wrong to take the jewels - but he did do his job. He'd ponder for a moment, but eventually deciding to take the cash. He'd levitate the fisherman and the head of the mermaid back to the pier, using his flight skill to propel himself back to the coast. Once he was hovering above the pier, he'd slowly descend and lower the fishermans body onto the pier. He'd tell a lie. “Fis has fallen in battle, I'm sad to announce. He landed a critical hit upon the wicked mermaid, that dominated the eastern sector. Let us all remember him now, and forever after.” The squires were incredibly sad, and covered the body of their master. They'd surely send him off properly. Noel, feeling like his soul had been torn out of him, left the pier feeling saddened by the results. Just when he thought he was doing the right things in life, he'd slip in a failure like that. This wasn't a mistake he could afford to make again.  

  • [RARE] Gust Gauntlet

  • [RARE] Great Warrior Helm

  • [RARE] Great Warrior Armor (broken)

  • [RARE] Raven Night Ring

  • [RARE] Stonerang

  • [LEGENDARY] Amulet of Magical Resistance

  • Spells

  • Fight or Flight -200 (sustain)
  • Wingardium Leviosa -200 (sustain)

  • Misc.
  • [UNCOMMON] Winged Lemur

  • [GUILD - ODIN] : No ranked shield remaining

  • [TAROT - DEATH] : C - ranked phase remaining

  • 1666 + 319 = 1985 / 1875



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