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Pest control [Reputation]

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Pest control [Reputation] Empty Thu Apr 30, 2020 8:38 pm


Gazing at the sky she wasn't sure about where or why she was where she was at. The sky was rather blue and beautiful with the birds in the sky and insects roaming about. Sadly, she could not enjoy nature as much as she used to due to the fact that she was still a Nephilim. A gift from every god, but a curse to her. It felt like she had to be good for now or else she will be forsaken. Kurisa will have to find a way to escape and find immortality without the 'gods' help. It seemed almost futile.

Her beautiful hair was spreading out against the grass as she laid there defenseless. The color of her indigo hair shined like the sky with sparkles. Her eyes cornered to see Omen leaning against a tree, eyes closed as if he fell asleep in that stance. They had things to do, but alas they wanted to enjoy nature as much as they could. She feels like she knows him from somewhere, but she didn't know exactly from where. It was like a curse. This memory, these feelings, and the way she is in general. She has always had a feeling that Arisa, Kailette had the potential to help her find her end goal.

Happiness and immortality.

Those goals were really common from when she lived her first life. They sacrificed animals, people, and even their precious belongings to receive them, but no one got even close to it. The closest person to receive it was


Kuri opened her eyes to gaze at Omen still who then looked at her. Something within her felt flustered for some reason. Looking away she closed her eyes half-way to distance their gaze. It was a really unsure feeling as she was not quite sure if this was a good feeling or bad.



Pest control [Reputation] Empty Thu Apr 30, 2020 8:38 pm


"Need something?" He questioned coldly as he hmph'd quietly and still had his gaze towards her. She sighed and sat up as she looked back at him. ''You remind me of someone and not sure why." She spoke worryingly. The images popped up as she thought of the things she has dreamed about. There was a beautiful garden full of mainly white flowers as the moonlit up the place with the tint of blue. A pretty lake was close by and there she was in a dress of white and pink. Her hair wasn't blonde though, it was another - she couldn't see the color of her hair besides perhaps a tint of silver.

Her body hit against a birdbath made of white marble with swirls of silver. Kuri's soft hands clenched against it as her body had nowhere to go. It was as if she was being trapped, but by who or what? She woke up before she could find out as she decided to get up. "We should go find food now before we do any missions today," Kurisa instructed before leaving the peaceful unknown area she was resting at. The area smelt like dew in the morning as the snow already melted to its' fullest. The trees were already growing flowers and the smell could be smelt far away. Orchidia was well known for the nature it had to offer, but to her, Orchidia was a darkened place she just wanted to stay away from. Although that was true, she had to come here for the merchant who turned out he didn't have many things for her.

Sure enough, some people found him most likely and bought all the useful stuff. She had to become stronger though, as she thought while walking passed the hill she had a camping trip with him. That location delt many memories. One's she wishes she could forget. Poor Arisa.



Pest control [Reputation] Sigme10

Pest control [Reputation] Empty Thu Apr 30, 2020 8:39 pm


She smelt the flames of the campfire and could taste the booze as her heart started to ache. Swiftly, she grasped her chest and started heavy breathing. ''What is it?" He leaned downward to meet eye to eye. It didn't help as she felt it even more due to the fact that these unknown feelings knew something else as well. His eyes were beautiful as if she was in a pool of honey and gold. She could just pluck them and keep them to gaze at forever, but those days were over right?

Her eyes looked forward and stood up straight again to try to calm down her heart. These people will be the ruin of her. These 'men' as she hasn't came crossed any female who has ruined her life yet.


''Sorry.. for slowing us do-" she was about to finish in her breathy tone till she felt arms picking her up. He picked her up bridal style as he carried her to the town. This felt familiar to Arisa as she remembered her being carried by 'him' back to camp after almost being kidnapped. 'What happened to him to make him hate me...?' Arisa wasn't sure and wanted to know why, but apart of her didn't care and just wanted to destroy him. Her heartfelt very conflicted as she couldn't even think of the other. Arisa knew the other most likely moved on, found another woman easily. If he was happy then she didn't care as she would be happy for him. The children they made just wouldn't exist in his life if he even cared for the matter. It was like it was as things will always happen, better or for worse.

There was nothing she could really do about someone else other than herself at this point. She controlled no one but herself and at this moment she should most likely just think

about herself.



Pest control [Reputation] Sigme10

Pest control [Reputation] Empty Thu Apr 30, 2020 8:40 pm


The aroma of flowers and man could be smelled with her keen nose. He felt warm against her cheeks as it rested against his covered bare chest. Her eyes closed while her heart was calming down finally with his help. Her head was still a rollercoaster as she couldn't stop thinking about all the things that have been bothering her. It was non-stopping propaganda. The fact that all these things keep happening to her in every life was a curse or to some, astonishing. Her eyes opened once more to see the town as they were slowly going through the food market. "Do you see anything you like?" He wondered and spoke to her as he would towards a child he was carrying on his back.

For this once she didn't mind as she felt like she was mentally going to go insane at any point. She didn't want to do this anymore. The experimenting, but she knew she had to keep on going till she found out the last bit of information she could - if there was any to be found at least. She knew she couldn't use Arisa's children for this or so she was thinking. She was losing everything; her lover she lost, her best and the only friend she's losing and her mind which was mostly gone before this life even begun. Her lilac eyes opened like beautiful jewels to reflect the people and their market.

"Anything is fine by me..." She spoke weakly as she sheepishly rested against him. She felt like she had no energy as this was straining her mentally - all the energy she had from since she first woke up on this very day. Arisa wondered how her children were as they were all she had from her life, before she and Kuri took the woman known as Revana's life.



Pest control [Reputation] Sigme10

Pest control [Reputation] Empty Thu Apr 30, 2020 9:34 pm


She opened her eyes enough to see where Omen's eyes were laid upon. He looked towards every food place as if he too was being indecisive. Kurisa felt like she should probably try to just forget like she forgets everything else from her past lives. There wasn't much she could do as she just couldn't stop.

Couldn't stop as it kept repeating.

Repeating, repeating as the record goes round and round for eternity.

She smelled the food that made a pain in her stomach turn. It was like someone palmed into the pit of her stomach, clenched it, and turned it like some knob. Her head started to heat up as she curled up more. He gazed towards a sandwich place that sounded good, but he decided to then turn towards the place with Fiorian food like no other. "Wa-wait, not there. Maybe some other night. We should eat something light or close to it." Kurisa spoke and motioned to get out of his comfortable arms. He lowkey didn't want to let her go and she didn't want to go either as Kuri felt so peaceful in his arms aside from the earlier thoughts.

The sandwich place was open and sounded good so they went inside to order something. Once inside the doorbell dinged to let them know someone came in. They waved towards them making her move forward towards the showcase of options. What sounded good to her for this day? Her stomach growled at the thought of chicken. "I'll have the Monte bread." She first instructed. "Alright, now what else would you like?" he questioned her. "Grilled chicken, teriyaki sauce, jalapenos, onions, pepper jack cheese, sweet onion sauce and then grill it please.~" She instructed in one go. He nodded and put it all together. She smelled the cheese melting as she could imagine eating it.



Pest control [Reputation] Sigme10

Pest control [Reputation] Empty Thu Apr 30, 2020 10:01 pm


She watched him wait for the timer, but her eyes then gazed at Omen, ''Are you getting something?". His eyes gazed towards her and then the options as if he has never been to one of these. "Do I just pick what I want?". She wondered if perhaps she should just give him a menu. "You pick what you want and they will put it all on some bread. The cost will depend on what you get and how much of it." She spoke happily with her finger pointing up. He sighed as if it was simple enough, but still a bother.

He pointed out most of the meat, some lettuce, onions, tomatoes, and peppers. He got a few pieces of cheese as well. It was pretty stacked as the man had a hard time putting it in the mini oven. It smelled really good to her though. After they were done, they got a bottle of clean freshwater and left. "We should sit somewhere and eat instead of going to the client right away." For some reason, she wanted to just sit and talk with him besides always being on the go. It was resting, missions, and eating on the go. There was nothing much in-between besides the first day he showed up to her hotel suite.

"Let's find a place then.". He calmly spoke in his cold tone as they walked together. She cornered her eyes as she compared their heights. He was super tall compared to her. She was at least 6ft and he seemed to be one-third taller than her. Finally, some glass tables with comfortable chairs were outside against a building that belonged to a cafe. She remembered her cafe, but what happened to it was in the air. Sold, on fire, just ram-sacked it was questionable, but she couldn't do anything about it.



Pest control [Reputation] Sigme10

Pest control [Reputation] Empty Thu Apr 30, 2020 10:28 pm


The cushion was comfortable enough for her assets to enjoy sitting. It was a beautiful day out and now she was eating with someone that may turn out to be her friend, but why was her heart fighting that thought? She unwrapped her sandwich and started to eat it as he too was eating his. She enjoyed the savory taste of the sweet onion sauce and Teriyaki sauce mixing up with the onions, chicken and jalapenos. It was like a match made in heaven if there ever was one. The fact that the cheese was melted with the chicken also made it a hundred times better.

It took about an hour for them to eat, relax and then drank some water. She knew that if she went off to do some mission right after eating a full sandwich, she was going to get sick. She wondered if the mission was going to be simple or just another killing spree. Slowly, she stood up and walked towards him. ''Ready?" He asked as he looked into her lilac-colored eyes. Her beautiful lips of glossed pink smiled as small as she could without looking unhappy. "Yeah, we can go now.". Finally, they went towards the client's meeting destination.

Omen and Kurisa silently walked together towards him as he was sitting in his rich fancy yard with a closed gate. "Do we have to." She spoke with disgust. He looked like those types of people that buy's people to have them do all the word for him with him getting all the credit. 'Yes." He answered simply, but not without a hint of the displeasure of also having to do it. They walked towards the gate to wait for him to finally notice. Once he did he ordered a butler to open the gate, but they didn't get far.



Pest control [Reputation] Sigme10

Pest control [Reputation] Empty Thu Apr 30, 2020 10:29 pm


"It seems you have arrived." The butler said and looked at his watch with a snooty look. The nose was up and eyes looking down. "On time.". His mustache twinkled and then looked straight at them after putting his scrawny arms down. "Here's the address. Take care of the rats and make sure to get rid of the disgusting critters. His words." He told them and closed the gate in their face. "Ugh..." She glared and turned away. "Let us just go and get this done.". Kurisa told Omen. They went there silently as she looked for the address of the abandoned house.

The place looked new, but the yard looked like it was untreated, left to rot. Reminds her of herself. They went toward the house and opened the door. "You go topside and I'll go the first floor.". He nodded and left. She wandered her beautiful big lilac eyes as she looked for any disgusting rats. She didn't see any till she got to the obvious place.

The Kitchen.

She kicked it and drowned it in water. She sighed softly till she heard scratching from afar. "What is..." She wondered and walked towards the door that seemed suspicious. Opening it slowly it revealed stairs that lead to the basement. "A basement? Typical as the kitchen.". Her eyes rolled and wanted to comb her hair with her fingers, but she felt dirty thinking about it. The fact that these rats have been living here and carried different infections she didn't want to touch any part of her body with these hands for now. She went downstairs slowly and looked around to see a large hole that leads to the sewers. "Mmm, must be where they're all hiding now." She believed. Going in she ended up finding the largest rat who seemed to be the leader. "You met your worse nightmare. Lemme just tell you.". She told them as she pointed towards them. A huge wave collided towards them, killing them. Once that was over she collected what was stolen and gave it back to the fat-rich man.




Pest control [Reputation] Sigme10

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