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Rune Knight Mentorship 1 [Tempris/Shichiro]

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Rune Knight Mentorship 1 [Tempris/Shichiro] Empty Sun Apr 25, 2021 9:57 pm


Rune Knight Mentorship 1 [Tempris/Shichiro] Npc_sd14

"One warm milk please"
Tempris crawled onto a high stool for one of the few open tables in the pub. The place was not exactly full but she was not okay with sitting with her superior that the bar. She wanted the option to be able to look him in the eye. She wanted him to see her efforts through. She was not weak. She did not deserve to be an errand girl. She was Tempris Ashflare, the holy child. She was chosen by Illumin. Should the chosen one have to go around and buy designer clothes for heretics with more money to burn than sinners on this planet.

A bartender slid the glass onto the small table. Tempris sipped on the glass and thought about her letter. She spent all night working on the note using all her best hand writing and different points. While she really want to brag about being the best, she knew she didn't have any provable feats. Plus if he was a dirty heretic, saying I'm an important religious figure would not get her good light. The letter basically asked if they could discuss what she could do to better improve her standing in the knights. Only question now was if the knights would help her out.

Last edited by Tempris on Mon Apr 26, 2021 11:21 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added colors)

Rune Knight Mentorship 1 [Tempris/Shichiro] Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Rune Knight Mentorship 1 [Tempris/Shichiro] Empty Mon Apr 26, 2021 9:37 pm

Entering the bar, Shichiro had made plans today. He was going to meet up with a fellow Rune Knight that recently joined the faction. As he was the appropriate rank, it was only natural he was the one sent to deal with the newcomer and show the ropes of the operation. He couldn't say he was too thrilled about the idea as the last person he was somewhat in charge of was a weirdo who had a 'handler'. Hoping this new person wasn't anything like that last, Shichiro turned his head from left to right, checking out the area in which he would be able to find the knight in question. Currently, the dark skinned man's attire consisted of him wearing his yellow button down shirt, navy blue plants and comfortable black shoes. He also wore his Jaan earrings and Wolf King Helmet as he felt most comfortable with his gear on him at all times. He never knew when he may need to apprehend somebody, not that anything significant was going on. The bar was significantly empty at this time of day so he didn't really need to put in too much effort to find his client. There, sitting on a high stool a small girl had stuck out to him.

Staring blankly, he couldn't believe that he was suppose to instruct this small child in the way of how things were handled in this faction. The Knights must be getting desperate. Still, it was currently his task at hand to instruct this persomn and so, that's what he'll do. Walking over towards her, he made himself comfortable on a stool next to her, staring at her before making absolutely sure this was the person he was suppose to be meeting. "Yo, are you, Tempris Ashfire," Shichiro inquired a bit concerned at the situation at hand. He hoped it was the wrong person but he was also positive he hadn't made a mistake.


Rune Knight Mentorship 1 [Tempris/Shichiro] Empty Mon Apr 26, 2021 11:21 pm


Tempris was unsure how to feel when her superior walked in. She never met Captain Uchida before. He was the Pack leader of the Rune Knights. He was a well known man which meant he was probably feared. She couldn't say she looked up to him but she had no reason to think him different than any other sinner. She suppose she should smile but he was probably one of the ones giving her these remedial task. So she couldn't bring herself to spare such a nicety. If smiling and looking cute was going to get her what she wanted, she would be burning heretic's instead of drinking with an superior. She took a glup of her milk, unsure if she would get the chance again once he came over to her.

"Y-Yes sir. Page Tempris Ashflare."
The way he looked at her made her boil inside. He saw her as someone different, not normal. She assumed that he viewed her as weaker. Sure she was weaker than him, but she was not weak. She couldn't accept that label.
"Captain, what's wrong? Is there something veil?"

Tempris had on her signature white veil with gold cloth over her forehead, a dark red cloak, her pendant on a gold chain hang over her red dress, and brown strapped boots.

Rune Knight Mentorship 1 [Tempris/Shichiro] Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Rune Knight Mentorship 1 [Tempris/Shichiro] Empty Tue Apr 27, 2021 11:30 pm

Well, this was quite the surprise. This small child was indeed the Rune Knight in question he was suppose to meet. he didn't do well with children as he tends to be quite harsh even without really meaning it. Feels like all of this was happening so fast going from a bandit, to a member of a respected guild, to a mercenary, to a rune knight errand boy and now, a rune knight babysitter. Shichiro let out a sigh when the girl asked him if anything was wrong before assuring her nothing was wrong, even if that wasn't quite the truth. He'd then turn his attention to a nearby bartender, calling them over to his location in an attempt to make an order of some kind. A light alcoholic beverage that would make him feel nice but not get him drunk would do for him as he was technically on business. "Well, I'm Shichiro Uchida, you can call me Uchida for short. And drop the 'Captain' title while we're in private, it feels too, formal. Only in public or while we're near other knights, should you call me that since it's considered 'mandatory'," Shichiro had said.


Rune Knight Mentorship 1 [Tempris/Shichiro] Empty Wed Apr 28, 2021 4:20 am


Tempris took another sip of her drink, unsure what was the cause of her Captain's looks. To think she would be forced to care about the how a sinner felt about her. He should the purge for such an act. If only she was stronger like him. Then maybe she could be feared, just like him.

It would take a bit but the Captain did eventually seem to ease up. He ordered one of those adult drinks, maybe the one she was force to drink because of that woman. Her body twitched just remembering the whole ordeal. It was probably best not to share such an experience. Still, she did wish she had the strength to be able to handle such things, if not to blend in with more with people. Only then could she better complete her goals and not get caught out so easily like before.

"Yes sir... I mean umm Uchida." It was weird but now was not the time for it. Now was the time for action. Tempris need his support in getting approved to do better assignments. She needed to stay on that. She picked up her glass, swirling what little milk she had in there. It was cold now, forsaken from Illumin.
"Uchida. Is there anything I can to prove I'm strong enough for better assignments?"

Rune Knight Mentorship 1 [Tempris/Shichiro] Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Rune Knight Mentorship 1 [Tempris/Shichiro] Empty Fri Apr 30, 2021 12:24 am

After telling Tempris his preferences for the way he'd like to be addressed, he gave another sigh. Afterwards, his drink had been delivered to him which made his mood perk up a bit. Nodding to the bartender, he took his drink into his right hand, bringing the glass to his lips in order to take a small sip. He wasn't entirely sure how it would taste as this was his first time ordering this particular brew and didn't want to be bombarded by an unfamiliar taste too soon. He did order a light alcoholic beverage but he found out that 'light' tends to differ from place to place very quickly while he was a sellsword. After finishing his first sip, the girl seems to have agreed to his terms for their meetings. After that, Shichiro took another sip while she inquired about another question of hers. She had asked him what she could do in order to take on the higher ranking requests of the Rune Knights. Putting the glass down, he decided to give her the simple answer.

"That's easy, you have to show you can complete the little tasks first before you can take on the bigger ones. You know, working your way up the normal way. Unfortunately, there's no shortcuts. Everybody wants to take on the more important jobs without displaying their power, some even get the opportunity to do so but find out they buckle under the slightest bit of real pressure. Most of the time, its fine and they could back out. Other times, many aren't so lucky when they find themselves in particularly dangerous situations. Dangerous creatures, hostile criminals, virulent gangs, there's no backing out of those assignments once you start and are in their sights. Do yourself a favor and start small and easy. Once you show what you can handle, maybe I'll take you on the more serious missions and requests but for now, I guess I'll show you the ropes,"
Shichiro said, giving a long lecture without meaning too.


Rune Knight Mentorship 1 [Tempris/Shichiro] Empty Fri Apr 30, 2021 3:06 am


Tempris watched as the man took a sip of his drink. She could not understand why the adults enjoyed drinking that stuff. She would just stick with her milk. She would request another glass milk. Then the man started his speech. It was a very long speech and most of it was not of use. In fact, all was just basically, "do it the normal way. Do it right." Tempris lowered her head, and twiddled her thumbs. Not only did she feel like a child. She really hoped there was something, anything she could do to change her own time frame. However, there seemed to be a brighter point. The man was willing to at least show her something.
"Yes Yes. That would be great."

Color came back to Tempris's face as she now had an opportunity to see a much more trained knight in action. She was sure that if she paid attention to everything he did, she would be able to pick up on some trick. Only she was not sure what he would do. "Uchida, um what will we do first? Will we sword fight? Will we test magic? Oh, maybe I can watch you catch criminals!"

Rune Knight Mentorship 1 [Tempris/Shichiro] Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Rune Knight Mentorship 1 [Tempris/Shichiro] Empty Sat May 01, 2021 8:34 pm

After giving the unintended lecture, Shichiro reached for his glass once again and placed it at his lips, taking a bigger gulp than last time. He was sure he enjoyed the taste of this new beverage of his so he figured it was safe for him to take larger gulps. Pondering on her question, Shichiro hadn't come up with what kind of activity he should do with the new knight. Unfortunately for the both of them, his magic had been going through some changes ever since he became a werewolf and couldn't mold his magic as well as he used too. On top of that, he didn't have a sufficient weapon for 'sword fighting'. All he had was a gauntlet and his head piece which is normally all he needs in most combat situations. he then decided, it would be best if he just lets the newbie give him some kind of idea of what they should do. "Well, I'll be honest, I don't have any one particular activity in mind so instead of picking one at random, I'll let you choose what activity we should do. Whether we spar or we go and take on a request, it's up to you," Shichiro had said a bit lazily. He wasn't completely into this idea but here they are discussing it anyway.


Rune Knight Mentorship 1 [Tempris/Shichiro] Empty Sat May 01, 2021 10:13 pm


Of course, the man didn't have an idea what to do. He was a sinner who didn't believe in her. It was just like the other knights. They don't believe in her strength. However there is nothing she can do about it. This meeting was pointless. Her eyes fell to the new glass of milk in front of her. It was the only think she could count on. She picked it up and slowly drank till it was half empty.

"I have to think about it. Next time we meet sir, I'll have my answer."

Tempris looked up at the man and attempted to smile but it was weak. She didn't believe it. She didn't want to believe it. She picked up her glass and finished the rest of the milk. It was growing cold. Then she wiped her face and slide off the stool. It was time to go. There was probably some errand she could be an errand girl for. Maybe that stupid designer need help. He was always wasting her time. At least she got paid for it though.

"Thank you for your time Uchida. I will continue to do what I can." With that, Tempris stepped out.


Rune Knight Mentorship 1 [Tempris/Shichiro] Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Rune Knight Mentorship 1 [Tempris/Shichiro] Empty Tue May 04, 2021 4:12 pm

The small child seems to not have a clue as to what they should do either, as expected. This was all thrust onto him so fast so he wasn't exactly the model teacher type. He figured if he encounters her again a second time, he'll probably have some kind of activity for them to do. He was quite fond of just doing raids and bounty hunting but that wasn't exactly what he could do for a fresh face in the Rune Knights guild. When the girl responded, he just gave her a simple nod to her response of thinking about what she may or may not want to know about it for the future. She gave him a smile but Shichiro didn't return it as he wasn't exactly the friendliest person upon first meetings. Thanking him for his time, the Small girl had gotten up and made her exit. After she left, Shichiro finished his drink as he remained by the bar, ordering a refill of the beverage he just consumed. He quite enjoyed the taste but besides the point, he couldn't Shake off the feeling that Tempris girl had a few screws loose. Well, only time would tell as Shichiro sipped his beverage to the last drop, paying his tab and then heading out of the establishment himself.


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