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The Oath of Life - Travelling to a New Land

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The Oath of Life -  Travelling to a New Land Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 6:54 am


The Oath of Life -

Travelling to a New Land

Hirota still held firm control of Kon’s mechanical body and had taken great steps to ensure that she maintained it. Within his minds of mind, Kon's psyche has been figuratively chained up and buried deep, deep within Hirota’s self-consciousness. While otherwise undetectable on the outside, Hirota was able to pick at various parts of his mind to hide the truth, but just as she did to his, Kon was gnawing away at the bindings that held him within the darkness, the nothingness. Over time he might be able to talk and regain control if he was careful and ensured that Hirota didn’t send him to a completely dark void, where nothing could escape. For now, though, utter domination of his body seemed to be the least of her concerns, instead, they were using it to live life to the fullest, perhaps in their time, such extraordinary experiences weren’t as commonplace. This obstacle to escaping the mental prison that had encased him so thoroughly would be full of dangers many of which included just simply retaining his sanity. His memories had been damaged so many times whether it was after being tortured years ago or during his transition into a machine. He hoped that Hirota, the spirit whose name he gleaned in an afterthought would not destroy what little remained.



The Oath of Life -  Travelling to a New Land Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 6:54 am


So far he could feel his mechanical body having put on the equivalent of ten kilograms in the span of a few weeks as a result of their eccentric desires and wants to consume everything from all the cultures across the continent. His body was never meant to digest any substantial portions with eating being seen as a social issue rather than to survive. Their desire to experience new and unusual things went beyond the culinary realms, with them partaking in various fairs and festivals even presented as Kon in his full Rune Knight attire. Perhaps done out of pure innocence or more than likely at least how he felt was, that it was done to spite Kon, why he didn’t know, but people just tended to hate him regardless of any relationship between them. These activities encouraged all manner of filth to layer upon his otherwise well cared for uniform and it was only through constant prying that he was able to persuade Hirota to cease them and change. A shower would be in due course as well, he might be a man made of metal and wires, but it didn’t mean smells couldn’t fester from all the caked-on mud. These were the few times in which Hirota took hold of her true form within the capital, replacing their shared metal body with that of a Sinese well-endowed blemishless figure.



The Oath of Life -  Travelling to a New Land Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 6:56 am


While they did don more casual clothes, their ambitions for adventure only seemed to be enflamed when Hirota spotted the great map of Earthland denoting all of the various countries including her own, Sin. That inescapable feeling of being homesick resonated within their shared mind of mind, sensed even by Kon allowing him to latch onto another loose thread that would ensure his freedom and later regain control of his body once more. This longing only continued to worsen with each day that they remained within Fiore, the cultural differences only reinforcing how much of an outsider Hirota was even in Kon’s body. All too frequently would Rune Knight members stop and pause for a moment at unusual phrases or changes in accents that she shifted into. With each passing day, rumours of Kon being a doppelganger were becoming all too common. The reality wasn’t too far from the truth from a certain point of view, he no longer controlled his body, thus someone else was there in his place.



The Oath of Life -  Travelling to a New Land Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 6:56 am


To ward away these beliefs, Hirota prepared a solo excursion across the continent finishing at Sin, both to remove prying eyes from uncovering the truth that lurking within their body and to see what had become of their homeland. The journey would be filled with lots of twists and turns that went against everything he did, where he would typically rely upon the use of their skeleton key, an item that he had possessed for several years that proved mostly dependable save for the odd instance of interference. Rolling around maddened at the thought of wasted time travelling by a steed that he no longer knew, Kon resigned himself to looking onwards as Hirota took the reins of both beast and his body to venture out to trek from the Fiorian capital to the border of Bosco. A journey that had become increasingly risky in these dark times, rumours of a weakened leadership had worsened crime with highwaymen littering even the most populated streets, hoping to use their newfound magical abilities given to them by unknown beings for their purposes. These reports hurt Kon’s ego more than he cared to admit, being possessed by Hirota had taken a substantial toll on his abilities to lead with her frequently failing to do what was right or seemingly actively going against the recommendations of the Rune Knight advisors, sending too many troops somewhere leaving other areas stretched thin.



The Oath of Life -  Travelling to a New Land Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 6:56 am


Stopping these criminals was something that both Kon and Hirota held in agreement, their means to do so were vastly different, him preferring to tag and imprison, Hirotas was definitively more black and white resembling his own beliefs years ago that those who wished to harm or kill others to achieve their goals must be prepared to be harmed or killed themselves. This would come to an ugly end with them being confronted by an upended caravan positioned in the middle of the ground path as yokels with half-filled smiles appeared all around them. Drawing the steed to a complete stop, Hirota waited for a form of a declaration by whoever was leading this ambush, a brute of a man wielding the equivalent of a 2x4 with nails littering one side, hair absent from one side of his head a large disfiguring mark in its place, a seal of nobility, a means to punish criminals.



The Oath of Life -  Travelling to a New Land Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 6:57 am


A mark that appeared to be shared by all of his assailants denoted on various body parts. Gnawing on each word that left their lips, Hirota struggled to comprehend their commoner dialect with Kon being barely capable of understanding it himself. But like most highwaymen, the message was the same “Your possessions or your life.” He would have simply resorted to shooting and arresting every bandit around him, but he was not in control and Hirota relished nothing more than cutting down the same type of people that abused her centuries ago. Probing the question once more, the leader became increasingly hostile to Kon, a person who fostered increasing anxiety within his fellow bandits. Placing his makeshift weapon upon Kon’s new steed, a dirty finger prodded his chest leaving behind a distinct fingerprint. Rage bubbling beyond control like a tsunami compared to the leader's own, Hirota called upon her true form shifting in the saddle while withdrawing her blade from between her bosom.



The Oath of Life -  Travelling to a New Land Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 6:57 am


As though he was nothing but an ant, the leader lost his head in the same swing being hurled into the caravan while blood from the standing headless corpse rained down upon them all. Dripped in blood, her sense of carnage could not be stopped with the bandits crying out for mercy as she through him cut limb from bodies and made rivers of blood turning his white garments crimson. A gentle smile left Hirota’s lips before blowing apart the caravan and reverting into Kon to continue their journey. The sense of thrill and power oozed into his being with a tinge of vengeance being the sting that lingered with him the most, just what had occurred between Hirota and society to cause this level of savagery. Assumptions could be made from her appearance and skill with the blade. Still, he couldn’t say for sure, a jaded lover?, a warrior belittled for her gender?, a priestess forced to pick up the sword to protect her temple after being pillaged, all were equally possible but only time would reveal the truth.



The Oath of Life -  Travelling to a New Land Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 6:58 am


Reflections of the past could only teach him so much as specks of her past slipped through her unconscious mind into his own, guttural screams both hers and others' continued endless, mixed with both pain and pleasure as pleas of mercy were met with deaf ears. It was unmistakable that Hirota had once fallen victim to a series of savages leading to some barbaric acts to fall before her. If he were not bound and possessed a body of flesh, the mere afterthoughts would have left him reeling, doubled over in disgust but there he was stuck within his little corner of what had been his mind only months before. Before he had picked up that accursed sword. How much of a fool had he been to accept a gift without any sense of hesitation or forethought from the most questionable of sources, a hooded lady on the side of the road? His sense of self-worth, power and failure to recognize things beyond his grasp had led him to this devastating outcome and now he would be starting from square one.



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