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Chained Wolf [C-Rank] [Solo]

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#1Tsukishima Higurashi 

Chained Wolf [C-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 9:56 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
The moon hung low in the sky, casting eerie shadows over the nearly deserted streets of Era. A chill wind whispered through the alleys. Tsukishima, cloaked in his mortal disguise of his original Athlas elf appearance, moved stealthily through the darkness, his eyes sharp and vigilant. Earlier in the evening, he had met with Daragast, the dragon-like creature that served the magic council. Their paths had crossed before during a request that Daragast had. Back then, Tsukishima had been a regular Athlas elf, not the enigmatic entity he had since become.

Daragast, for his part, seemed unfazed by Tsukishima’s transformation. Whether he noticed the change or simply didn't care was unclear. His focus remained singular. This time, the mission was straightforward but urgent. A rabid wolf had escaped captivity after slaughtering its owner, and the beast was now a menace to the city. Already, several citizens had fallen victim to its savage attacks.

Word Count: 153
Total Word Count: 153 / 800 [20% WC reduction]

#2Tsukishima Higurashi 

Chained Wolf [C-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 9:57 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
The streets of Era, usually alive with vibrant activity, now lay eerily silent. As Tsukishima threaded his way through the deserted alleys, the faint and gruesome sound of flesh being torn apart reached his ears. The wet, sickening smack of blood echoed ominously. "It’s close…" the lich muttered, his voice barely more than a whisper as he moved closer to the disturbing sound.

With each step, the horrific noises grew louder and more distinct. The faint whimper of a dying creature and the ravenous growls of what he assumed to be the wolf tearing into its prey filled the silence. Once, such proximity to brutality would have elicited a shiver of unease from him. But now, as he ventured deeper, he felt a chilling detachment. The more he thought about it, the more he recognized a disturbing truth: the person he once was had gradually begun to erode. Such horrors that should have repulsed him now seemed almost mundane.

Word Count: 159
Total Word Count: 312 / 800

#3Tsukishima Higurashi 

Chained Wolf [C-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 9:59 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
And then, he saw it—a dark, menacing shape lurking in the shadows of an alley. The wolf was hunched over its latest victim, its powerful jaws drenched in gore, tearing into the lifeless flesh with a savage intensity. The ground beneath it was stained dark with blood. As Tsukishima approached, the wolf's head snapped up, its meal momentarily forgotten. Its lips curled back in a snarl, exposing sharp, blood-stained teeth. With a low, guttural growl, the beast began to back away, ready to spring. Its yellow eyes, glowing with a feral intensity, locked onto the lich’s with an unsettling awareness.

For a moment, time seemed to freeze as the two apex predators sized each other up. The wolf's gaze was a mix of primal hunger and caution, a flicker of recognition passing through its eyes. It wasn't just fear that made the creature hesitate; there was a deeper, almost instinctual respect for the demonic power that radiated from the lich.

Word Count: 160
Total Word Count: 472 / 800

#4Tsukishima Higurashi 

Chained Wolf [C-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 10:01 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
Tsukishima remained motionless, his gaze never leaving the wolf's. The wolf's growls grew softer, more uncertain, its predatory instincts clashing with the understanding that it was facing something far more formidable than any mere human.

"Awaken, Lucian," Tsukishima commanded, his voice resonating with an otherworldly echo as a swirling gray portal materialized before him. Within moments, the demonic butler stepped through, emerging from the portal with a smooth, effortless grace. "My lord," Lucian said, bowing deeply as the portal sealed shut behind him.

"Eliminate that abomination," Tsukishima ordered, his voice devoid of emotion, as if the words were carved from ice. "By your command," Lucian replied, his tone unwavering as he turned his attention to the wolf. He began to advance, his movements fluid and deliberate, exuding an air of lethal precision. The wolf, sensing the imminent threat, snarled ferociously and launched itself at Lucian, its fangs bared in a vicious, predatory grin.

Word Count: 153
Total Word Count: 625 / 800

#5Tsukishima Higurashi 

Chained Wolf [C-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 10:03 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
With a feral growl, it aimed to bring down the demonic butler with the force of its charge. But Lucian was prepared; his reflexes honed to perfection by centuries of service to the Demon King. With a swift, almost disdainful sidestep, Lucian dodged the wolf's initial attack, moving so quickly it seemed as if he were merely a blur. The wolf landed where he had stood just moments before, its confusion evident. Lucian's eyes flashed with a predatory gleam of his own as he countered with a devastating strike. His hand, moving faster than the eye could follow, plunged into the wolf's abdomen with precision and power.

The wolf yelped in pain, the sound a guttural cry that echoed off the alley walls. Lucian's strike was not merely a blow; it was a calculated assault aimed at incapacitating the beast. He withdrew his hand, now slick with the creature's blood, and took a step back, watching as the wolf staggered.

Word Count: 160
Total Word Count: 785 / 800

#6Tsukishima Higurashi 

Chained Wolf [C-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 10:05 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
But the fight was far from over. The wolf, driven by a primal instinct to survive, shook off the pain and lunged again, more desperate this time. Lucian, ever the warrior, anticipated the move. With a fluid motion, he sidestepped once more and delivered a crushing blow to the wolf's head, his strength amplified by demonic energy.

The wolf collapsed to the ground, its body twitching as the life force faded from it. Lucian stood over the fallen creature, his expression cold and unyielding. "It is done, my lord," he said, turning to face Tsukishima. Tsukishima nodded, his gaze indifferent as he regarded the scene. "Dispose of the carcass but leave the head," he instructed, his voice as hollow as before. Lucian bowed once more and set about his task, picking up the remains of the wolf and taking it back with him inside the portal. The lich wondered just what the reason behind that was but quickly disregarded it.

Word Count: 160
Total Word Count: 945 / 800

#7Tsukishima Higurashi 

Chained Wolf [C-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 10:08 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
"I must say, I'm quite impressed," Daragast remarked, his voice laced with genuine surprise as he observed Tsukishima approaching, the severed wolf's head dangling from his grasp. "I thought you were just a scrawny elf, but you’ve certainly proved me wrong."

"It would do you a world of good to remove that notion from your thought process," Tsukishima replied coolly, his eyes locking onto Daragast's with a fierce intensity. "I see," Daragast said, acknowledging the warning with a knowing glance as he took the bloodied trophy from Tsukishima. "At any rate, here is your pay." He handed over a hefty pouch of jewels. "The citizens of Era will sleep peacefully tonight, knowing that this creature will no longer terrorize them," Daragast continued, his tone lightening as he tucked the wolf’s head under his arm.

Tsukishima accepted the payment with a nod, his fingers curling around the pouch's leather strings. "Good," he replied, his voice flat but tinged with a hint of satisfaction. The two exchanged curt nods, their brief alliance concluded.

Word Count: 171
Total Word Count: 1,116 / 800

#8Tsukishima Higurashi 

Chained Wolf [C-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 10:09 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
"Safe travels, Tsukishima," Daragast offered, attempting a semblance of camaraderie. "Until our paths cross again," Tsukishima responded, his words carrying finality. He turned away, his jacket billowing slightly with the movement, and began to walk towards the outskirts of the town. As he moved through the dimly lit streets, his thoughts wandered to what the rest of the night might bring. The eerie silence of Era had been punctuated by violence, but now it seemed almost tranquil.

Yet, for Tsukishima, this calm was merely a prelude to the unknown. His mind buzzed with the possibilities that lay ahead. He ached to test out more of his power. More of what this new form could do. Perhaps he could travel to Baska, Magnolia, or even Myras. The night was young, and for a being like Tsukishima, teetering on the edge of life and death, the darkness held countless opportunities. The world was a vast and mysterious place, brimming with secrets around every corner, just waiting to be unveiled. He was eager to discover just what he would stumble upon next.

Word Count: 179
Total Word Count: 1,295 / 800
Quest Completed

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