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Gang Warefare: I. Snake Charmers [Neutral Quest]

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Gang Warefare: I. Snake Charmers [Neutral Quest] Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 12:57 pm

In the darkened streets of Era City, trouble had been cooking beneath the surface thanks to the Snake Charmers, a gang of pesky troublemakers known for giving the Rune Knights headaches, apparently. Era liked to think of itself as a safe haven, but every now and then, trouble popped up like daisies in a garden. This was a problem perfect for Rhea, a fresh-faced Corporal, who wasn't one to back down from a challenge. Recently promoted after a little showdown with Colonel Himura, she was thrilled with the recognition but hungry for more action. So, when she got roped into a mission to take down the Snake Charmers once and for all, she dove in headfirst. It was unusual for a Knight of her ranking to be requested for such a task, but the Stellan was far from usual.

Guided by the stern Lieutenant Jacolby, The Corporal and her crew of superior Rune knights ventured out into the night, their armor clinking and boots shuffling. If the goal was to approach quietly, there was no way they'd achieve it. Unlike her fellow knights, Ms. Alvarez wasn't covered head-to-toe in armor. In fact, she was simply wearing a bra and shorts combo. If she could, she would have worn less clothes than what she had on. As they moved through the streets, Rhea felt the rush of excitement coursing through her veins. Sure, saving the day was nice and all, but there was something about the thrill of the chase that really got her adrenaline pumping.



Gang Warefare: I. Snake Charmers [Neutral Quest] Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 1:03 pm

Their groups first target was a sketchy man rumored to be working alongside the Snake Charmers. With Rhea's keen sense of smell—thanks to her Dragon Slayer abilities—leading the charge, they tracked their suspect through the twists and turns of the city's streets. At first glance, their target didn't look like the type to be involved with gangs and criminals. As they weaved through the streets, Rhea couldn't shake the feeling of déjà vu. It reminded her of her childhood in Stella, where she'd always dominated the Beast Hunting games thanks to her undefeated nose. Her cousins hated it, and would even sometimes try to find ways for her to be excluded because of it.

The Knights ventured deeper into the heart of the city, the buildings grew taller and more imposing, lights from within the homes of civilians helped light the streets. The alleyways twisted and turned like a maze, leaving the squad feeling as though they were navigating a city they weren't too familiar with with no end in sight. Occasionally, they would catch glimpses of their target ahead, a fleeting image disappearing around a corner or slipping into the darkness of a passage. Rhea's heart raced with excitement as they closed in on their target, her anticipation growing with each moment.



Gang Warefare: I. Snake Charmers [Neutral Quest] Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 1:08 pm

The journey was not without its obstacles, however. At one point, they found themselves blocked by a group of cheesy-looking thugs, their faces hidden beneath the blackness of their hoods. With a silent nod from Jacolby, Rhea and her comrades sprang into action, their weapons flashing in the darkness as they fought off their attackers. But despite the danger lurking around every corner, Rhea remained focused. With her determination leading the way, they pressed on, unshaken by the petty criminals clearly working for the Snake Charmers. Finally, after what felt like an eternity of twists and turns, they reached their destination: a rundown building on the outskirts of the city, its crumbling structure a reflection of the corruption that was harbored within it. As they approached, the sound of whispered voices drifted through the air, mingling with the rustle of leaves in the wind.

The Corporal exchanged a quick glance with Jacolby, their silent communication speaking volumes as they prepared to breach the gang's hideout. "Ready?" Jacolby whispered to his underlings, his hand gently placed upon on the door. Rhea replied with a nod, tightening her fists. With a swift kick, The Lieutenant burst through the door, his sword drawn and ready for action. Rhea followed close behind, and her comrades had their weapons ready and drawn as they swept through the building like a tide of justice. "Clear the room!" Jacolby commanded, his voice cutting through the chaos. Inside, the Snake Charmers were caught off guard, their faces a mask of surprise as they scrambled to defend themselves against the sudden Rune Knight Raid.



Gang Warefare: I. Snake Charmers [Neutral Quest] Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 1:18 pm

As Rhea and her squad burst into the Snake Charmers' hideout, chaos erupted like a tempest within the cramped confines of the building. "Take them down!" a Knight called out, his voice firm and loud even through the clanking. The dimly lit room was a blur of motion as the Rune Knights clashed with the gang members, both sides fighting to come out on top. Rhea moved with a fluid grace, her senses heightened by the adrenaline coursing through her veins. "With me!" One Knight shouted, charging forward. With each step, they inched closer to the heart of the Snake Charmers' hideout, moving deeper into the building. Rhea still felt that rush of adrenaline as they prepared to fight. The anticipation hung thick in the air, mixed with the scent of danger. "Watch the rear!" Jacolby pointed ahead, his eyes narrowing at the door from which they entered.

"Behind you!" one of Rhea's peers yelled, parrying a blow. With nothing but her bare hands and her keen instincts, Rhea launched herself into the fray, her fists moving like light as she struck out at her enemies with perhaps too much ease. "You're not getting away, pendejo!" Rhea shouted, ducking a swinging blade. The Snake Charmers, caught off guard by the sudden assault, fought back with a ferocity born of desperation. Blades flashed in the dim light as steel clashed against steel, the sound of metal ringing out like a symphony of war. "Keep pushing!" Jacolby's voice rang out, rallying the knights. Rhea's comrades fought valiantly at her side, their swords flashing in the darkness as they pushed forward, driving the gang members back with each passing moment.



Gang Warefare: I. Snake Charmers [Neutral Quest] Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 1:31 pm

"We've almost got these meatheads!" Rhea encouraged, striking a decisive blow. Despite the odds stacked against them, they refused to give up, their determination unyielding as they fought tooth and nail to defeat their enemies. "Finish them!" Jacolby commanded, his voice cutting through the final clash. The air was thick with the scent of sweat and blood as the battle raged on, each blow struck with deadly precision as both sides fought for supremacy. Rhea's heart pounded in her chest as she danced through the chaos, her movements fluid and graceful as she dodged and weaved through the melee. With each passing moment, the tide of battle began to turn in favor of the Rune Knights. The Snake Charmers outmatched, began to falter under the relentless assault, their ranks thinning with each fallen member. And then, in a final, desperate push, Rhea and her squad surged forward and they drove the remaining gang members back against the walls of the hideout. With a glorious cry, they delivered the final blow, sending the last of the Snake Charmers crashing to the ground in defeat. For a moment the group of Knights caught their breath, keeping their eyes peeled in the case that any of their enemies had any fight left in them.



Gang Warefare: I. Snake Charmers [Neutral Quest] Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 1:42 pm

Suddenly a figure emerged from the shadows, his presence commanding the attention of all who stood in his path. It was the leader of the Snake Charmers, a man whose reputation preceded him like a black cloud. Rhea's heart skipped a beat as she locked eyes with the gang leader, her senses tingling with the excitement of the coming confrontation. With a silent nod to her comrades, she stepped forward to face him, her fists clenched in readiness as she prepared to meet the challenge head-on.

The gang leader moved with the grace of a seasoned fighter, his movements fluid and calculated as he closed the distance between them. The half-elf could feel the weight of his gaze bearing down upon her, a silent challenge that she was more than willing to accept. With a sudden surge of energy, the gang leader launched himself at Rhea, his fists carrying intense strength and speed as he unleashed a flurry of blows. Rhea's eyes bounced around as she managed to keep up with her opponent, her movements careful and deliberate, her shoulders shifting as she danced through the barrage of attacks.

The two fighters circled each other like hungry predators, each searching for an opening in the other's defenses. The Dragon Slayer was much smaller, a pup in comparison. However, she was no weakling. Her heart pounded in her chest as she dodged and weaved through the leader's attacks, her senses on high alert for any sign of weakness. With a sudden burst of speed, the gang leader lunged forward, his fist aimed straight for Rhea's chest. With lightning reflexes, she sidestepped the blow, her own fist connecting with his jaw with a satisfying thud.



Gang Warefare: I. Snake Charmers [Neutral Quest] Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 2:00 pm

The gang leader stumbled backwards, his eyes burning with fury as he launched himself at Rhea once more. The two of them clashed with a might born out of desperation, their fists colliding with bone-jarring force as they fought tooth and nail. Neither of them intended on losing. With each passing moment, the intensity of the battle grew, the sound of their blows echoing through the room like thunder. Rhea could feel the weight of exhaustion bearing down upon her, but she would push through. She had fought stronger opponents. The Slayer's determination keeping her alive as she pressed forward with the strength of one hundred men. Her opponent was much stronger than she expected, but she lived for it.

And then, with a final blow, The Corporal delivered the finishing strike, sending the gang leader crashing to the ground in defeat. As she stood victorious over the wreckage of the battle, the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded into silence. The scuffle was over almost as quickly as it began, the Snake Charmers no match for Rune Knights. With the dust settling and the adrenaline of battle beginning to vanish, Lieutenant Jacolby swiftly issued the command for backup. Knowing that they needed reinforcement to secure the area and apprehend any remaining members of the Snake Charmers, he barked orders to his squad to hold their positions while they awaited the arrival of additional Rune Knights.



Gang Warefare: I. Snake Charmers [Neutral Quest] Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 2:38 pm

As they waited, Rhea and her comrades took stock of the aftermath of the fight. Some of their fellow knights were wounded on the ground, their bodies battered and bruised from the clash with the Snake gang. Without hesitation, other Rune Knights with healing abilities rushed to their aid, their magic weaving a soothing embrace around the fallen soldiers, easing their pain and helping them recover quicker. Rhea watched quietly as her Rune Knight peers tended to their wounded colleagues, their dedication to their fellow knights speaking volumes to the bond that united them all as members of the Rune Knights. Rhea couldn't exactly relate. Their bond stemmed from their Fiorian pride, whereas Rhea was far too proud to even allow herself to embrace that sort of bond. Despite the chaos and danger that had unfolded around them, they remained steadfast in their commitment to one another, their actions speaking louder than words.

Meanwhile, in the distance, the sound of approaching footsteps echoed through the night air as the reinforcements drew near. With a sense of relief, Lieutenant Jacolby signaled for his squad to stand ready, their weapons at the ready as they prepared to assist in securing the area and bringing the remaining members of the Snake Charmers to justice. As the platoon of knights arrived on the scene, the air was filled with a renewed sense of purpose. Together, they worked swiftly and efficiently to apprehend the remaining members of the gang. In the end, as the last of the Snake Charmers were led away in chains. Other Rune Knights swiftly appeared to tend to the wounded soldiers, their presence a reassuring sight amidst the aftermath of battle.


- end -

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