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Deep trouble in the Deep green Part 4

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 Deep trouble in the Deep green Part 4 Empty Sat Jul 06, 2024 5:55 pm

Being told by Vincent that all the faes he was training and living with a decade ago have found their place and moved on brought a big smile to Zeno’s face. He was not particularly fond of many of them, but hearing them doing well over perishing was always a better path in his eyes. This news was bittersweet at best, as things might have been different for the trio if everybody had been together.

“Unfortunate but reassuring to hear everybody went off to be better, hopefully. I had no intention of staying here long as I was preparing to earn my wings. It will be a different process from how you two got yours here. Let us hope I can achieve it.” Zeno stood up and stretched his limbs out before heading towards the entrance. The Shadow fae groans in agony as he looks up at Zeno with sorrowful pure white eyes. “Poor guy, I wish there was more we really could do for him” Vincent somberly stated. “At least he is not rampaging like the others we got locked up” Darren responded optimistically. Zeno used his fae eyes to look at his soul, but strangely enough, the figure's soul was gone, not even a spark was present, so what kept him tied to this world Zeno had wondered. Zeno walked over to the cell and touched the fae’s head. Vines slowly envelop the fae from head to toe almost like a tightly wrapped cocoon. Then a green light flashes from within it and the sack falls to the ground. “Let us go” Zeno walks out of the room without saying anything further.

WC 276


 Deep trouble in the Deep green Part 4 Empty Sat Jul 06, 2024 5:57 pm

The lifeless cocoon glowing an eerie green rested on the floor, slowly dissolving into embers that mimicked the shape of butterflies. Dozens upon a dozen green fiery butterflies filled the room before disintegrating into mere particles. Vincent and Darren watched in complete silence and were left shaken to the core by what they had just witnessed, from the words of their old comrade to the action he performed. Everything was too overwhelming and confusing to process. Riddled with questions, the two just looked at one another, then at Zeno, who was standing outside waiting for them to be his guide. “Come on guys, we should eat. I am totally famished.” Zeno's stomach growled just after he said that. They shook their heads then stood up simultaneously and headed outside behind Zeno. “He was going to perish anyway, you know, why keep him there suffering? This falls on me, not you two. Now guide the way to the mess hall.” Zeno said with a rather stern tone of voice. Vincent tapped Darren on the shoulder, gesturing to him with a head nod, signaling him to come on, and he led the way to the mess hall. The village was quiet except for faint whispers heard from the residents outside. Zeno knew he was the talk of the village, but he did not care as he felt this place was no longer the place he once knew. Vincent led him past all the guards lounging around a large hollowed-out tree.

WC 249


 Deep trouble in the Deep green Part 4 Empty Sat Jul 06, 2024 6:05 pm

An earthy pleasant aroma came from the entryway of the tree, the atmosphere outside was very tense, but that was the complete opposite inside. The maidens serving and preparing the food were excited to see a new face and the 2 top of the line hunters. “Welcome dear handsome stranger!~ Please have a seat and let us know what you would like at any time. My name is Tayu” She excitedly welcomed the 3 guests and showed them to the table closest to the preparation counter. With them sitting there, all the ladies preparing food and cleaning the tables can get a good view of them and eavesdrop to their heart's content. Tayu places 3 menus on the table for the gentleman. Shortly after, she bounced over to the counter, grabbing 3 cups of morning dew to bring back to the table. “Here you go sirs, as you see nobody else is dining, so feel free to take your time and holler if you need me” she winked at the 3 before strutting to the kitchen. After reaching the kitchen Tayu crumbled into her coworker from the weight of her nerves finally reaching its limit. Her team all comforted her, praising her for a job well done as she was still new and scared of embarrassing herself in front of such handsome gentlemen.

WC 176


 Deep trouble in the Deep green Part 4 Empty Sat Jul 06, 2024 6:07 pm

“Taking up some of the human customs, I see, it sure has something alluring about it even when other species are doing it” Zeno said cheerily to the two faes after Tayu left. He watched Tayu the entire time, amazed by her performance as it felt and sounded like the service he would receive from a waitress in a big city. “Yea, it's becoming quite popular here, but the elders are afraid it's contributing to the pollution and angering the spirits. Claiming it is erasing our roots so to speak” Darren said, with a deep concerned look on his face. Vincent's face was deep in the menu, sitting silently as if to ignore everything. Everybody else followed after him, contemplating what to eat and drink. With a very appetizing selection, the trio ended up ordering multiple items, leaving their table to look like a feast. The clanging of utensils clanging with plates roared loudly as if fighting the tense, awkward silence.

WC 161


 Deep trouble in the Deep green Part 4 Empty Sat Jul 06, 2024 6:09 pm

“Show me the contained ones after we finish here, I need to see them… just know I will explain my actions when the time is right” Zeno abruptly said just after taking a long drink from his cup of dew. The two looked at him with eyes cold as stone and nodded. Realizing that eyes and ears are one of them from inside and outside the restaurant. Leaving money on the table to cover the meal and extra as a tip to Tayu for her wonderful service, the 3 left the establishment in silence as if they were never there.

Tayu and the other workers were shocked by the amount of food they ordered and left not a single crumb behind. “Those guys sure can stuff their bellies!” Tayu said with her still dropping. “But the things they mentioned seemed suspicious, right? Like what did that handsome stranger do to create such a sudden vibe change?” A voice from behind Tayu said inquisitively. Tayu and her group all sprang up and ran to get back to work immediately. “Um–um boss! I didn't know you were back, I'm sorry” Pleading for forgiveness and tripping over herself, Tayu ran out from the kitchen to the main entrance where she is normally stationed to be. The person they recalled to be their boss just shrugged her shoulders, looking slightly confused as to why everybody reacted the way they did.

WC 237

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