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Competitive Edge [Solo - Storyline]

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Competitive Edge [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 10:58 pm


WORDS: ### | Gym Bunny

“Hup, hup!” The saturation of exertion seeming to provide a none too unbecoming sheen to the slightly flushed skin of Anika Adler as she thrust her mitts toward the swaying and sturdy bag before her, the bespectacled blonde belle let loose little grunts as she laid her hands into the aid for her exercise over and over again, causing it to stir and swing with greater and greater emphasis as she continued. It was like she was working up a storm.
“Hra!” Finally seeming to end her little routine with not the meeting of her mitt with its surface but rather the satisfaction of a kick, the violet eyed vixen could not deny a certain enjoyment in seeing the sack seem to bow for a moment as she buried both her foot and part of her shin into it forcefully, and ever more so felt a sense of accomplishment as the mere force which she had imparted seemed to jostle the item and make it bounce off the hook on which it was kept either. Usually she didn't like a mess, but in this case she didn't mind it, even if the act did seem to draw attention which she did not expect soon after…

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Competitive Edge [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 11:00 pm


WORDS: ### | Gym Bunny

"Whoa! Easy tiger, I think he's sorry!"

The blonde left breathless by the fast pace of the exertion she had seemed to indulge and lifting a towel to her brow and cheeks as she allowed the mechanism of her lungs to catch up with what she had done, as she did so Miss Adler seemed to find herself surprised when a voice with a tone which sounded perhaps playful seemed to spark up behind her, and soon afterward the figure to whom it belonged strutted past and knelt next to the punch bag.

Who is…? As such Anika seeming to feel a moment of confusion as she found a figure who was a good head taller than her and blessed with rather luring blue eyes looked to her and patted the pad on which she had been wailing, the fair femme frowned as she looked over his well-wrought physique and spiky black hair, and while she didn't hate what she saw before her responded with quietness for the moment. Not speaking up but instead merely scrutinizing the stranger, she had to question just why he had chosen to intervene and also why he seemed to have a sparkle of excitement in his eye as well, though with any luck wouldn't have to wait too long until she found out…

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Competitive Edge [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 11:00 pm


WORDS: ### | Gym Bunny

"Gotta say though, after seeing what you can do, I like your form!
Say, you're not looking for a partner, are ya~?"

The fellow seeming to go even further and flash her a little wink as he hoisted up the robust item which she had been pounding upon and hooked it back into place with strength which seemed effortless, once he had done so the blue eyed boy flashed a little wink to her and then looked her over in a manner which Miss Adler was not sure whether or not she was comfortable, before commenting and questioning her in a fashion which seemed to provoke even more confusion from her.

“A… Partner? What kind of…?” Still seeming to be fresh from the ranks of Bosco and while a quick study feeling a little rough in how she commanded the language of Fiore, this lack of practice seemed to combine both with a word choice and playful gestures which he showed and seemed to mean that the fair fox was that bit more flushed than she had before, and once more seeming to question what was going on. Though, this time, at least she did so verbally, which seemed to be a favour for them both…

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Competitive Edge [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 11:01 pm


WORDS: ### | Gym Bunny

"You know, to spar with?
Give our friend here a rest?
With that spice you're putting on those hits, bet you're itching to try against someone more… Willing?"

The blue eyed boy seeming to grin at her confusion and cock his head, the stranger shook his head as he clarified his intent lay more in exercise than activities which were perhaps more common away from the gym environment, then patted the beaten bag jokingly. Apparently confirming that he had been leering at her for longer and for more than just what the commonplace might have a pretty and perspiring blonde, he seemed keen on putting her energy and enthusiasm to better use than it was now, and extended something of an olive branch in that spirit.

“Oh, um. Yes then, if you'd fee so inclined?” All the same it seeming that Anika would feel a moment more embarrassment when she recognised the truth behind his inquiry, ultimately she nodded and accepted his offer despite the way in which she seemed to pinken for a few seconds. Knowing all too well that she'd get a better workout with someone to trade blows with properly, and lacking a proper training partner since coming here, with that she couldn't help but wonder about his skills given the confidence he seems to exude as well and as such was eager to accept.

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Competitive Edge [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 11:01 pm


WORDS: ### | Gym Bunny

"Sure! Always looking for a good workout~
The name's Jack, by the way. And you~?"

The lad seeming to light up at the assent he was shown by the punchbag pounding woman before him, it wasn't long before he was offering his hand for a shaking introduction as well as something to call, it appeared that the caution and coolness of Anika's often stuffy manner doesn't seem to bother him much. Instead, he seemed rather friendly, and excited at the opportunity which they had seemed to stumble upon as well. It was a nice change of pace considering her usual introduction, was it not?

“Anika. Anika Adler.” The martial minx meanwhile already surmising from their meeting point that he was a fellow soldier given the fact that she was currently within the training centre of a military barracks, as Miss Adler accepted the handshake she would have been a liar if she did not confess to a feeling of curiosity to his rank and his assignment based on their meeting spot, and quickly fund herself following him to a larger hall in the gymnasium where they'd have more space for a proper sparring session. I mean, let loose where they were and they were likely to send the weight racks flying, right?

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Competitive Edge [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 11:02 pm


WORDS: ### | Gym Bunny

"Nice t'meet ya, Anika!
Shall we~?"

The fox finding herself being flashed yet another grin and a wink as they walked along, he invited her into the door in a subtly chivalrous fashion which the blonde couldn't deny that she enjoyed overall, and as the two of them stepped inside he took a large sports bag off his shoulder and leaves it next to the wall in their entryway. Drawing some curiosity for that fact, one might think he was smuggling gym gear for the size of the item, since it seemed long enough to contain a weight bar and more at the scale it was. Maybe she'd find out what was in it before the day was out, eh?

“Yes… I'm ready.” For the moment however the fair femme forgetting about it in favour of focus on what was to follow more immediately, Anika imbied a breath or two to steady herself as she lined up to face Jack with a few meters of separation between them, and as the bespectacled boscosi did she so she lifted her hands and squares her stance to show she is no amateur when it comes to the physical arts, while also noting an eagerness to get started as well.

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Competitive Edge [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 11:02 pm


WORDS: ### | Gym Bunny

"Awesome. Now, show me how you handle a moving target, then~?
Ladies first, Anika!"

It seeming that Jack seeming relaxed by comparison to the stiffer posture which Miss Adler assumed and almost looking like he was having fun, the blonde was bemused to note the way he appeared to bop his shoulders in a motion which seems a mix of martial arts and dancing, and wondered just how seriously he was taking this whole thing. That question striking true when he invited her to take the lead as well, she couldn't help but feel like she was being taken a bit too lightly, and wished to do something that.

“Very well. En Garde!” As such Anika seeming to quiver with eagerness which was only too apparent given the stance she assumed, for a second it looked almost as if she were shivering or trembling as she squeezed her mitts tight, but one would not have been given the chance to observe such things for too long. Instead taking the opportunity which she had been offered if only to prove that she should not be underestimated, the flaxen fox flung herself toward her foe almost pitilessly, though perhaps in truth was looking to impress far more than she ever might have admitted…

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Competitive Edge [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 11:03 pm


WORDS: ### | Gym Bunny

“Hra! Ha! Ha ha!” The lass standing on little ceremony and only too quickly and perhaps eagerly launching forward, she started their bout by throwing a straight punch right at and perhaps through the nose of partner, and perhaps almost looked cruel for the fact that she looked to make it bloody from the outset. In doing so however able to see that his confidence wasn't misplaced with how ably he seemed to duck around it, the fury of the fair femme did not abate with one near miss but rather seemed to intensify as she quickly followed up on the hit with a barrage of hooks and jabs to continue to pressure him, though these seemed to meet with the same level of success as the first.

“Hraaahh!” The boy good enough to dodge and deflect them with the same aptness as he had her first strike, despite this Anika was not too perturbed by such a fact, and instead used the chance to get used to his speed. Trading blows to test him and perhaps in some ways trap him as well, once more that curt and perhaps callous way in which she battled showed as the leggy lass lashed out with a fierce kick directed high and once more aimed for his nose, and showed some impressive flexibility in doing so one might add. Though the response was not entirely what she expected…

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Competitive Edge [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 11:04 pm


WORDS: ### | Gym Bunny

"Whoa! Spicy!
My turn now!"

Her effort seeming to force him to block fully for the first time in the contest rather than try to skirt her attacks, Jack cradled the blow and skidded a few paces back before flashing with fire in his eyes as his excitement appeared to glow, and after barking because of it rushed back in to unleash his own barrage of attacks against her.
“Hup! Hap! Hrun!” The blonde now the victim of a bombardment of his own and trapped by strokes and strikes which were wild and yet somehow still effect, she was quickly forced on the back foot as he unloaded a series of blows which make her weave about with little chance for reply, and ultimately lead to a misstep as she misjudged something and stumbled because of the imbalance that it created.

Oh no! Caught with her proverbial pants down as he readied what looked to be a fierce swing and reacting more out of instinct than design, in a moment of panic Anika lifted her hand in front of her almost as if she were asking the lad to stop, but quickly showed with what was to follow that this was less of a request and more of a demand…

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Competitive Edge [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 11:06 pm


WORDS: ### | Gym Bunny

"Whoa! A spell?
Wow, you been holding out on me~?"

The motion of the minx seeming to call forth mana which took the form of a small barrier between her hand and the blow which her temporary adversary wished to levy, Jack seemed surprised as his mitt seemed to bounce off the screen which Miss Adler had created to intercept it, and as such he stopped and tapped it a couple of times before she cancelled the spell.

The lad left to grin in amusement at what the girl had done and rubbing his knuckle afterward, while it had seemed a boon that her shield had seemed to get the better of the clash, it seemed that the woman who had birthed it had been less than happy about its presence ultimately.
“A-Apologies… It was a reflex?” In fact Anika feeling a little embarrassed for having called upon it when they had been fighting purely with the means of their muscles and such, her cheeks flared from more than just exertion at the feeling of cheating in the mechanism, and with that the notion that she might have spoiled their purely martial contest when it was just starting to heat up. Though, seemed someone would help to alleviate such worry soon…

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Competitive Edge [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 11:07 pm


WORDS: ### | Gym Bunny

"Besides, I'd rather face you at your best, not with a hand tied behind your back?
So no holding back, gimme all you've got!"

Jack waving away the idea that her deed was something to be embarrassed about, he shook his head and smiled before taking a few steps back as he notes how impressed he is, and returns to where their little contest had started again as if she had won a point or something in tennis.

"Besides, I'd rather face you at your best, not with a hand tied behind your back?
So no holding back, gimme all you've got!"

Ultimately the blue eyed boy seeming to want to face something which pushed him and excited him and not wanting Miss Adler to hamper herself merely for the sake of fighting as she did, perhaps even this opening exchange had proven to him that in terms of pure martial prowess he was ahead of her, but wasn't about to let that stop either of them having a good time.

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Competitive Edge [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 11:08 pm


WORDS: ### | Gym Bunny

The lad instead seeming happy to suggest that they tilt away from a simple contest of close combat and indulge their strengths as best they could, perhaps it was true to that the blonde was a little bit hampered by holding back her magical potential, and no doubt their bout would only grow spicier with some spellcraft woven in as well.

“If you're sure…” Admittedly Anika feeling relieved that he seems to be open to the idea of her using her magic, such assurance made her wonder if he too was a mage and wanted to use the depth of his own arsenal, but something told her that he wasn't. There was something about the way he moved and the fervour he showed for fighting that made her suspect that his skill was all down to physical ability. Not that it mattered either way, so long as neither felt cheated.

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Competitive Edge [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 11:09 pm


WORDS: ### | Gym Bunny

“I will say, my spell work could use a little more polish? So I'd be happy to get practice with my magic too…!” Nodding at his suggestion therein and noting that she had far fewer chances to practice her spells in 'live' scenarios than she had even partners to trade more literal blows with, chances like these were rare and Miss Adler wanted to test out some of the spells which she had been developing, and the blonde smirked a little and accepts the new terms of their clash.

"Oh yeah! Let's do this, then!"

Meanwhile her friendly foe seemingly feeling some relief in the fact as he appeared to feel more focused after this as well, he adopted a stiffer and perhaps more sensible pose for a second or two as the girl with the glasses got back into place, though it would seem he would waste little time in going on the attack once she was ready…

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Competitive Edge [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 11:09 pm


WORDS: ### | Gym Bunny

He's… Fast! I bet he's been holding back too! Throwing himself at her but this time with far greater enthusiasm and pace to go along with it, only too eagerly did Jack begin to toss out both punches and kicks as well as jumps and acts of acrobatics which not only seemed to catch Miss Adler by surprise but also put her firmly on the back foot as well, which only seemed to convince her that he had been keeping plenty in reserve in their last clash.

My eyes can scarcely keep up…! The blonde Barely able to dodge and forced to deflect many of them at the last second simply due to the pace at which her partner seemed to command his offensive, she could not help but to note how frenetic his assault has seemed to become all of a sudden, and with that knew that she would have little time to waste with things like turning and twisting her head to follow his hits.

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Competitive Edge [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 11:10 pm


WORDS: ### | Gym Bunny

In that case, I have just the thing… She needed to know even without looking for the attack where it might come from, which to many might sound like an act of fantasy, but for this one she was prepared. After all, prior planning was her speciality, and seemed to pay dividends in moments such as these…

Four eyes are better than two! Luckily for the lass the girl more than prepared for such situations even if the manner in which she had become accustomed was created more for combating multiple foes at the same time, with the simple speed with which her foe was capable it was like fighting two or even three enemies at once, and so as she fought to create just a little space and mould some mana with it she pressed her fingers into her brow and allowed for something which she hoped might prove to even her odds.

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Competitive Edge [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 11:11 pm


WORDS: ### | Gym Bunny

I can see… Everything! The result seeming to create a halo about her head but the effect both more subtle and more sizeable than it would show, in a moment it felt like her vicinity became an extension of her ears or even her skin, and the bespectacled belle could feel every inch of it because of that.

Well, not so easy now, is it~?! Almost immediately seeming to show improvement because of that fact and practically closing her eyes so as to curb the overwhelming effect on her senses, even with the lids heavy over those violet viewpoints to her soul the vixen seemed to dip and dodge about, reading the trajectory of feet and fists alike and shifting herself regardless of the angle it came from, to the point that she would have sworn that she could feel her foe panting in response due to he futility of his exertion.

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Competitive Edge [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 11:12 pm


WORDS: ### | Gym Bunny

"Maaannn, talk about eyes in the back of your head?
Those glasses work backwards as well, eh?"

Jack seeming to be impressed by the way in which her spell had seemed to twist the tide from his side and toward her own, despite the futility of his deed he seemed to continue on with his strokes to pressure her more and more, as if he were testing her defences. Searching with those strikes to try and poke a hole in the defence she had provided and even going so far as to ducks behind her to levy a blow at her back only to see her rolling out of the way long before his attack met, all that he could do was mop at his brow and shake his head as he commended her on the aptness of her ability, but looked far from beaten by it when Anika glanced toward him.

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Competitive Edge [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 11:12 pm


WORDS: ### | Gym Bunny

“One has to watch their back in combat, yes?” Jack seeming to be blessed with what seemed to be a bottomless well of energy and enthusiasm as well as positive spirit to go with it, it was a trait which Miss Adler found admirable and perhaps even enviable, but in spite of it she would show him no quarter now that she was starting to gain a foothold. After all, he wanted her best, right?

The blonde bringing that to bear with yet another subtle and smooth action which seemed to vastly underwhelm compared to the response it created, all that she really needed to do was flick her heel once she was facing him again, and the magnificence of mana did the rest. A burst of energy seeming to push her forwards with the kind of velocity which would make her close and surpass the distance which separated them, with a kick of her heel in midair the minx seemed to rebound off some invisible step or something and lurch back toward him with a roundhouse kick.

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Competitive Edge [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 11:12 pm


WORDS: ### | Gym Bunny

"Pretty quick on those feet, eh?
Damn, you almost had me there, Anika!"

Swinging that toe good and wide and connecting thanks to her own strike from the flank, the fair femme forced her foe to block the move and was still sent rolling as the sheer momentum threw him off balance and spun down the room in his own effort to create a little bit of separation between them. Forcing Jack fully onto the defensive now, a shiver which spoke of satisfaction seemed to run up the spine of Miss Adler for that fact, though she wasn't about to rest upon her laurels just yet.

I'm not done yet! Letting her adversary create some distance between them and squaring her stance instead of chasing him, given all he had done so far Anika could guess that the blue eyed boy could well turn this situation to his advantage, and so opted to play to her strengths instead.

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Competitive Edge [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 11:13 pm


WORDS: ### | Gym Bunny

As such found swiping at the air in front of her and conjuring yet another circle of magic, from it the fox seemed to summon a tendril of interlinked figures which looked rather reminiscent of whip, which was a fact that neither she nor her sparring partner seemed to miss.

"Whoa, is this 'date' about to take a whole different turn~?"

The lad seeming to snicker a little because of that fact but certainly not smirking when Miss Adler lashed out with it soon after, the size and spectacle of the deed seemed to imply that her creation was meant to do harm to him, and so he did what he could to read its path and ensure that he wasn't in it. The nature of a strap more difficult than a blade and spear to guess at and especially so when its user could control it with the same grace and effectiveness which she might do a digit, it was only a matter of time before she managed to make contact with him, and exploit that to bind him momentarily as well…

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Competitive Edge [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 11:13 pm


WORDS: ### | Gym Bunny

The blue eyed boy seeming to be surprised at the lack of damage which her 'weapon' did to him meanwhile, and Anika sneakily showing no qualms in exploiting that confusion, she had in truth never deigned to harm him or anything else with the move that she had moved, but instead secure him for what was to follow. This starting with her vaulting into the air while contracting the spell as she does so and making good use of the strength and stability he provided her to pull herself toward him like some manner of grappling hook, the beauty made a beeline right for him thanks to the action and readied her free hand as she did so, aiming for rather a decisive blow as her enemy was left bewildered by all that had happened.

“Hyaaaa!!!!” Meanwhile the thrill of the contest seems to get the better of the blonde as she gained upon him and this showing as she thrust her mitt forward with all she had, the blow which she let loose was not a kind one, and shot straight toward his mug before and sending him clattering and rolling across the ground with a forceful kind of satisfaction for the flaxen fox. Finally, she got him, and she had to say that it felt damn good to do so as well…

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Competitive Edge [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 11:13 pm


WORDS: ### | Gym Bunny

That should show him what I can do~ The blonde belle left panting a little bit by the fast paced exchange which preceded her current moment, the none too inconsequential chest of Miss Adler lifted and fell as she heaved to get air back into her lungs, and fortunately seemed to have been offered no small number of seconds of respite to achieve it.
Good grief, he looks like he just walked into a toy store…? Letting loose an attack which seemed to leave Jack dazed either through the impact upon him or the simple surprise, the boy with the blue eyes lingered on the ground for a short while before he lifted his legs into the air, and with a jerk of his heels and abdominals rose back onto his feet in an impressive and grin-bearing fashion. Jolted in the face with something that Anika was sure was going to leave a mark for days and yet the fool grinning like it was Christmas, part of her found such a trait annoying, and yet another almost admired it too…

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Competitive Edge [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 11:14 pm


WORDS: ### | Gym Bunny

"Man… You got me good with that one, huh?
Looks like I should really be taking this stuff seriously, huh?"

Those sapphire eyes seeming to sparkle with life as he lifted a hand to a mark on his jaw and rubbed it gently, despite the injury which Anika had imparted unto him it seemed that her faux foe was enjoying himself and didn't even mind the bruise she had given him, seeming to instead focus on the achievement of his adversary rather than his own adversity. Though, that comment about not taking things seriously thus far was something that Anika couldn't exactly let slide, now could she?

“You've been holding back…? Well then…” The fair femme certainly holding little back when it came to her offense and as such feeling a certain fire well up within her at the idea that her opponent had seemed to take her lightly, while they started by testing one another out the pressure which he had put on her had made her assume that he had been offering his best, and it almost felt insulting to Anika that he had still seemed to be pulling his punches or some such in the face of what she had unleashed when she started cracking with her spell craft.

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Competitive Edge [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 11:14 pm


WORDS: ### | Gym Bunny

“I'd happily offer a few more bops on the nose to motivate you to your best, in that case…” Such a note something that that helped to peel back the layer of professionalism which she had held so far and perhaps bring something more to bear which the bespectacled blonde might have shown to a lax subordinate, the blazing boscosi lifted a digit to her eyewear and pushed it up before balling her fists once more, and showed that she was more than happy to beat a better attitude into the boy if she had to. Imagine, holding out on her like this, eh?

"Whoa, you really get spicy when you heat up, huh?
Ahahahaa! I love it~!"

Once more it seeming however that the rougher and more heated aspects of her person were something which Jack showed a definite sense of approval toward, rather than flinch or apologise at the less than veiled threat she had given him instead he appeared to brighten, and even laugh.

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Competitive Edge [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 11:15 pm


WORDS: ### | Gym Bunny

The latter not even in a way that seemed scornful or mocking either for that matter, instead he seemed impressed and amused by the reveal, and shot her a little wink to go with it as it seemed their rapport was deepening.

“I thought you might have guessed that… From how we met~?” Such response helping Anika to open up a little more in fact, there was a sense of comfort in so accepting a reception which was more disarming than she might have guessed, and promoted her to drop some of the stiffness and procedure to which she was prone to showing others. Instead flashing with a grin of her own as she alluded to how she had sent the punch bag flying before, the blonde could not deny that felt felt a little tickle of excitement run up her spine as she let herself relax a little, and enjoy the company of her new friend that little bit more for it…

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.

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