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Competitive Edge [Solo - Storyline]

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Competitive Edge [Solo - Storyline] - Page 3 Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 4:25 pm


WORDS: ### | Gym Bunny

Always got another ace in the hole, hm~? Scarcely failing to notice how the boy with the blue eyes was bristling and even less surprised when they agreed to finish their fight with what followed and he began to work on some new attack, Anika would be a liar if she tried to say that she wasn't intrigued when she saw her foe seem to whirl that cumbersome club about a few times and then draw it back behind him, and ever more so when she noted that it seemed to be making energy or the air itself ripple around it. Though, despite her curiosity, the blonde boscosi knew that there were better things to focus upon than what her enemy was up to.

“Hrrrraaaaaahhhh!!!!” Principal among these making sure that she put everything that she had left into her own attack, though Miss Adler considered the idea of levying some burst or blast of Mana against her enemy she instead opted to squeeze every drop of mana she had out and put it into pace and force in the hope of beating him to the punch of what he planned, and with that in mind drew a hand back and then surged forward with strength and speed to meet him. To the victory, the spoils, eh?

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Competitive Edge [Solo - Storyline] - Page 3 Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 4:25 pm


WORDS: ### | Gym Bunny

“Hrnnnnggggg!!!!” The woman whipping onward in one last hurrah and launching herself like a missile toward the man with whom she did battle, Anika shot through the air like a javelin and had her fist as the tip of her attack, though even with all the effort she had gone to it still seemed beyond her. The faux foe whom she faced squeezing the grip of his weapon and then unleashing it with a kind of pace which would have made the motion invisible if not for the wake of air he seemed to kick up, for a second the fair femme though that she had run into a hurricane as a wind stronger than any gale rushed forward to oppose, and while she groaned in a rather stubborn to force herself past it, ultimately she proved to be bettered by it as well. It was like trying to fight against the tides of time themselves…

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Competitive Edge [Solo - Storyline] - Page 3 Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 4:26 pm


WORDS: ### | Gym Bunny

“Unnngggffff!!!!” The blonde belle blasted backward as the strength of the squall overwhelmed her every effort of inertia and then turned it against her, Miss Adler had lurched into this contest expecting something of a rough landing and got it as mean momentum send her rolling back not over the ground but rather through the air, and left her to crash against the wall of the gymnasium with a noticeable thud. Perhaps even wanting to cry out because of it as well but most assuredly having the air knocked from her sails in the process as well, all that she could do was offer a weak groan before slumping to the ground in defeat, though did so perhaps with her head held high as well. At least metaphorically speaking, of course. After a blast like that it would be more than a couple of moments before she could lift a hand up, let alone her head…

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Competitive Edge [Solo - Storyline] - Page 3 Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 4:26 pm


WORDS: ### | Gym Bunny

"Hot damn, you really had me in a hole there, Anika!
Been too long since I had a decent workout like that?"

Left gasping as she clattered to the ground and taking a moment to recover even the strength to prop herself up enough to look at the man she had faced, all the same Miss Adler felt proud for the fact that she had managed to retain her consciousness even in the face of her defeat, and perhaps was rewarded for that with the sound of his words ringing in her ears with praise for the contest they had.

“Haa… Haaaa…” The blonde breathless and not even able to form words in response for a moment as she flicked her head and that bright mane to face him, as usual he seemed to be wearing that big and broad grin and yet there did seem to be at least a little victory in what she saw as well. The man sounding like he was doing better than she was but looking not much more so, there he stood with his weapon propping him up and an image of a figure who was thoroughly spent, which seemed victory enough from where Anika was struggling, and perhaps a sight she might like to see more of going forward as well…

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Competitive Edge [Solo - Storyline] - Page 3 Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 4:29 pm


WORDS: ### | Gym Bunny

“M-Me too, Jack. That was… Rigorous.” Finally able to summon a few shaky sounding words when finally it seemed that her sternum was recovering, Anika peeled her glasses off and she wiped her brow before rolling onto her back, feeling disappointed to have lost but appreciative of the spar all the same. It had been a hell of a contest which had pushed her to the limit, and she felt stronger for it.

"Whew, you definitely got some moves, girl!
Looks like us Runeys bagged quite the prize with you, eh?"

The lad shaking off what fatigue he felt to saunter over to her in the meanwhile and offer her not only a hand to stand but also one meant for admiration as well, while it seemed that she hadn't managed to attain a true victory it sounded like she had at the very least garnered some measure of respect from him, which seemed to be prize enough given what he was capable of.

“That's… Kind of you to say, given your own level of ability. I am most impressed you managed to hold me off even when I used my magic…?” Accepting both because of that and admitting just how much it meant to her, when Jack had hoisted her back to her feet the boscosi beauty couldn’t help but gush a little as she looked over the contest they had, and confessed her amazement that he had managed to do so much even without seeming to show any signs of spell craft…

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Competitive Edge [Solo - Storyline] - Page 3 Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 4:30 pm


WORDS: ### | Gym Bunny

"Ahahaha, I've been at this a while?
Battled my share of wicked mages and the like, though I'd say you'd give most of 'em a run for their money?"

The lad left to scratch the back of his head at the praise which Miss Adler offered to him, frankly it was a little bit surprising to see how humble Jack appeared in the face of it, especially in light of what he could do. Seeming to be packing plenty when it came to his abilities and yet acting modest in the face of acknowledgment, it was clear that he loved battle from the contest which they had fought, but from what she could tell it was that which he cherished rather than the renown which came from it. Admirable, in its own right.

“I wonder…? Honestly, it still felt like you were holding something back, this whole time?” Not that Anika hadn’t noted how he had seemed to move up through the proverbial gears to meet her every effort in the meanwhile like the whole thing had been some sort of game, the fair femme couldn't help but think he had more left in the tank if he needed it, and was fighting more to match and test her rather than best her in the battle ultimately.

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Competitive Edge [Solo - Storyline] - Page 3 Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 4:30 pm


WORDS: ### | Gym Bunny

"Whaaaat? It did?
Ahahaha, busted!
Suppose it's hard for me to go all out against a girl?"

The observation which she had made seeming to prompt just a hint of a blush in his cheeks, Anika would not deny that she felt a little flash of annoyance as he admitted that her assumption had indeed proven correct, if only for her pride as a warrior. Though with it, she supposed that she knew him well enough now to recognise at least a little flattery in the fact as well.

“Notions like that might get you killed in the wrong conflict…” The blonde proving as blunt as ever in response to his chivalry ultimately though perhaps in her own way because of concern, though it reminded her of her soreness Miss Adler let loose a sigh as she called attention to how a less scrupulous adversary might just prove enough to take his life, and for a moment showed that stern side through that.

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Competitive Edge [Solo - Storyline] - Page 3 Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 4:30 pm


WORDS: ### | Gym Bunny

“You need more practice. I'll fight you again, and prove that women are nothing to be trifled with…!” Softening with a smirk soon after though as she showed that she felt the sweetness in the idea more than she might have otherwise let on, ultimately she opted to compromise on the issue and decided that all he really needed was someone willing and able to demonstrate just what a mistake he was making, and volunteered for such a role with a demanding eagerness to boot.

"Whoooaa! You really ARE feisty!
Ahahahaa! It's a deal, then! Next time!"

Such spirit seeming to be something which her rival could both appreciate and approve of however, the man who had drawn her into the competition went beyond snickering as Anika showed such a heated and perhaps stubborn side to her person, and was left chuckling at the surprising side which she showed to herself. The lass herself feeling re-energised however even with her tiredness and after taking such a battering, all she could do was smirk and shake her head, before heading to the showers with both her mind and her body as well bristling…

Total Wordcount: 10400

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.

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