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The Heat of Summer Finally Cools Off [Private - Lumi]

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#1Alaric Holloway 

The Heat of Summer Finally Cools Off [Private - Lumi]  Empty Sun Jul 14, 2024 5:15 pm

Alaric Holloway
”Wake up, you idiot.”

Alaric’s eyes fluttered open, confusion clouding his thoughts. His head was throbbing, and his body felt clammy and ached all over. He rose with a groan, his movements stiff and labored. His whole body was sore from spending the entire evening on a cold, concrete bench. “What happened?” He held his hand to his head, trying to suppress the mounting headache that was beginning to form. Alaric had spent the past few days becoming accustomed to the new inhabitant in his body, the demon Pyreaus, Lord of Flames. The new power in his body was exhilarating but also incredibly taxing. It took so much effort from Alaric just to manage it. He had thought his bomb magic was dangerous before, but this new magic was something entirely different. It was raw, relentless fire that sought only to consume and destroy.

”Hurry, you need to go to the college’s class they are hosting soon. It is on the use of magic such as mine. You need a firmer grasp on the power that offensive flames can have.” He wasn’t wrong. Alaric knew he could use the lesson. Despite the pain coursing through his body, he got moving and quickly made his way towards the lecture. This would be the first class he ever attended at the school, and he was curious about how it would be handled. The College of Destruction was the furthest from the main academy, likely placed there due to the dangerous nature of the spells they taught. It would be quite costly to have to rebuild the main campus every other week due to accidents.

The college held many of its lectures outside in an open arena of sorts, and the one Alaric was to attend was no different. The arena was large, roughly half the size of a soccer field, with magical wards placed around it to keep the bystanders safe. A crowd had already formed on the benches, and it seemed Alaric was late to the lecture. Nothing new there. As he approached, he was chastised by the professor and pointed to a seat near the front. As the lecture unfolded, Alaric took a keen interest in the focus on the overwhelming range of abilities that could be harnessed. He had primarily stuck with offense, but the way the professor explained the integration of different techniques sparked new ideas. He found himself thinking of innovative and exciting ways to use his magic.

As the lecture portion of the class was concluding, the professor called for various volunteers to come down to the field for a mock duel to test their skills. Alaric’s hand shot up, but it was initially passed over. After several rounds, the class was finally coming to an end. Alaric lifted his hand again and was pleasantly surprised to be selected to come to the field this time. ”Listen to my guidance and we will succeed, Alaric. Don’t be reckless; the flames can easily consume you if you are.” Pyreaus’s voice echoed in his mind, a constant reminder of the power he now wielded and the caution he needed to exercise.

As Alaric stepped onto the field, he felt a mix of excitement and apprehension. Pyreaus was right. Alaric was not in control of these flames yet. They could easily burn him as they could his enemy. He needed to play it slow. At least at the start. He had to treat this power just like the wolf’s. He may have grown and gained control with it but he could not go wild without regret yet. He waited on the field for the other students to be selected. He was eager to see who might be his first true test.

Wc 640

The Heat of Summer Finally Cools Off [Private - Lumi]  1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App

The Heat of Summer Finally Cools Off [Private - Lumi]  Empty Mon Jul 15, 2024 8:54 am


"Kukuku," the Demoness giggled. It had been a while since she saw her old friend and she was giddy to see him again. "Prof. Reviron asked me to assist him in testing his students' mettle. Lucky for him, I had to test the strength of me magic and how much it could hold. Still...didn't think I find ya here, old friend. Ye ran away from me after all. Did I scare ye too badly? Really, Yuurei is far worse." Lumikki leaned in as she teased, her tiny frame hardly comparable to his. Yet for how tiny she seemed, one did not forget the bite of her magic or the oppressive presence she could garner should she show it. Though a blessing to all who encountered her, she did not care to show more than needed. There is no fun in a game from which you've presented all your cards. One could say she understood this sentiment quite well, as her "World's eye" allowed her to peer into everyone else's hand. It would be this boon of hers that allowed her to pick Alaric from the crowd, as the man had changed a good deal since the last time she saw him.

"Heh...there's something odd about ye," Lumikki began, it was clear that she was sensing the fellow Demonic presence. She didn't pay the sensation any mind before, but now that she was right beside it, it was now getting much harder to ignore. "Aaaah yeeeees.....something has changed indeed...." To her dismay, she honed in on the supposed change. The flicker in her eyes shining brightly the moment she became keen. Her boon told of her friend and his new acquaintance. It was becoming almost too ridiculous how often the remnants of her kind were spreading out now, settling in and gaining influences among the beings of this worlds. But she would take a deep breath and step back. Calming her mind and her temper as she allowed herself and her feelings to ice over.

Lumikki had become somewhat of a regular within the Amaforth Academy. It was a way to meet those eager to learn and perhaps learn herself. She even hosts classes of her own to help those still learning to handle their powers. Why would a Demon take up such a task? One could wonder, and it was simple, really. It was a way to pass time, learn more culture of the world, and scoop up promising individuals when they were still too naïve to choose otherwise. Paradise Dawn could away use more potent agents in their craft and Lumikki could always use more distractions. It would be that reason she was found here now, and for the sake of proving her defense magic. What better place to test a spell meant to take a hit than the place designed to teach destruction?

Lumikki took a few steps back and looked into the open field. Looking away did her some good at the moment, as she was still quelling her temper. When she finally found a spot she liked, far, far away from the other students, Lumikki would point the way. She still remembered Alaric to be explosive with his work, and despite all the other ways he had changed, she was hoping this was something about him that stayed the same. Even if she didn't really care much for fire, flames, and the like. The company of a werewolf was enough to quell it.

"How was that search of yers? And yer classes, for that matter? Should ye need, I teach a bit meself. Offensive magic is just as much me speciality as the spells used to hex one's foes, but I admit that I'm looking to bolster me defenses as well. Too many adventures trying to drag me from the skies. I would like to meet them where they stand and prove I'm still terrifying close. Least that's the hope. Yer a blessing in this time as I need to prove me ice can meet fire like any other and hold fine. At least the particular spell I have in mind, I don't think I could coat 'em all in that rune sadly."

As if to prove her point, Lumikki rose her hand to her chest. With her index finger, she dragged her talon down, drawing the rune Isa to activate her spell. A lavender magical circle manifested behind her head, resembling a demonic crest or halo before settling on the image of a runic crescent that lingered. Armor, black as obsidian, would adorn her compact frame. It left no skin bare as it hungrily consumed her. Wings would grow from many points: the helm, knee plates, and boots. While runic etches would carve its way atop the surface of bigger plates, calling to the powers of protection and overcoming battle, before fluttering out into feathery flourishes. Her helm covered much of her head, and a band of darkness would overlay above her eyes, leaving only her nose and mouth for others to see. The back of the suit had four holes intending to free her wings should she need to, and from her waist down hung a black fabric like skirt that sat atop a plate of ice, to which to big black wings adorned her hips and provided more protection from the sides. Plating with ice crystals and many shades of blue and purple adorned her neck and chest. It was almost like gazing upon a Valkyrie.

the armor:

"Whenever yer ready friend."


The Heat of Summer Finally Cools Off [Private - Lumi]  Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#3Alaric Holloway 

The Heat of Summer Finally Cools Off [Private - Lumi]  Empty Mon Jul 15, 2024 6:47 pm

Alaric Holloway
The hairs on Alaric’s neck began to rise. This presence…how did he not notice her scent before this moment? “Lumi…” His voice trailed off. The demoness’ cackle filled the air around the students. An arctic blast rolled through the arena. The students all started to pull closer to each other as they sought some form of warmth from each other. It was not your usual summer weather forecast. If Alaric wasn’t burning up from Pyreaus’ influence he might have been shivering like the rest of the class. His eyes scanned the crowd for the loveable demon but saw no sign of her. Her presence soon appeared right by Alaric. She was as playful as ever it seemed. Alaric took a step back not out of shock but fear that the demon might pluck his heart out with nothing but a smile on her face. Not that he’s ever witnessed Lumi doing such a feat but he knew if push came to shove, there would be a fifteen cm hole in his chest.

“Something feels…familiar here. What is going on Alaric? Who is this Lumi?” Pyreaus' tone was annoyed. He wondered if the demon could sense Lumi’s demonic origins or if maybe Pyreaus had somehow connected to Alaric’s memories. Lumi’s appearance at the school was a blessing in some ways. Alaric was still quite wary of Pyreaus’ power. The flames he could produce were strong and violent. If there was a mage he felt comfortable meeting their wrath it was Lumi. Her frost magic might be ill-suited against such flames but the power that she held was more than enough to put this heat on ice. At least for the moment. If Alaric could push himself and Pyreaus to a point of exhaustion, maybe he would get some peace and quiet for a bit. Who knows, maybe Lumi could reach right in and pluck the demon’s soul from his body and gobble it up like her shadows.

She was quick. Quicker than Alaric expected even though he should know better. The ice queen had pinned him to the ground in an instant whenever he started to lose control the last time they met. “I have to admit, being pinned down by your talons did haunt my dreams for a few nights.” He gave her a half smile as she peered into his soul. Her words and tone were mysterious. She must have sensed the demon based on her words. That or she felt a new power within him. Lumi wasn’t a pushover. She had some power that let her peer through the facade that people would show her. Alaric remembered, a bit fuzzily, how she was able to see into his true intentions when they first met.

Her body language though had shifted with that tone of hers. Alaric could not help but notice that she evaded his eyes. She had turned her body away from him and towards the field that they were to spar within. He felt like breaking the moment of silence but felt for his sake and the rest of those in attendance it was best to let Lumi do her thing. It was odd to see her here. Alaric had never faced Lumi in combat before but from what he gathered, she was not in the offensive style of mages. She seemed more content being a director from afar. His match with Teveni showed that she felt safe in the sky. She was free to watch and interact when the moment called for it.

“Don’t let your feelings for this woman cloud your actions. You are my vessel now and I refuse to be held by one who enables a woman to best us” Alaric let a hmph sound at that comment. Sexism wasn’t something he was in line with Pyreaus it seemed. Alaric ignored the statement and focused on the frost witch before him. She seemed to be bringing back her attention towards Alaric and the lesson before her.

Still ongoing, sadly. Don’t worry. They will not evade this nose for much longer.” He gave a snide smile and pointed towards his nose as he did so. While he was no more comfortable with the wolf’s presence within him, he did feel as if his mental willpower was greater. Pyreaus in the mix seemed to help quell those feelings too. His mind was so strong and pervasive. It was hard to tune him out or hide thoughts from him. Something Alaric would surely need to work on in the coming months. He rolled his neck a bit and tried to loosen up. Last night’s sleep was not doing him any favors. If he knew Lumi was going to be facing him, he would have ate a full meal and got a restful ten hours of sleep.

“You would be quite a fearsome teacher. I wouldn’t want to skip your lessons.” Alaric watched carefully as Lumi started to weave her magic. By drawing a rune on her chest she had started. A cold air drifted through the field once again. “An ice witch, eh? Perfect. We’ll melt her before she lays a hand on us.” Judging by Pyreaus’ tone, Lumi wasn’t a demon he was familiar with. If the Lord of Flames thought her nothing more than an ice mage, they would soon find themselves trapped in her frosty prison. “She’s stronger than you think. I’ll need you to help with those flames of yours.” He spoke out loud but in a hushed voice. The others likely thought him mad. As the ice armor finished forming, Alaric could not help but be amazed by the spell. Surely, whatever she had just crafted was the most well-crafted spell that he had ever laid eyes on. The intricate detail of it was astounding. Put his bomb and fire magic to shame. Both were so brutish.

Knowing that the mental game was half the battle. Alaric’s face shifted to a more determined expression. Magic started to ripple from his body as the heat of the space quickly rose. Alaric began to unbutton the shirt he wore and let it casually fly off to the ground. “Pluck you from the sky? What foolish men you’ve crossed paths with as of late. One could pluck the moon from its place quicker than they could you. But, do not think I will not try to at least bring you closer to the ground this go around. I’m a different man than you and Teveni last saw. My fangs and claws have grown sharper and the will within me burns hotter.” With the small bit of banter out of the way, Alaric started the dance the two would be putting on for the classmates. Alaric lifted his arm up and drew it back like a bow. “What’s that saying? A bird in the hand is equal to two in the bush?” Flames erupted from his fingertips. Within quick succession, two arrows flew across the battlefield aiming right where Lumi stood.

wc 1197
twc 1837


The Heat of Summer Finally Cools Off [Private - Lumi]  1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App

The Heat of Summer Finally Cools Off [Private - Lumi]  Empty Tue Jul 16, 2024 5:57 am


”Oh I believe ye,” Lumikki replied, she was leading the pair to the spot she choose. Her voice returned to a sense of playfulness as she was happy despite the unwanted guest. ”I always have faith in the sense of smell a wolf has. I’d feel envious if it weren’t for me keen eyes.” They were stepping into the place now, and Lumikki twirled around enthusiastically.

”I like to believe I’m approachable. Me students took to me well enough. Though I would need more time to tell. More classes, more students, so on.” Lumikki prepared herself for their clash. The ice was now rolling over her skin. The chill that was lingering in the air from her presence was now blistering in her wake. The grass beneath her feet, now freezing over and breaking off. The gale around them picked up as she pulled out her four black wings. Stretching them out into their full left of two meters before adjusting them in preparation toe brace herself. The talons affixed to the radiale on her uppermost wings flexed as well before they plunged into the earth and gripped hard at the dirt. Her lower most set’s pinions hardened enough to become dagger-like sharp, so they could stab into the ground and help her brace as well.

Lumikki was cunning and swift, but she did not yet have the raw physical strength to stand up to everything. Perhaps in time with more Demons consumed and foes slain, but for now, she was practicing how to take a hit.

”Adventurers sadly, they’re a hasty bunch. So eager to pulled me down that it’s becoming quite vexing. Of course I know yer not a fan of things that may fly either. Still, Lucky for ye, me mission is to test the strength me magic could hold. I won’t be quite so flighty this time….a blessing I’m sure. I’ve braced for yer spells, loose ‘em when ready.” She observed the technique of the flames dancing around his fingers as he pulled and arm back like drawing a bow. The need to strip the shirt was lost on her as she simply assumed he was more at comfort without it on. An assumption that was not far off but not quite keen on of the truth. The man she faced now was practically burning inside out and though her chill was soothing in his inferno, the lack of offensive or hexing spells dulled the chance of relief he could have had.

Lumikki chuckled, ”From what I’ve read. That saying implies to be happy with what ye have Alaric. Would ye say yer content? But I understand the jest, its a far more pleasing expression compared ta two birds, one stone.”

Lumikki took on a more defensive stance herself. A foot before the other and arms crossed above her chest. The arrows at his fingers flickering before zipping through the air, now ready to strike at her small frame. Dotted lines informed her of where they’d land and she’d adjust for such. By the time they struck, flames shattering on the impact with the hunger to consume and catch ablaze, Lumikki who was quite prepared. They hardly left a scratch but they indeed left their mark. The damage was not intense but its inclusion showed her just how much further he was coming along. What little of the embers were left, Lumikki wiped off with chilled in hand. She was growing to tolerate the use of flame magic in her life, too many of those she took a liking to now possessed it. So the touch of flames no longer left her annoyed and the success of her magic hinted that she was growing a lot as well.

”Very nice Alaric, yer precision and control far exceed what I observed the last time. Those were very skillful arrows with very promising potential. I see the shine of yer tooth claw, makes me quite pleased indeed.”


 Lunar Second Phase Valkyrie Learned (1,571/1000 wc 75% wcr due to a max of 1001 int)

The Heat of Summer Finally Cools Off [Private - Lumi]  Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#5Alaric Holloway 

The Heat of Summer Finally Cools Off [Private - Lumi]  Empty Fri Jul 19, 2024 8:48 pm

Alaric Holloway
Lumi’s remarks on her students were endearing. He had always known she was a softy. If it were not for his constant arctic chill or large massive wings, she would probably make an excellent mother. Perhaps she would be a good mother to a babe demon, an ice demon, one day. She could do no worse than Alaric’s own. Alaric remembered the joke the two shared about eating one’s children, which brought a smile to his face. The two shared that vulgar humor trait.

Lumi’s magic shifting around her was mesmerizing. It was an understatement to say that she was a master mage. She was beyond that. Her capabilities were astounding. The detail and delicacy matched with her sharp icy power made her stand out amongst those that Alaric had encountered before. He had never witnessed her use her power to any true extent. Was today the day that she finally allowed him to be tested? He wasn’t a pup in her eyes any longer.

“Your admiration for the ice witch is amusing but pointless. Our flames will prove too intense for her or any other mage. Allow me to gain control Alaric. I will finish this trivial matter within moments.” Pyreaus was eager to take over Alaric’s body and mind. The wolf pushed those thoughts aside and focused before him. Taking his eyes off of her for a moment could spell doom for the mage. She said she wasn’t going to be running away this time. Something about that made the hairs on Alaric’s neck stand even more in attention.

Instead of evading or clashing the arrows with her own magic, Lumi instead simply braced herself. She was confident that her icy magic and natural self were more than enough to handle the flames of his magic. If it was not for the fact that it was the truth, Alaric might have been greatly offended. He watched as the arrows found their marks and did their duties but would fade away as if nothing had occurred in the first place. “Heh, thing about me Lumi, I’m never fully satisfied. You could say I’m a rather gluttonous wolf.”

Alaric used his magic to quickly launch himself forward toward Lumi. If his spells would not cause any surprise to the woman, perhaps his raw strength might. “Rushing in straight forward? Finally, using that brain of yours. Now, simply touch her and we can place my spell on her shell be good as dead once it matures.” What spell could he be babbling about now? Alaric paid him no mind but instead charged forward. As his spell came to an end, he would pivot himself away from her front and towards the side, hoping to pull off a feint. Perhaps she’d see him coming straight on and focus on that but be unprepared for a quick strike to the side.

wc 487
twc 2324


The Heat of Summer Finally Cools Off [Private - Lumi]  1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App

The Heat of Summer Finally Cools Off [Private - Lumi]  Empty Sat Jul 20, 2024 5:11 am


”Kukuku…Then ye could say I’m a ravenous raven.” True to her word Lumikki did not move. Instead she only replanted her wings into the ground in the instance of his dash. Taking his move head on despite the feint to the left and the strike he’d land after the fact. From which, Lumikki slid from the impact. Her wings digging into the earth to keep her standing outright as for the moment, she lacked raw strength. But who knows for how much longer.

The trail of fire died down sooner than Lumikki straightened her posture, be she would raised promptly after reinstating her footing. Even pulling back her wings and folding them together in place.”I hope ye don’t mind if I practice a few tricks as well Alaric.” A smile curled upon her lips but her eyes were still hidden from the visor of her helm. ”I’d appreciate yer patience with me, I’ll be sure to let ye land more spells after the fact. But first, I also need to test some of the swiftness I possess, see. I fear there is too much stillness in how I battle and though I rule the frost, I’d hate to be slow as a glacier. Granted, the hardiness I admire greatly.”

It started with a risen hand, her left arm swaying to an imaginary melody. Her pointer finger outstretched while she played the beats of a silent song, hitting notes that Alaric could not perceive. Then it was followed by her other hand, mirroring the first. Like a conductor leading a marvelous performance that she was beginning to get carried away in. Eight magical lavender circles swirled among the pair, starting close before pulling out and locking into place. From which structures of frost would sprout forth like a cool mist before frør began to solidify like beautiful black branches of a tree. The sunlight pouring from above now shimmering along all the twigs, with the main branch appearing as thick of the trunk of a tree and the height of around four meters tall. After a moment to look upon them, it would be easy to note that they served no offensive purpose; but as to why the Demoness bothered to make them at all would still not be clear.

”This is the first I’ve tried something like this, so I woooonder…” Lumikki spoke, mostly to herself as suddenly she started to take of running. Following along the circular placement of the pillars she recently conjured and set down. Despite the weight added by her newly made magical armor, she was still as swift as a bird. And Alaric was always at the corner of her eye. After a moment to reach her highest speed, Lumikki would finally test the strength that one of her eight branches could bolster. Jumping from the ground and testing her wait and impact on her branch. Sure enough, it seemed to hold soundly from the initial touch. Of course, Lumikki’s course of actions would not end then as there were more things to test out as well.

 Eight Branches of Yggdrasil Learned (512/500 wc 75% wcr due to a max of 1001 int)

With a quick tap of Lumikki’s toes on her branch’s surface, another two lavender magical circles simmered from beneath the soles of the Demoness’ feet just as she slide into a crouching posture. Black snow fell away during the motion, as if the momentum both created and pushed it away. When the circles faded, leaving her Lumikki perched upon the trunk, it was hard to notice the new layer of frost spreading from beneath her. Creeping along the black obsidian-like surface of her make-shift branch. Little black frost flowers sprouting from the edges off the of the main one which centered around the mid section of Lumikki’s feet. It allowed her to cling to the side of the surface, staying locked in place by the contact of her feet and the little use of magic alone.

 Steps of Priscilla Learned (136/125 wc 75% wcr due to a max of 1001 int)

Lumikki did not straighten out just yet, finding the crouching pose to make looking upon Alaric easier. Of course she would not stay still for much longer either. Instead she was mulling over her next moves and companies reaction. ”I know all me machinations seems odd, but when ye move about very quickly, it leads to certain needs arising to be met. Ye propel yerself often with yer use of magic, so I figured ye could understand. Perhaps me musings could even inspire ye a tad for yer own ideas.” Lumikki would mutter as she finally leap forward, but it would not be to stay on the ground.

As she jumped down and her toes hit the grass, another lavender magical circle would rapidly flash right beneath her. Just as sudden as it appeared, did a sudden gust for frigid push Lumikki upward. Her wings pulled out to open completely, catching the excess updraft and pushing her up toward the sky for around ten meters. The gust would not last much longer after rising her up, nor would the circle as it quickly began to fade. Forcing Lumikki to make her next move fast.

Witch Twist Learned (194/188 wc 75% wcr due to a max of 1001 int)

”Now I’m curious Alaric, if ye would be able to predict the function of this next move. Of course, I wish ye luck on escaping it!” Lumikki called out from high above. She was already beginning to descend as gravity was tugging away at her; but she’d start her hand gestures within that moment. Clapping her hands together to conjure the next spell and a series of lavender magical circles proceeding to surround the werewolf below.

Found a quick count, one could say that nine shimmered all around him. With another gesture on Lumikki’s part, another big circle would appear just below his feet depending on where ever he went while trying to avoid the first batch. And just as soon as the big one shown, the small ones faded away, their effects not quite noticed or understood. The same would be proven for the big one that proceeded them. It wouldn’t be daft for one to simply assume they were all duds because that was exactly what they were. Jests or feints to trick her opponents into never predicting when the following threats were actually coming. Whether they should in one spot or move what now a question to ponder.

Lumikki, giggling from her mischief, lightly touched the ground. Her wings cutting into the fall by cushioning her descent. ”Oy, there was a purpose for that promise. I wanted to see if it would open more options for me in a fight. Isn’t always eventful to battle in a straight forward matter. But I am done with most of my curiosities. I’m willing to practice me defense magic one more time if it’s yer desire. I have another spell in mind to take a hit, mind ye, won’t be as strong as the first, but it should hold yer attacks for the moment well enough. Lumikki stood still awaiting his answer, this is, if he wished to go on training.

Loki the Trickster Learned (321/188 wc 75% wcr due to a max of 1001 int)


The Heat of Summer Finally Cools Off [Private - Lumi]  Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#7Alaric Holloway 

The Heat of Summer Finally Cools Off [Private - Lumi]  Empty Mon Jul 22, 2024 10:05 pm

Alaric Holloway
She didn’t dodge! ”Foolish witch! Now suffer my Explosive Palm!” Pyreaus’ voice boomed throughout Alaric’s mind as the two simultaneously acted. Alaric’s fist struck Lumi and from it a roaring flame erupted. The force would cause Lumi to be moved several meters backward away from Alaric. To Pyreaus’ surprise but not Alaric’s, Lumi stood there relatively unphased. “That confirms that.” He remarked, talking mainly to himself but partially toward Pyreaus. Alaric had long assumed Lumi was much more durable than her frame would suggest. His blow might have been devastating to most but to the demon before him, it was nothing she could not handle.

Lumi’s natural defense was impressive but her ingenuity in this moment was what really caught Alaric’s attention. Her magic was impressively crafted. He braced himself as magic circles dotted the landscape around the pair. From the circles branches of ice blossomed to life. They seemed to give Alaric no harm or need to worry. His arms had risen in a defensive boxing stance before their emergence. He lowered them slightly as the wariness of the branches faded. His posture shifted back as he saw what was charging right at him.

Lumi had become little more than a blur to the man’s eyes. Her figure blends into a stream of colors and remaining snowflake markings. She was toying with him. Up there in her branches, she moved with such ease and swiftness. If she liked, Alaric was prime for the pickings. Those arrows he had used previously would do him little good in a situation like this. The best measure for handling slippery targets like Lumi, was always better to go bigger. “That is pretty smart of you Lumi. Makes it much harder to predict your movements.” He tried to keep up with his eyes but it was no use. She was too fast. “Focus you fool. Focus on her heat or lack thereof.” Pyreaus commanded in his ears.

Alaric’s eyes strained trying to read the movements. It was when he really began to focus did his eyes started to see the colors beyond what was typically seen by the naked eye. The icy branches of the trucks stuck out so harsh and purple in his eyes. The blur of a woman might have had some cooler colors streaming around her but the blood in her veins still pumped warm blood. Alaric’s eyes reflected that of a bonfire. His iris had become dancing flames themselves. He was able to track the heat source of not just Lumi but the icy magic that she molded. Quite a useful trick.

“I see you now, Lumi.” He watched as the woman descended toward the ground. Alaric began to lunge forward only to be met with a gust of chilly air. Lumi had brought herself down only to go back up. What sort of trick was she playing? Alaric looked upward, waiting to be met with a cold strike but her language so far indicated she was not looking to go on the offensive. She was a demon after all, it was probably not best to go off her word.

” Escape?” He questioned. Magic circles began to appear one after another around him. Wasting no time, Alaric would summon magic circles all around his body and propel himself upward, shattering through several of the icy branches as he did so. Alaric was able to place himself higher than Lumi as she fell back towards the ground. He was able to quickly turn about mid-air with his lips already pursed and ready. A simple blow of air from his lungs prompted the spell. A small circle would form in the space between his puckered lips and from it a stream of flames that quickly grew into a large area roared forth. The icy branches that she had run from moments before melted away. Lumi herself was in the spell’s direct path. He doubted the flames would harm her but it might heat up the battle itself.

Alaric would remain airborne for the moment. Watching and waiting to see where Lumi might move about for her next sequence of actions. It was a first for him to hold the high ground like this in any encounter he had with his fellow mages. From up here he could understand why one would position themselves like this. It offered perfect ariel views which would let him easily evade or predict the movements of those below.

wc 761
twc 3085

Demon's Eyes [C-rank] Trained! 750 - 30% = 525 words needed

Hot Air [B-rank] Trained! 1000 - 50% = 500 words needed

spells used:

The Heat of Summer Finally Cools Off [Private - Lumi]  1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App

The Heat of Summer Finally Cools Off [Private - Lumi]  Empty Tue Jul 23, 2024 8:33 am


Lumikki was not surprised by Alaric’s choice to dash in, though she was amused that he rose to meet her. Even despite her playful jump into the sky, this werewolf came toward her with his full hunger. She could see a glint of it in his kindling eyes, adding the darkness that contrasted the flames and brought out the glow of his internal inferno. How much of that was still his, she could not tell. Nor did she know the intimate details of the pact in which he made. His likeness, his person, was enough to tell her that he was like Ittindi. Touched by the Demonic, but not a Daemon. The Obscura did not course through his veins, and so her hunger did not quell at the sight of him.

Still, here now rose the werewolf she knew for his explosive tendency. Both figuratively by nature, and by literal magic, now shooting up towards her rather rapidly. As the Demoness had promised just prior, this was an instance in which she would not run away. Not needlessly at least, for he too needed a moment to learn and feel out his new and erupting spells, even if they were annoyingly hot. So Lumikki hung in the air, letting gravity pull her down as he escalated in one sharp and swift motion. A technique almost akin to one she had noted a Dragon Slayer for using, albeit not entirely the same. And in her descent, he would rise above her just enough to now occupy the ten meters she did just seconds before. Pivoting just as swiftly, to face down upon her, as she’d cheekily turn to gaze upon him as well. ”Oh but did ye enjoy the jest?”

Words uttered just before the puckering of his lips, for whatever reason she wasn’t quite sure but she doubted it would be for a harmless purpose. So is the nature of spells, they have odd gestures attached to them in ways that make them utterly quite fascinating before triggering what ever it was they were intended to do. And with the heat of his rocketing limbs, Lumikki could already feel the sweltering essence of his next move. Sure enough, in just a few seconds, which at a distance as close as this would make hard to move. Alaric with parting lips, unleash his burning gust of a spell right at the frost Demoness. But as he did, Lumikki would also brush as her arms, activating her spell too in retaliation.

The armor conjured at the start was still intact enough to handle such a blast. Probably even capable of handling a few more. And though it felt cool along her skin, she did not take kindly to the blistering heat soon to smother her small frame. Its bubbling flame was quickly heading toward her, eagerly trying to swallow her whole. This was why she beaconed her second skin. Black frost racing with the budding embers to encroach her first, sealing the Demoness away with her comforting frigid ice after the spark of a lavender magical circle that flashed behind her head much like the one before. It’s image lingering within the crescent of her Valkyrie armor like a completed halo with a star or flower-like snowflake at the center like a decorative motif. And the frost would even extend to the strands of her hair turning it black like obsidian, so as not to let them singe by the fires that now swirled around her while the remaining branches below buckled under their weight from the insistent melting.

Lumikki extended her dark, frost covered wings, holding her height with the remaining seconds of the cast before bursting through to grab Alaric by the collar. Her glowing gaze shining so bright through the dark visor that they pierced through the darkness like two twin stars blazing into the night sky. Her lips pulled back in something much like a smirk and snarl as her head rose to meet his by just a few inches. ”Delicious isn’t it?” Her voice was so soft and smooth like siren singing a somber lullaby, that it contrasted her expressions and crazed appearance. It’s juxtaposition almost swelling into a more disturbing reaction than if she came towards him shrieking like a banshee instead. ”The perfect merging of yer destined element….and the sickly sweet taste of a Demon’s power….intoxicating if not begrudgingly vexing…isn’t it….” As Lumikki pulled away, a chuckle akin to ringing bells bursting out from her lips next, and as her strong wings beat down to take her higher, she’d pull upon his shirt and somewhat disturb his steadiness, before rising onto twenty-five meters and turning back to look back at him.

”Seems ye’ve enter me favorite domain. I’m actually quite happy for ya! I’ve never seen a wolf fly before Lyall,” using a pet name for him that she had not used in ages. Perhaps even the last time she offered to keep him company as he trained his spell. For some reason, it felt like ages had passed but maybe that was her nature of a Demon to perceive time in ways different from the norm but she was quite happy to play with him all the same. ”Please, show me what else there is ye could do.” Lumikki beaconed with an outstretch hand, while the armor that he was breaking apart moments ago began to refresh. The cracks and chips now being smoothed over by a building new frost. Now nice and pristine as she awaited his next attack.

”As ye navigate the skies of course. Are those flames hard to manage? I’ve only known wings. And could ye still manage swift and dexterous flight I wonder…hmmmm..” She’d playfully allowed her body to sway as she gave it a bit of thought. ”Though unlike me, should be able to turn an angle with that, aye? With no need to kick off something that is….” Lumikki then titled her head so dramatically that she’d bob to the side as she gave into all her curious inquiries. Hoping quite intently that he would garner the patience to entertain answering her. ”There’s prob a voice in yer head, ain’t there? Would it be rude if I inquire the name to one yer pacted to? Yer the third of me close regarded is all, figure it best to a least know a name. After all, bet the bugger is getting to know me too….Alaric, I can’t say I know a lot about werewolves, besides the lil I learned from dating and observing one. Perhaps I’d look into it later, unless ya want to educate me that is. All this to say really, in a roundabout way, is that I assume yer like knows the feeling of being territorial….” While the lingering flames dissipated below, heating the air that slowly rises. It was now being met with the chill she was spreading about within the atmosphere, colliding with the heated current to form a mist all around her. The airs below was now a bit unstable, at least until the remain heat rises above the cold. But the sight of the ordeal would only make the Demoness look more ominous.

Even though Lumikki asked what it was she wanted to know, her World’s eye could give her glimpses of the being buried underneath. Still she did not care for her intuition, she wanted it from his words so that she could properly acknowledge it. As even though she didn’t mind gleaming entirely into her foes or passing curiosities, Alaric was a respected friend. It would be best to keep her piercing gaze at a decent minimum if just to show her respect on the matter. After all, Lumikki understood the annoyance of prying eyes. But she could not suffer a Demon among her that she didn’t know about.

Blood of Jötnar Learned (1,311/1000 wc 75% wcr due to a max of 1001 int)

The Heat of Summer Finally Cools Off [Private - Lumi]  Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#9Alaric Holloway 

The Heat of Summer Finally Cools Off [Private - Lumi]  Empty Tue Jul 23, 2024 2:50 pm

Alaric Holloway
The hairs on the back of his neck stood as her cool voice crept into his ears. While he was physically burning up with the heat his magic was generating, her voice was able to cut right through it and send a shiver down the werewolf’s spine. Lumi was the opposite demon of Pyreaus. Whereas he was loud and commanding, her words compelled you to listen for fear of her wrath. Both had a way about them to cause Alaric to pay attention, but he was more likely to ignore the words of someone screaming at him like Pyreaus. It was no surprise to see that her body was unscarred by his flames. The icy branches had melted into puddles and her armor showed signs of stress from under the heat but it was able to mend itself right before his eyes. “She seems to be able to sense my presence within you. She knows that are souls are intertwined.” Pyreaus was stating the obvious to Alaric. Lumi was no dummy, that was for sure.

Alaric’s eyes flickered with flames as he gazed into the demon before him. “You know I’ve always craved power. It just so happens that power craved me too.” As she floated above him there was a pause in their bout. The two allowed the other to reach their respective placements. Lumi had flown high into the sky for a moment; once again leaving Alaric to look up towards her. His high-ground advantage only lasted for a moment. Her voice twisted and blew like the winds that carried her magic. He could tell that while her more demonic side might have poked out a bit, she was still playful Lumi. She never feared his flames or claws. They would never reach a being such as her. At least not in the state he was in.

“You have such keen eyes but I guess that is a trait common with birds. You do have to spot your prey from afar so often.” His eyes locked onto her presence. He watched as the cold air around her blew to and fro, twisting it around the entire space of the arena. It was no spell but her sheer magic presence. His heat could not compare.

“I am still getting used to the aerial movement so no, I do not believe I will be as sharp with my moves as you might be with those branches of yours. Still, being up here in the skies has shown me why you love it so.” As the two danced in the skies, the entire class that had been seated not too far away were starting to feel the effects of two mages’ clash. The entire area’s weather was starting to shift with the mix of high and low pressures converging. Clouds were starting to form from the excess water evaporated away by Alaric’s flames. It was apparent that even though he was no match for Lumi, he was not the same as the boy who fought the harpy in the woods all those months ago.

“Ignore her. A demon’s name holds power and insight. Do not give her my name if you wish to one day pluck her from the skies.” Alaric ignored the voice of Pyreaus. He trusted Lumi, even if she too was a demon. “I hold the Lord of Flames within me, the demon Pyreaus has made a pact with me for power. In return, I just have to set the world aflame. Nothing too off my regularly scheduled activities.” His voice was firm but that last line held a bit of humor. “We are still fresh in our bond and I do not believe he has fully divulged his true powers or intent. I will carry him with me for the time being though. Until I learn all his arts and have no more need of him.” “Ha! Bold words child. Wait until you are weak and broken. I will take this body for my own and you will watch as I burn the world and those you cherish, including this ice witch!” Piraeus snarled in his ear but his words held little threat to Alaric. He knew that when his body was placed in a dire predicament, another was within him. Deeper than his soul. The wolf within would consume the Lord of Flames if he dared to take over his host.

Alaric looked toward the ground to see the mist starting to rise up to meet them in the sky. He took a deep breath, letting the vapors clear his nostrils. As he exhaled, the mist around him retreated from the hot air. Alaric’s eyes went back toward Lumi. The fires in his eyes dimmed slightly before roaring back to life. “Cremate” The words left his lips almost as a whisper more than a command. A magic circle would appear beneath Lumi. If the witch did not move than she would be engulfed in flames from the extreme heat that the circle produced. Alaric positioned his hands again as if he was firing an arrow. He waited for her to make a move before launching another one of his spells. This time, the arrow would pack a punch and cause an explosion to echo throughout the arena. He would melt that ice of hers and show her that he truly had become stronger.

Wc 924
Twc 4009

Magic Cremation [A-rank] Trained 2000 words needed - 50% = 1000 trained!

Bunker Buster [B-rank] Trained 1000 words needed - 50% = 500 trained!

spells used:

The Heat of Summer Finally Cools Off [Private - Lumi]  1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App

The Heat of Summer Finally Cools Off [Private - Lumi]  Empty Tue Jul 23, 2024 6:10 pm


”Oy, that we do~ But I can’t deny the blessing yer nose could be, picking up on things that aren’t apparent even when yer prey is long gone. Quit impressive really.” Lumikki would steady her posture before leaning forward slightly. She was pleased he answered but his comment was the most amusing. ”Oooh yes, nothing like a bird’s eyes view is there. Welcome to the skies Lyall, the most freeing of the domains.”

But of course, there was something she wanted to know more than anything else and to her greater surprise Alaric was indeed kind enough to divulge its name. Doing so brought an out a deep respect from Lumikki, who despite her pension and desires for chaos, strived to be a Demon of honor. ”Greetings Pyreaus Lord of Flames, I’m sure ye hate me as much as I don’t care for ye. And annoyingly enough, we occupy contrasting elements don’t we. But long as yer visiting our realm, yer nothing but a guest to extinguish. Yer power will never be yers here, thats the price Abyssal borns pay in Earthrealm. Pitiable isn’t it? Vexing no? But long as Alaric is yer vessel, yer but a means to an end as I would see to that….after all….how could yer like beat out a Demon in the flesh when yer incomplete here…Oh but Alaric dear, I’m glad for yer new power. Ye’ll grow to be quite the menace in no time, I pity the enemies and future targets of the Dawn. Curious though as to where ye’d burn down first. Any towns or cities in mind?” Her sickly sweet tone as she addressed Pyreaus shifted to one of pure sincerity for Alaric, drawing the line fairly clear as to where her hostilities lied and where her respect began and ended. For as charming as she found her friend was how irritating she found the Demon. But that was simply her nature, she didn’t like any of them here.

Alaric wasted no more time but it didn’t bother her. And though she could not make out what he said, the magic circle flashing before her told her all she needed to know. As Lumikki promised, she didn’t move from where she was and so when his magic reacted with her armor it was beautiful. His flames clung to her mana infused spell, igniting the obsidian like frost until hues of reds, oranges, and purples shown. The embers were showing through the darkness woven into the frost and bring out all the colors. Lumikki rose her hand just before her face, as the channeling flame hungrily wrapped around her. ”Do I look dazzling?” She joked, she was still enamored by the specks of colors. Only looking back up when she saw the dotted lines coming from his next spell. What appeared like an arrow much like before would connect with her soon. As Alaric loosened his shot, the hand Lumikki held reacted and swiftly caught the arrow. Holding it in place in her grasp for mere moments before it exploded in her face. Amongst all the kindling flames, was a belt of laughter. The Demoness was cackling out of amusement and joy. Twirling in the sky while the flames ate away at the surfaces of her armor and second skin but in the most dazzling of ways.

”It’s the funniest thing, dear friend.” Lumikki stopped mid twirl to look upon him again, ”but I think ye and some others have slowly gotten me to enjoy the beauty of fire.”


Curtain Call

The Heat of Summer Finally Cools Off [Private - Lumi]  Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#11Alaric Holloway 

The Heat of Summer Finally Cools Off [Private - Lumi]  Empty Tue Jul 23, 2024 9:38 pm

Alaric Holloway
Lumi’s whole body shimmered as a bright star in the sky for a few moments. The flames danced on her icy armor trying their best to devour the spell. As they raged the demon danced. A smile crossed Alaric’s face as his eyes shifted back to their normal iris. He was also slowly lowering himself toward the ground, though the spell stayed active. It was game over once he saw the woman catching his arrow mid-flight. “Curses! What are you doing Alaric? Strike her now! Her armor is cracked and burning. We can plunge our fist through her heart.” Alaric just chuckled at the frustration in the demon’s tone. He could tell already that this was a lost cause. Why couldn’t Pryeaus?

To the ice demoness herself, this was nothing more than an afternoon pleasure. She was enjoying the time she spent with her friend and was enjoying watching the evolution of his magic. She did not care to win or lose their fight. She simply wanted a good show. As the fires around the pair began to fade. Alaric took one last inhale before exhaling. With the release of his breath, the fires were all extinguished. The misty air started to clear and the raging winds were beginning to return to their normal temperament. The crowd that was standing was all waiting for something else to happen but they too did not realize that this was just a game.

As she approached the wolf the energy around her shifted. Alaric felt her not looking at him but through him, to the one that rode inside. Her words cut through the heat of the boy’s flesh. He could feel Pyreaus’ flames recede at her words. As if a child hiding from a lashing of his mother’s. Her words were cold and direct. She did not leave it for interpretation. The snap of her personality would leave one’s head spinning if they were not familiar with her. “None that the North has to worry about or Fiore for that matter. Bosco may want to start to pray for wetter weather in the coming months though.” He jested.

“You look as radiant as the stars of the evening sky. Perhaps we fire users will melt that icy exterior yet.” He gave a humble bow to Lumi signaling the end of their bout. “Miss Lumi, as always it is a pleasure. I hope that our next encounter you will find that my flames do more than just dazzle you.” With that, Alaric’s body began to rise once more off the ground. A shimmer of red aura wrapped around him. He could feel the flames propelling him growing in intensity and heat. [color:eff3=#b72r22] “Until next time.” He said as he trailed off away from the grounds. His speed was greatly enhanced. Lumi had given him the chance to really test his magic’s capabilities. It was a blessing to have somebody as strong as her willing to let him train with her. He hoped that the demon inside had paid attention to the world that he was trying to burn. He would need to show Alaric much more of his power if he ever wanted to attempt to burn a home let alone a country.


WC 554
TWC 4536

Burning Parade [A-rank] Trained 2000 words needed - 30% = 1400 trained!


The Heat of Summer Finally Cools Off [Private - Lumi]  1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App

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