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The Training Arc no one asked for. (Featuring Earan Guest stared by Emil)

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The Training Arc no one asked for. (Featuring Earan Guest stared by Emil) Empty Wed Aug 07, 2024 4:24 pm

Emil had set up dummies and other things like moving targets for them to train on as Emil had misunderstood that the other man was looking to train and learn his spells so Emil's set up was mostly going to go to waste in a big way as the other man had in certain and very clearly spell trying as the other man was looking to train his spells and work on forming them. Emil waiting for the other man to show up seemed to make him feel impatient as Emil hated to just stand around and be idle and not rushing around and doing things like training or going on missions to kill or take on bad guys that might be roaming around the north their home turf that they looked to defend and protect from even and those that wish to spread evil. Emil had started to hit on of the dummies with his fists as he was bored and kinda getting tired of waiting.

#2Earan F. Channtelle 

The Training Arc no one asked for. (Featuring Earan Guest stared by Emil) Empty Tue Aug 13, 2024 4:26 pm

Earan F. Channtelle
As the Idol rushed to the training area while trying to tie their hair up they stumbled and bumped into nearly everything in their path, "Sorry for the wait Mr. E- I mean Emil I really can't think you enough for helping me out with this." finally making it to the training grounds he panted trying to catch their breath as they had forgotten that all about the training.

Knowing that they would have to fight someone for real one of these days the Summoner had to be ready for anything, including fighting other summons. For Earan it was important to ensure they could handle anything that might come their way but that was only half the half of the goal for today, the other was simply to hang out with Emil and really see their magic in action. As they approached the man he couldn't help the feeling that this was going to be more of a nightmare boot camp than anything else I'm sure he won't be that hard on me...Nope, I'm sure he'll be super nice, they thought with a scared smile on their face.

The training dummies all looked rather used but still durable even through all the constant punishment they get from the other members.


The Training Arc no one asked for. (Featuring Earan Guest stared by Emil) Earan_10

Talking ( 3366cc )

The Training Arc no one asked for. (Featuring Earan Guest stared by Emil) Empty Fri Aug 16, 2024 12:29 pm

Emil looked at the other man and he started talking. "I assume you understand the basics of magic? I will go over it anyways just to be sure first. Envision, unleash, perfect. Envision the spell you are wishing to make so that the image is burned into your brain, unleash the potential of the mana you have to work with to make the spell take shape and finally perfect. Perfect the image and power from the raw detail and power lacking form form unleashed." Emil pointed his fist at a dummy then charged his gauntlet and then punched forward and a slight second after the punch a beam of lightning hit the target that was in front of him leaving the dummy charged a bit with a glow. Emil then adds more mana to the gauntlet and pulls back then punches forward and again the same beam of lightning fired into the dummy in front of him but he made it jump from that dummy to the other targets that are around.

He looked back to other man. "Remember you control it, don’t let it control you." he has faith the other man can handle that. Emil was not going to over work him just showing that magic is controlling and forming the spell you want and it to work to it’s potential.
(223) (330)

#4Earan F. Channtelle 

The Training Arc no one asked for. (Featuring Earan Guest stared by Emil) Empty Tue Aug 20, 2024 6:24 pm

Earan F. Channtelle
A refresher couldn't hurt, he thought as Emil began to speak while working on the first step, envisioning the shape of the one thing they could turn the tables on in a fight. The shape was the only thing they could truly remember from their teacher even if it was just slightly distorted, the design was rather royal-like yet simple enough to draw out with minimum effort. "Okay I think its almost done..." As Earan raised their hand a faint red glow surrounded the back of their hand.

The Light slowly started to intensify with a low-pitched screech until a pulse of red flashed around him, opening their eyes they could see that the flow of magic had been solely focused on this part of his hand. Earan looked at his hand in awe as it was just as they remembered it "Look Emil, I did it! I don't really know what I did but hey its something right!" Even though they had managed to summon their companions before they had never really listened to them which nearly always led to a contract cancelation.


The Training Arc no one asked for. (Featuring Earan Guest stared by Emil) Earan_10

Talking ( 3366cc )

The Training Arc no one asked for. (Featuring Earan Guest stared by Emil) Empty Wed Aug 21, 2024 8:36 am

Emil watched the other man as he was going to make sure that the other man didn't end up hurting himself as there was a lot that could go wrong in these sort of things and Emil thinks he knows this person is a summoner type so it is even more stressful as they might also reject the other man on summoning. Emil was relived when the man was able to control it and make what he had to for his magic to work then Emil laughed softly at the man being so excited for doing it and he was indeed proud of him for being able to do it. "That you did my boy. I am proud of you as a lot of people struggle to over come the starting parts but you seem to have gotten it in hand there, just need to make sure you understand the channels now." The man looked over the summoners work as it was fine work for someone that seemed very not confident going into this but he had a form of results just needs to retract him self to find the steps to make it repeatable which is usually easier.

"Just remember to breath a little as you make your attempts to retrace your steps to make it repeatable." Emil wanted to make sure that he got across that the other man needed to make sure that he took his time so that they didn't over do it and end up hurting themself or getting deathly ill from over use of their mana which in some cases can lead to death.
(274) (604)

#6Earan F. Channtelle 

The Training Arc no one asked for. (Featuring Earan Guest stared by Emil) Empty Thu Aug 29, 2024 4:34 pm

Earan F. Channtelle
Still overjoyed at the fact they managed to form a spell even if they didn't fully understand the use of it yet, the sounds of someone approaching them from the side but Earan was too focused on the new symbol that was now on their hand. It's so bright and doesn't even hurt even though I thought of it as a brand at first, he thought lowering their hand and refocusing on Emil when they noticed a semi-transparent person standing in between the two of them.

Confused as to who this person was the Idol took a few steps back as they didn't know if they needed to fight or not "You see that guy in front of you? You have to tell me you can see him..." As they waited for a response they clutched their hand and tried to get a read on this man before making any brash actions yet. The Idol waved at the man but they simply looked off into the distance as if neither of them were even standing around them Whats up with this guy he's not even paying me any attention, they thought as they felt a small puls from their hand with the mark on it.


The Training Arc no one asked for. (Featuring Earan Guest stared by Emil) Earan_10

Talking ( 3366cc )

The Training Arc no one asked for. (Featuring Earan Guest stared by Emil) Empty Thu Aug 29, 2024 10:40 pm

Emil looks at the strange man that had appeared in between them and he wondered where this person had come from or why they were here and when the other man asked him if he could see the person Emil spoke. "Yes I see them... Did you make him?" Emil wondered if this was the shape that his magic had taken or if this was just some random guy that had wandered up on them like they weren't there but Emil hadn't sensed them or even saw them coming so there must be a reason they were here or the man he was helping train had just summoned this man. "You a mute or something?" Emil spoke to the man as he was not sure if it was a summon or not so he wanted to ask the man if he is a mute or if this man was in a way just challenging him and the other man in some form as he needed to made sure they weren't in danger here for the him and the other man he was here helping train as this could go bad if this broke out into a fight as the other man seemed to not have any spells or a good grasp on his magic Emil started charging his gauntlets with lightning energy.
(226) (830)

#8Earan F. Channtelle 

The Training Arc no one asked for. (Featuring Earan Guest stared by Emil) Empty Fri Aug 30, 2024 6:21 pm

Earan F. Channtelle
Once Emil confirmed that he was also able to see the translucent person they noticed no weapon attached to them which meant one of two things, they were either a mage or felt rather confident in their abilities. It was odd however the feeling that they had seen this person before kept running around their head but they couldn't find the name or place they could have seen them.

Earan began to question if the Thunder was thinking along the same lines as himself, Did I really make this lil guy? he asked himself as the man turned towards him, ignoring the question posed before them. 'You have called for aid and I have responded.'

Unsure of how to respond they looked to their teacher for a clue on how to proceed when the man extended their arm out as if to stop them from proceeding beyond them they spoke once again 'My time is short will you accept my aid?'


The Training Arc no one asked for. (Featuring Earan Guest stared by Emil) Earan_10

Talking ( 3366cc )

The Training Arc no one asked for. (Featuring Earan Guest stared by Emil) Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 10:34 am

The guy had seemed to have ignored him, Emil guessed it was really the other man that the guy was here for so this must be one of those summons that this man's magic could do. "He clearly is asking you to acknowledge him, I know nothing of summons and the contracts you make, so you need to trust your gut on this one but I believe in you." Emil gives the other man a thumbs up as it seemed that this was the right way to handle this as he was here to help him so if a summon had come that means that this guy was the one and this was his time to make his contract with the spirit warrior that seemed to be in front of them, or maybe it was only because the other man had only been able to partially summon the man. Emil was going to keep thinking of this man in front of them as a spirit as he didn't appear fully solid till the other man was able to fully bring him into this world as something that wasn't so see through.

Emil was in a way excited about the other man growing even if his help is limited to Earan he had given him a few tips to be able to manifest his magic from the small tips that he had give him so it felt like a small victory for himself as a teacher and mentor to this other man.
(253) (1,083)

#10Earan F. Channtelle 

The Training Arc no one asked for. (Featuring Earan Guest stared by Emil) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 6:02 pm

Earan F. Channtelle
Unsure as to how to really deal with this the Idol rolled their eyes as their teacher made a suggestion, Trust my gut he says he's not dealing with this guy staring daggers into you he thought to himself looking back at the man, as they racked their brain to figure out just who this man was. Still, time wasn't really a factor in this current situation. If this was a summon then it was one of the weird ones as has never heard of one summoning itself much less choosing a master on its own. Given that the only other option on the table was to fight it trying to talk with them seemed like the best idea "I will accept your aid, my transparent friend." As the two touched palms the same red glimmer that surrounded his hand now involved the two.

'The contract has now been forged Co-Conductor' flashes of what seemed like memories played in Earans mind as they stumbled back a bit I understand now... he thought looking at Emil with a rather wicked smile on his face. The once transparent man was no solid ''Alright Saber play me a soft melody!" seconds after the command Saber drew their blade and pointed it at Emil 'Such a simple task Co-Conductor.' both master and servant stood ready for a battle as the test dummies wouldn't prove anything as this was now a test of Earans ability to command his summon and battle at the same time.


The Training Arc no one asked for. (Featuring Earan Guest stared by Emil) Earan_10

Talking ( 3366cc )

The Training Arc no one asked for. (Featuring Earan Guest stared by Emil) Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 9:35 am

Emil saw the look and sighed, as he knew that look and it seemed that the man was looking to test this summon against him. "You better make fully sure that you want to do this as if you start down this path I will not hold back on you." The man tossed on his armor and helmet and cape as he was not going to hold back and crush this man as it seemed as the man had been corrupted or was mad with power one or the other and Emil's gauntlets arced with lightning as he was getting ready to fight with the other man after seeing the look in the other man's eye and the fact that the man's summon had turned it's weapon toward him. Emil was not a push over and he was not going to roll over and die for this idiot that dared to turn their weapon on him.

Emil jumped back a bit so if the summon did come at him he was going to had room to destroy the man and his summon as his magic was not fully controllable. He needed to make sure that there was no question that he made this guy regret turning his weapon on him. Emil makes his hands into fists ready to throw down if he has to as it seemed the summoner might have become a puppet with that pact that they made. Emil needed to make sure that he didn't get himself killed here vs this idiot.
(257) (2,340)

#12Earan F. Channtelle 

The Training Arc no one asked for. (Featuring Earan Guest stared by Emil) Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 5:32 pm

Earan F. Channtelle
Even though it was a rather sudden decision testing their the limits of their pact was very important as this was far more than just a show of strength, it was a trial by fire that they needed to make it through "FR!? I-I mean it would be disappointed if you didn't take this serious." Seeing Emil get ready was sent chills down their spine but they had to show Saber that they had made a pact with the right Master even if that meant getting roughed up a bit in the process.

The stage was now set for this mock battle and both performers had decided on their set list 'Commencing performance!' as Monspeet lunged at Emil with their saber Earan followed right behind them with their trusted spear in hand ready to follow up with a thrust attack of their own. Fighting or surprise sparing with a guild mate was absolutely terrifying but also somehow ever-thrilling at the same time.

If Saber's attack landed they would continue to stab Emil while ensuring they didn't hit any vitals and Earan would try to keep them off balance with quick stabs at their feet. The two seemed rather happy as they made the first move Plz don't hate me for this Mr. Emil! They thought knowing full well that this was going to lead them to a first-class trip to the infirmary.


The Training Arc no one asked for. (Featuring Earan Guest stared by Emil) Earan_10

Talking ( 3366cc )

The Training Arc no one asked for. (Featuring Earan Guest stared by Emil) Empty Wed Sep 04, 2024 12:59 pm

Emil was sure this was a bad idea cause if he kills this man then he will have Yuurei and Lumikki jumping down his throat and he was looking for that to be the case so he is wondering if maybe it was just the better choice here to just throw the fight and let the summoner win it as this didn't have to be like this. He saw the summon start moving at him and then Emil's body is covered in lightning and he threw a punch that fired a bold of lightning that was aimed at the summon and if it hit the summon it would jump to the summoner as he was close enough to the summon to get hit as well by the bolt. If the summon kept coming forward toward the man he would slap the sword of the summon away toward the summoner to see if the summon might hit the summoner with it's sword to stop the summoner from trying to stab at Emil's feet and when he made contact with the summons sword it released a deafening thunderous sound that would effect the summon and the summoner alike.

Emil wondered what the summoners next move would be as he had turned his summon on an ally that was here to help him and now he had made an enemy of him Emil doesn't take well to people threating him as his cape sapped mana from the summoner, Emil was not one to like to be played around with lightly.
(257) (2,597)

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