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An offer or an ultimatum

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An offer or an ultimatum Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 9:52 am

As usual, Aster entered Zeta's chamber without permission, walking silently over to bed. Seeing a large lump under the blanket he decided against better judgment to pull on it. It was stuck tightly under the lump so he tugged even harder pulling the entire blanket from over the lump in the bed. What was uncovered was Zeta’s unconscious body curled up around a long pillow. She was knocked out in the middle of the day after just getting back from a mission. Aster had come to get her to give her another mission as she was personally asked for by Mr. Herman on Luluhawa Island. During her last visit to Luluhawa Island, she traveled without consulting with Aster and was away for several days before returning. Even though he was watching her the entire time this bothered the stoic fairy and required punishment by his standards. He did not often unveil his fair tendencies but when he did it was always overdramatic.

WC 162

Last edited by Zeta on Sat Aug 31, 2024 10:02 am; edited 2 times in total


An offer or an ultimatum Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 9:55 am

With his fairy nature urge to pull tricks on innocent bystanders on was in full display, Aster took this moment to create a spatial rift within the room. He teleported Zeta and himself to Herman's estate on Luluhawa Island. The sudden appearance of the two spooked Herman causing him to choke in the middle of him sipping his tea. After catching his breath from a coughing fit the guards burst into the room pointing their weapons at Aster. “Good evening gentlemen, sir Herman. I am Aster, the one who has been responding to your latest request. Please forgive my sudden appearance but it seems Zeta here was sleeping so I thought to bring her here directly.” Her body was dropped onto the floor when they teleported there. The impact woke her up and before she could recognize the situation and what was going on she saw Aster looking at her with his stoic face. Zeta instantly knew that he had entered into her room again. Slowly the setting of the room, and the scent of all the people in the surrounding area all sunk in.

WC 185
TWC 347/500


An offer or an ultimatum Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 9:58 am

Zeta hurled a massive ball of miasma at Aster, but with his iron defense, he took the attack without phasing even a smidge. “Ahh you're awake, let us get started on the mission details shall we” He spoke with a slightly chipper tune added to his monotonous voice. Boiling with rage Zeta could not even form words to spew at the servant. Herman's maid who was in the corner of the room quickly brought a proper set of clothes for Zeta to change into before sitting down to be briefed on the mission. “Ahem… so yes, I requested your help Lady Zeta because your work was phenomenal and I would like your services again. We are trying to open up a new mining area but a stubborn mule of a land owner refuses to give up on it. Please do not harm the man, he is a good man. He is a goat herder and we do lots of business, a well-loved man he is. My maid can change into animals but she unfortunately cannot speak. You understand where I’m going with this?” Zeta shook her head and agreed to do the mission but this time she is forcing Aster to help them by getting his hands dirty.

WC 208
TWC 555/500


An offer or an ultimatum Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 10:00 am

He teleported all of them near the farmland. “Let us go” Zeta said, leading the charge and immediately concealing herself using darkness magic. As she approached the herd of goats she melted the lock to the gate causing it to swing open slowly. Some goats ran out when noticing the fence was opening, which allowed the maid to transform into one of the missing goats to take its place. Following the plan, Aster teleported 1 of the stray goat's to a safe area and placed its tags on the transformed maid by creating spatial rifts around her ear and neck to hold the tags taken from the stray goat. With step 1 successful Zeta began the phase for step 2.

Zeta dug her hands into the dirt and injected a thin coat of miasma that seeped over the surface causing the greenery to wither greatly at an alarming rate. The goats feeling a disturbance grew restless, making so much noise that it caught the breeder's attention. Coincidentally the weather grew nasty as dark clouds formed overhead.

WC 176
TWC 731


An offer or an ultimatum Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 10:01 am

The breeder feeling overwhelmed with emotions tried to gain control of the situation by gathering the goats. A downpour of rain came down after a roar of thunder from above. The wither grass surrounding the farm grew slippery and messy from the rain. Herman pulled up in his mana car to come to check out the status of the goat breeder's farm due to the weather conditions. Having his guards help Herman catch the goats and maintain anything that wasn't rooted into the ground. “There's a bad storm coming this way, we must take shelter!” Herman yelled out to everyone. The breeder looked around his field seeing his crops all destroyed. The weather was only intensifying leaving part of the fence uprooted and some goats ran off. Everything was just so terrible. Herman came to comfort the man promising shelter, support, and even a location in his estate to conduct his work if needed.

Wc 154
TWC 885


An offer or an ultimatum Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 10:03 am

The breeder stayed silent as he was shaken by what was happening all in the blink of an eye. Thoughts swirled in his head about how he was losing all his wife and he worked so hard to build. Suddenly He prayed profusely to the divine for forgiveness while sobbing. Herman's words on cosolement fell on deaf ears but this was all according to plan down to the weather. A grimacing smile formed on his face as this was the last push needed to crush the breeder's spirit after having his wife abducted, increasing his rent, and cutting his production. He placed the family near financial ruin to get them to try and sell the land. By emotionally and mentally destroying the man’s life. It left him with few choices in life, but with Herman's help, he can make all breeder’s problems go away. Herman proved to be a master-class tactical manipulator by having several backup plans for this operation and breaking the target down into a husk of what he once was.

Wc 173
TWC 1058


An offer or an ultimatum Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 10:05 am

Several days later after the storm had passed, Herman visited the breeder home in his truck housing the alleged runaway goats. The breeder was sitting lifelessly in his chair on the porch rocking back and forth as if he was lost to time.

“Are you ready to go, old friend?” Herman had yelled out to the man after honking his horn. The breeder stopped rocking in his chair to slowly look up at Herman. His eyes were void of light as he nodded his head weakly. Struggling to rise from his chair from how weak he felt overall, walking over to the truck took several minutes because his legs felt as if they were in wet cement. Once he got into the truck Herman put the seat belt on him

“You don't have to worry about anything anymore, everything will be fine. Good news, I have witnesses who have seen your wife's and confirmed she was healthy and alive. I was able to bring that and more info to the Rune Knights stationed here to help get her back. As for the land, I have some extra acres to spare. You can use it for your goats. I will make sure to help you overcome these hurdles, okay? my friend”

Wc 210
TWC 1268


An offer or an ultimatum Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 10:08 am

Herman consoled the man and patted him on the shoulder but he remained stiff and silent as a lifeless vessel. “Leave the handling of the goats to me” Herman hopped out from the driver's side of the pick-up truck driver and made his way over to the fence. There was still a large number of goats resting in the pin despite the chaos that happened recently.

A goat approached Herman, licking his hand as he stuck it over the fence. Within a blink of an eye, the goat had transformed into his maid who was kissing the top of his hand. She had been watching the condition of the area and the breeder since after the mission, providing constant reports and updates to Herman. Zeta also revealed herself, sitting on the grass with her back leaned against the fence.

“Mission accomplished? Or still need something else needs to be done?” Zeta held her hand out expecting payment. “Yes yes, how can I forget your pay for your monumental services Lady Zeta. Aster is still waiting at my estate for the reward as well. Rest assured once we get back you will get it” After that Herman opened the gate and the three guided the goats aboard the truck.

Just as promised they reached the estate smoothly and the maid presented Aster and Zeta with a lovely reward for their efforts. “Thanks for doing business with Hunter’s manor, let us go Aster.”

Wc 241
TWC 1509/500

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