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[WIP] Roy

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[WIP] Roy Empty Tue Sep 10, 2024 4:52 pm



Name: Roy Redmourne Reed

Age: 166 (October 31st, 630)

Gender: CisMale

Sexuality: Asexual Aromantic

Ethnicity, Father: Caelish

Ethnicity, Mother: Caelish

Class: Spellsword

Race: Vampire

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Dragon Order
Tattoo: Crimson Red, Left Hand.

Face: Alma - Gokurakugai


Height: 5'6" in | 167.64 cm

Weight: 156 ib | 70.76 kg

Hair: Bright Red

Eyes: Water Blue

Overall: What does your character look like? Mention it here, must be at least 100 words.

Extra: Additional things for your appearance, such as tattoos, scars, piercings, etc.



Pure of heart. Dumb of ass. Sorta. Roy is a young man driven by his own passions and desires. Morally, he's a young man who does what he believes is right. Not exactly what is right. He doesn't particularly care for what people think of him and simply goes with his whims or wants. He's selfish, but not entirely heartless. He has a limit on how much he can ignore or turn away from.

And while it is quite easy for him to remove himself from his fleeting humanity. He treats his remaining humanity like a fragile lifeline. He was terrified of losing what little he had left. But the more he exists the more he loses. And it slowly becomes harder for him to connect with them. So he mimics what he remembers.

Putting on a facade of bravado and immaturity to mask his growing emotional crisis. Truth be told, he's quite intelligent. Not in a scholarly or booksmart way. But he's particularly sharp and able to catch onto situations quite quickly. His ignorance and slow-to-start brain processing make him appear slow or stupid.

But he's anything but. He'll get there, give him a moment! Behind the loud and larger-than-life ego, lays something darker and more inhumane. His vampiric, predatory nature, that he grapples with every moment of his life. One that he fears if he lets his vice grip on it go, he'll never come back to who he was before... And become a true monster.

  • Lorems: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ius an invidunt adipisci, sit at aperiam efficiantur. Eos quodsi inimicus ad, laudem assentior definitiones ut usu. Mei tritani suscipiantur no. Te vel altera fuisset. An quo porro evertitur, sea falli conclusionemque no.
  • Ipsums: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ius an invidunt adipisci, sit at aperiam efficiantur. Eos quodsi inimicus ad, laudem assentior definitiones ut usu. Mei tritani suscipiantur no. Te vel altera fuisset. An quo porro evertitur, sea falli conclusionemque no.

  • Lorems: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ius an invidunt adipisci, sit at aperiam efficiantur. Eos quodsi inimicus ad, laudem assentior definitiones ut usu. Mei tritani suscipiantur no. Te vel altera fuisset. An quo porro evertitur, sea falli conclusionemque no.
  • Ipsums: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ius an invidunt adipisci, sit at aperiam efficiantur. Eos quodsi inimicus ad, laudem assentior definitiones ut usu. Mei tritani suscipiantur no. Te vel altera fuisset. An quo porro evertitur, sea falli conclusionemque no.

  • Lorems: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ius an invidunt adipisci, sit at aperiam efficiantur. Eos quodsi inimicus ad, laudem assentior definitiones ut usu. Mei tritani suscipiantur no. Te vel altera fuisset. An quo porro evertitur, sea falli conclusionemque no.

  • Lorems: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ius an invidunt adipisci, sit at aperiam efficiantur. Eos quodsi inimicus ad, laudem assentior definitiones ut usu. Mei tritani suscipiantur no. Te vel altera fuisset. An quo porro evertitur, sea falli conclusionemque no.
  • Ipsums: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ius an invidunt adipisci, sit at aperiam efficiantur. Eos quodsi inimicus ad, laudem assentior definitiones ut usu. Mei tritani suscipiantur no. Te vel altera fuisset. An quo porro evertitur, sea falli conclusionemque no.


Distribute 30 points over the attributes below with at least 1 in every Attribute.

Strength: 0

Speed: 0

Constitution: 0

Endurance: 0

Intelligence: 0


Magic Name: What is the name of your magic? You may choose a magic from the shop that costs 2,000,000 Jewels or less.

Magic Element: What is the element of your magic? It may only be a single element unless you start off with a multi-elemental enhancement or shop magic.

Magic Enhancement: If you start with a custom magic, select one Enhancement from the Enhancement list.

Magic Description: What is the description of your magic? Please do note that your magic may not be similar to that of a magic on the List of Banned Magics or to one in the shop. In case you wish to get a magic with a gimmick, you may purchase on later on in the shop with an element that matches yours. For now, you will have a basic elemental magic.



Roy was born 116 years ago to Caelish parents. His father was an inventor who swore his unique and often impractical gadgets would "revolutionize the world!". In contrast, his dear mother was a homebody with a mysterious, ancient, lineage.

For reasons unknown, his father passed away when Roy was around ten years old. The house became a lot quieter, then. Losing the light and luster it once had. Causing Roy to try to make up for his father's absence, by being a source of laughter for his mother and those around him. This, unfortunately, made him come off as a pest. Obnoxious and loud, he constantly got into trouble with the village he called home.

After one after being scolded, he fled the house in tears. Upset his usually kind and docile mother yelled at him so angrily. By the time he returned home, it was late in the night and the village was eerily quiet. When he entered the house he was horrified to find the drained corpse of his mother with a tall, pale, dark-clad, figure looming over her. In a rage, he attempted to attack the murderer but was swiftly knocked out.

When he awoke he found himself in an ancient castle, deep within Caelum's dark forests. There he would be introduced to a man calling himself "Lord Vincent Redmourne". He was a vampire who had been bitter enemies with the Reed Family for centuries. He watched as the once fierce and brave family of Vampire Hunters slowly died out and became a simple, mundane, family.

It disgusted him. To see his enemies become a shell of their former selves. Their glory is long gone. And with nothing worth fighting anymore. He kidnapped the last remaining member of the Reed bloodline—intent on turning Roy into one of his kind.

In a twisted sense, it was a form of respect for his once bitter rivals. To give him the challenge he craved. He had been missing from other enemies around him, the Reed Family reminded him of when he was human. When he too was a member of their ranks...

Of course, the vampire lord was patient. And didn't turn Roy right away. Instead, he noted that the boy had talent. A hidden potential for magic that he wished to see come to fruition before turning him. For the next few years, the human and vampire bonded as some sort of estranged grandfather and grandson duo.

Every day, Roy would attempt to kill Vincent, and every day he would fail. This went on until Roy was sixteen. Where years of honing his magical abilities finally ignited the spark in him to stand toe-to-toe with the vampire... Only for their great bout to be interrupted by other vampire hunters.

Roy assumed they were here to rescue him. But the truth was they were only there for the old man. They did not care about him. And if he died it would simply be collateral. Enraged that they dare besmirch the honor of vampire hunters, especially his own family. Roy lashed out, only to be struck down. Lord Vincent became enraged and slaughtered the murderous vampire hunters, before making the split-second decision to turn Roy into his childe.  

From then on Roy was changed into a vampire... But life was not kind. Lord Vincent was wounded, and his life expectancy had dwindled. He grew harsh and controlling. Putting Roy through strenuous events and training that pushed the fledging vampire to his limits. This only built resentment within Roy as his once familial feelings began to wither and fade. It was when Lord Vincent demanded he feast on a captured human that Roy had enough.

He confronted his sire and demanded a fight to end this madness. The clash was intense, but in the end, Roy won. Killing the man when finally activating his magic. He would have a small funeral for the man he considered a grandfather. Filled with bitter tumultuous feelings he would leave what he considered his home for such a long time, behind. And after over a hundred years of seclusion, he'd face the outside world...

Unaware, that the man he considered a grandfather was merely preparing Roy for a world that would hate and fear him. Hoping to shape him into a respectful and powerful vampire who still retained his humanity.  So, with his last breath, Lord Vincent Redmourne played the villain one last time. Intent in turning the young man he considered his grandson, into someone unbreakable. Someone who could weather the long, lonely, life, of immortality as a monster and come out of it still himself in the end.

His final gift to his childe, was his choice to make his own future. Not bound by societies, laws, or rules. But by following his heart...

Because despite the fangs, thirst for blood, and immortal life, Roy was still human. And he intended to live his life to the fullest, no matter what it cost him.

No matter how much blood was spilled, we all bleed red.

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