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Othes Indricus

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#1Othes of Collosus 

Othes Indricus Empty Sun Aug 18, 2024 8:29 am

Othes of Collosus


Name: Othes Indricus

Age: June 20, X767 || 25.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Ethnicity, Father: Sevenese

Ethnicity, Mother: Caelish

Class: Spellsinger

Race: Human

Rank: B-rank

Guild: Dragon Order

Tattoo: Chest (Guild Tattoo - Black)

Face: N/A (Not really using one)


Height: 6'2

Weight: 174lbs.

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown

Overall: Tall and muscular, Othes represents strength, he once wore his hair with curls that dipped over his face and ears, his eyes have always been sharp and serious. Since joining the training encampment at Collosus, he has lost his youthful nature, disposition, and need for attention, buzzing his hair down and taking on a casual appearance to blend in with large crowds. He normally wears a long sleeve, black shirt, fingerless gloves, and a pair of black pants held up with a belt. If he does wear armor, he will embed fabrics underneath it that keep his armor from affecting him in cold climates. His ears somewhat just outward, but he doesn't exactly mind-- having earned some of those imperfections through blood and sacrifice. His teeth are relatively normal for the most part-- adding to his plain human traits, his canines are not very well pronounced, bypassing him the worries of traders who might think he is a vampire or a demon. He has a heart-shaped face and a slender build, his muscles aren't ridiculous, but he has healthy and a toned shape. Long runs, and carrying himself up the mountain, or even just working labor has given him an edge in physicality, or at the very least, an efficiency for the everyday needs of others.

Extra: N/A


Times change people, sometimes for better, others for worse. But you won't see this warrior complaining, he chose to stand for something. Leading him down a path that saw him develop trust and intuition about those around him. Hailing from a small village, Othes was called for by his Lords of the region to hold off attacks from monsters. Granting him courage, resolution, and the ability to negotiate without greater losses being afforded for wealthy men's desires. He was trained by an organization that his uncle started out of their village, as one of the last of that banner, Collosus has all but disappeared in the world as a fighting force-- moving over into the merchant trade as a Corp, yet he will still valiantly defend them as a group, buck with the best fighters in it's namesake, and tell others about his friends and platoon of ordinary people, willing to stand up and take the fight. Caelum is blessed by trade, which allowed the group Collosus to find a means to become something better, they started first trading lumbar for magical defenses; gunpowder, and magical tomes raided from cultist sects. Within those times, Collosus was able to open it's first encampment and train Othes as well as his early friends. In short, Collosus is the gem of Othes' family heritage, it's their business.
He was a pretty sharp learner, with an average intelligence for his age. What he makes up for that with is awareness in a dangerous situation. He gained a fellowship and makes friends easily. Caelum is prosperous, but his hometown doesn't have that luxury, it is only beginning to shine in recent years. He seeks to change the tides for his people in that court, and has become willing to sacrifice and has appreciation to those faithful to the cause or common goal. He seeks to make his dreams reality. Never letting a cause for concern keep him from trying his best.

  • Collecting Ores: Othes is your everyday treasure hunter at heart, and what he does is good for business. Mining and even pillaging if it absolutely calls for it, is well within his interests and opportunities.
  • Travel: Othes is inspired by different modes of transportation, and how far and wide humanity has gone in order to stand before divinity and darkness. He hopes to bring back one of these and reward his people with the future, a train station or even developing air-ships. He just needs to learn the inns and outs.

  • Senseless Killing: Even though some might consider Othes and Collosus to be 'unethical', or bandit-like by definition. Othes doesn't respect killers, only choosing to execute others if there is absolutely no other way to get Collosus what it is after.
  • Oddly Enough, Diplomacy: while he is rather good at communication and leadership, Othes hates paperwork and hearing out the wants and needs of others when they're seeking more than they're bargaining for. Leading him to declare the same groups he might find in alliance, as enemies. He often can't help it, seeing that he has only one outcome acceptable, and that is to prosper by any means.

  • Networking: Beyond just a organization, Othes represents a group of rebels, fighting to bring their home from poverty against other traders, merchants, and capitalists. For this reason, he is motivated to take other corporations out of the equation if it brings Collosus and whatever guild he is being sponsored by, closer to riches and resources.

  • Abyss: Othes doesn't understand the deeper realms and responsibilities of magic. He fears the unknown, and whether he will reach paradise or the abyss.
  • Broken Spirits: At one time, Othes had others behind him. They've all passed the torch or died on their journeys til now. Hence why he is alone in Fiore, questing and journeying through it's large continent. In some regards, their broken spirits haunt Othes; making him wonder whether they should have just remained farmers, instead they pursued the goals of people who came and fought before them. He understands why monsters are a threat, but is desperately searching for a way out of the hands of higher powers.


Strength: 1

Speed: 1

Constitution: 13

Endurance: 14

Intelligence: 61


Magic Name: Upgrade Magic

Magic Element: Arcane (Metal)

Magic Enhancement:
  • Overcharged Defensive

Magic Description: Common magic used to upgrade the strengths and defenses of oneself or others. It grants the user a wide array of abilities such as healing and offensive as well, but is most effective when paired with another person, ally, or companion. Glossy metal alloys, dust storms, and steel walls rise up to protect armored-bodied targets as they advance. The caster focuses on seeing to the aide of others, but is also able to reinforce their own defenses— even able to storm forward with their own offense, being pursued to that point.


In Caelum, a long while ago, before the borders to the more magical heavy Fiore were opened. There was a small town living on the edge of a mountain. A warrior from Seven washed ashore near the peaks on the other side and met a beautiful woman, they came to fall for each other and Othes was their offspring. A terrible famine wrecked the land, brought on by a force of monsters in that area, which led Othes to be raised on his aunt’s farm with his parents both passing at a young age, her husband was a maniac, possessed by protecting the village— but Othes spent lots of time around him.
Othes took arms to defend his people against his caretaker aunt’s wishes, which grew his Uncle to favor him above even his own sons. After hearing about their band of warriors, under the titular name of Collosus, Othes was called to train others his age and participate against the monsters front-line. Having seen success and loss, he knew they would need more. His Uncle came to understand that there were cults and sects deep in the woodlands, where they could get their hands on the forbidden art of magic, so Othes and his friend— Cristof lead their platoon against the cults, a few of their friends died, but they managed to get everything they needed to avenge those that had sacrificed.
Othes began to learn spells and magic of his own, passing the bare minimum of what he’d learned or could provide, over to everyone that wanted it or had the knack for magical prowess themselves. Eventually, they had succeeded and their town was at peace, but not without losing his Uncle, his friends, and Cristof in different battles. This plagued Othes, and his aunt decided to have him construct buildings and work on the electric of the town and its hall so that society could advance further.
When he was finished, he had developed their town and created a few Inns on different levels of the mountain. This was a stark difference from its defense department— which had always kept outsiders off the mountain, to an infrastructure built on tourism and shared consumer outreach.
Needles to say… This pleased many traders who could now use the mountain pass to get easier and less dangerous merchant routes realized. With a boom in its economy, Othes became a famed identity in Caelum, and opened the woodlands up to cutting lumbar and sending shipments across the sea.
He left all of the inns-and-outs of their corporation to his aunt and cousins, as he prepared to sail off from Caelum and bring back new inventions, powers, and opportunities for their people to come. While still very young, the children of his town renamed their home Collosus, and made Othes’ their first hero. He is nothing in comparison to the powers that be, and instead of staying there, chose to leave on a long mission— paid for by the Lords of the land. When he is successful, and complete, he hopes to return home. But with all the pain he had already suffered through, he decided he would remain humble, and never speak about Collosus unless spoken too. That is— unless he has an opportunity to garner new opportunities by representing them. In this world, you cannot rely on your namesake, and Collosus belongs to his family. He considers his journey important, and innocent to a greater future. However, the dark forces across Earthland beg him to differ in his reproach. He is on a path to discover what it means to be a great warrior.

Discord: Erebus
Reference: B-rank character ticket

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