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Rhea Alvarez | Sheet (♫)

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Rhea Alvarez | Sheet (♫) Empty Fri Jun 07, 2024 11:47 am


Name: Rhea Alvarez
Age: 23
Height: 5'10
Eye Color: Varies
Pronouns: She
Sexuality: Bi-curious (?)
Ethnicity: Stellan | ???
  • Rune Knight (Major)
  • Daughter of @Mzuma

Magic: Spirit of Kukulkan, Storm Weaver
Class: Sorcerer
Race: Wood-Elf | Dragonkin
Rank: A-Rank
Guild: Rune Knights
Tattoo: Lower Back [Gold]
Relationship: -


Chapter I.:

Once a fiercely passionate and vibrant spirit, Rhea now walks a path illuminated by a fierce sense of purpose and vengeance, tempered by a growing coldness that shadows her heart. Her journey has led her through trials that have shaped her into a worthy fighter, yet it has also carved lines of wisdom and weariness. Rhea is a blend of strength and sensitivity.

In her earlier days in Fiore, Rhea was known for her unyielding determination and adventurous spirit. Her fierce independence drove her to explore, unafraid of the challenges that lay ahead. She thrived in the thrill of discovery and the pursuit of her family’s legacy, embodying a free spirit that was both infectious and inspiring. However, this exuberance has gradually morphed into a quieter, more measured demeanor. As she navigated the complexities of her heritage and the harsh realities of a world marred by conflict, Rhea learned that strength is not just about wielding weapons but also about understanding one’s own emotions and motivations.

This evolution has not come without its price. The anger that once fueled her passionate pursuits has taken on a much darker shade. Rhea’s encounters with betrayal and loss have instilled in her a sense of mistrust, particularly toward those in power. Her experiences with the colonizers of Stella and the revelations about her father’s past as a rebel leader have compounded this distrust, leaving her feeling isolated in her convictions. This growing coldness manifests in her interactions with others; while her heart remains compassionate, she often pushes people away, guarding herself against further pain.

Yet, beneath the hardened exterior lies wisdom born of struggle. Rhea's time as a Rune Knight has imparted lessons that extend beyond combat. She recognizes the importance of strategy, the necessity of patience, and the power of understanding one's enemy. This wisdom adds layers of depth to her fierce determination. She has learned that while vengeance may burn brightly, it is often tempered by the pursuit of justice—a realization that pushes her to seek redemption not only for herself but for her people and the injustices they have faced.

Rhea’s journey has forged her into a multifaceted individual, one who is a warrior and also a protector. Her pride in her cultural heritage remains unwavering, acting as a guiding light amidst the shadows that threaten to consume her. As she grapples with her identity, torn between the wild spirit she once was and the wrathful warrior she has become, Rhea emerges as a blend of thunder and ice, passion and restraint.



  • The Immortal Sun: An ancient artifact in legend and whispered about only in tales, Rhea wants to be the first in her family to uncover its secrets. In the world of Stellan treasure hunters, the quest for this artifact is about more than ambition for power. It is their ultimate prize, akin to the Holy Grail. To discover the Immortal Sun would not only elevate Rhea's status but also solidify her family's legacy within the annals of Stellan history.

  • Stella: Rhea is a proud Stellan, driven by a deep desire to grow stronger in order to protect her homeland and her loved ones. She is unwavering in her resolve to prevent colonizers from stealing more land and threatening the existence of her family.

  • Her Father: She has no name, no image, no clue about who her father is, but she is determined to uncover the truth

    • The Rebellion/Avenging Her Father: After Rhea discovers that Mzuma, the Stellan rebel leader is her father, she has her eyes set on taking up the mantle and finishing what he started. Bosco still seems to think she is a threat, and it's putting her people back home in danger. With Fiore seemingly having a role to play in aiding Bosco during the rebellion, Rhea is now wary of Fiore as well. Both countries must pay a blood debt...

  • Moon Empress: ???


  • Claustrophobia: Having been raised in the wild, tight spaces have always triggered her panic, to the point where she can barely function or think straight.

  • Noscomephobia:  Hospitals give her anxiety, mainly because they're a foreign concept to her. Back home, healing comes through time, the natural environment, or magic.

Last edited by Rhea on Fri Oct 04, 2024 1:18 pm; edited 19 times in total


Rhea Alvarez | Sheet (♫) Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 2:23 pm



Name: Spirit of Kukulkan, Storm Weaver

Element: Lightning, Wind, Water

Description: Named by Talis, Rhea's mother, Spirit of Kukulkan, Storm Weaver is a form of magic that transforms Rhea into the personification of a tempest. This magic channels the primal forces of nature, allowing her to wield the elements of Wind, Lightning, and Water with precision and terrifying power.

Rhea has become a living storm,

The versatility of this magic enables her to adapt to various situations. She can unleash bolts of lightning to strike foes down from afar or create gusts of wind to propel herself into the sky, dodging attacks and gaining the high ground. Water element can be molded into whirlpools, engulfing opponents, or into shields that protect against damage. This powerful magic is not just a display of raw power; it requires a deep understanding of mana control, making it suitable only for those with a deep understanding of magic.


  • Triple Elemental: Rhea can use the element of water, wind, and lightning.
  • Spell Overcharge (Offensive): Offensive spells are have their potency increased by one rank higher. Ex: S-Rank offensive spells with overcharge deals 2x S-Rank damage. This does not impact any other aspect of the spell.
  • Damage Over Time: Offensive spells cause Damage over Time when the target is hit. When a target is hit, the damage will linger for one additional post and receive half the spell damage in the next post at the same area.


  • None


  • None


  • None


  • The user must be Stellan and not a believer in Illumin.



Last edited by Rhea on Sun Sep 29, 2024 9:50 pm; edited 3 times in total


Rhea Alvarez | Sheet (♫) Empty Mon Jun 10, 2024 8:21 am






Last edited by Rhea on Fri Oct 04, 2024 12:26 am; edited 2 times in total


Rhea Alvarez | Sheet (♫) Empty Wed Oct 02, 2024 3:12 pm





Relation: Rhea Alvarez | Sheet (♫) 1f49b



Relation:  Rhea Alvarez | Sheet (♫) 1f49b


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Rhea Alvarez | Sheet (♫) 1f49c FriendRhea Alvarez | Sheet (♫) 1f49bAcquaintances Rhea Alvarez | Sheet (♫) 1f495 Bestie

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