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Baska City - Tournament Arc

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Baska City - Tournament Arc - Page 3 Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 1:07 am

Mission Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t68411-tournament-arc-1-quest-astrid
  • 800,000 J (+60% | +50% Neutral Objectives, +10% Phantom Lord, Rank 2)
  • 18,000 Experience (+20% | +20% Phantom Lord, Rank 4)
  • 500 Infamy
  • 10 Speed


Baska City - Tournament Arc - Page 3 Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 2:14 pm

@Vex and @Astrid have been rewarded for completing this quest.

Baska City - Tournament Arc - Page 3 GPIjkMz
#53Tsukishima Higurashi 

Baska City - Tournament Arc - Page 3 Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 5:53 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Participant(s): Tsukishima Higurashi
Rank(s): B-Rank
Mission: Baska City - Tournament Arc: B-Rank
Number: 2/2

#54Tsukishima Higurashi 

Baska City - Tournament Arc - Page 3 Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 6:36 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Sign-up: Quest Sign-Up
Mission Link: Quest Completion
  • Modifiers: [Armor: 20% Jewel Bonus], [Armor: 20% Word Count Reduction], [Necklace: 20% Jewel Bonus], Necklace: 10% Experience Bonus]

    Total: Jewel Bonus: 40%, Word count Reduction: 20%, Experience Bonus: 10%

  • Jewels: 190,000J
  • Experience: 8,250
  • Reputation: 300
  • Fame: 300
  • Stat Point Distribution: +5 to Intelligence


Baska City - Tournament Arc - Page 3 Empty Sat Jun 22, 2024 1:10 am

  @Tsukishima Higurashi has completed the quest and has been appropriately awarded.

#56Hanabi Han 

Baska City - Tournament Arc - Page 3 Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 4:22 pm

Hanabi Han
Participant(s): Hanabi Han
Rank(s): C Rank
Mission: Tournament Arc - C Rank
Number: 1st

Baska City - Tournament Arc - Page 3 Neko-sig

Baska City - Tournament Arc - Page 3 Empty Thu Aug 01, 2024 2:52 am


Participant(s): Zerutod Saito
Rank(s): A
Mission: Tournament Arc: A-Rank
Number: 0/2


Baska City - Tournament Arc - Page 3 Empty Thu Aug 29, 2024 7:51 pm

Participant(s): Carmina
Rank(s): B
Mission: "Tournament Arc - B rank".
Number: 1


Baska City - Tournament Arc - Page 3 Empty Thu Aug 29, 2024 9:01 pm



Baska City - Tournament Arc - Page 3 Empty Fri Aug 30, 2024 6:11 am

  @Carmina  has completed the quest and has been appropriately awarded.


Baska City - Tournament Arc - Page 3 Empty Wed Sep 04, 2024 1:14 pm

Participant(s): Lothwen
Mission: Tournament Arc - S-rank
Number: 1st

#62Go D. Drakkon 

Baska City - Tournament Arc - Page 3 Empty Fri Sep 06, 2024 4:05 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Participant(s): Go D. Drakkon
Rank(s): Z
Mission: Tournament Arc - S Rank
Number: 1

#63Go D. Drakkon 

Baska City - Tournament Arc - Page 3 Empty Fri Sep 06, 2024 5:31 pm

Go D. Drakkon
+5,000,000 Jewels (20% Relic, 20% Helmet, 5% Armor, 20% Necklace, 20% Ring, 20% SL Bonus)
+89 Speed (50% SL Bonus)
+3,100 Infamy
Legendary Custom Ticket

Sign-up: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t64730p50-baska-city-tournament-arc#624266
Mission Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t68991-tournament-arc-2#624279
  • +15,000 Experience
  • +1,175,000 Jewels (20% Relic, 20% Helmet, 5% Armor, 20% Necklace, 20% Ring, 50% NQ Bonus)
  • +10 Strength
  • +500 Infamy

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