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Baby bully[Solo]

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Baby bully[Solo] Empty Wed Jun 19, 2024 11:23 am

The streets were bustling more than usual today, congested sidewalks and streets left no room for anybody to cut through. With this being an inconvenience to Zeno, he decided to take a shortcut through a crack in the wall alleyway. Seeing a much less congested path on the other side put Zeno in a better mood. He walked from one side of the alley to the other avoiding all the stacked-up folded boxes and garbage littered around. The floor was covered with liquid gunk that would stick to his shoes, each step gave off the sound of velcro ripping and sticking back to the floor. As he got closer to the other side he noticed a kid standing at the exit with a toddler facing him. It seemed that the kid was in distress while arguing with the toddler. After a few seconds had passed the kid dashed off into the alleyway crying hysterically to the point he could not see clearly, he bumped into Zeno causing him to stumble backwards. He balanced himself and looked up at the person he bumped into with teary eyes filled with fear. Without hesitating any further he rushed by Zeno heading to the congested street on the other side of the alleyway from which Zeno came.


Baby bully[Solo] Empty Wed Jun 19, 2024 11:32 am

Zeno turned to watch the kid dart off when suddenly a voice spoke to him from in front. “That kid sure is a crybaby. I only wanted to help him get stronger to help him stop getting bullied all the time” Zeno turned to where the voice was coming from but saw nobody there. “Down here mister” Looking down he saw the toddler-like figure the boy was talking to near the exit. Confused about how the toddler spoke so fluently, he squatted down to listen carefully. “As I was saying before, I want to that kid out since I owe him a favor. Making him tougher to conquer his bullies is a surefire way to return my gratitude don't you think? Say Why not help me mister? You feel bad for the kid dontcha?” The toddler stared at the man with a blank face with his beady eyes. “Not interested” Zeno said tiredly before standing up. The Toddler clenched his pants leg “I was not asking…” The toddler's voice deepened during that moment and with a big grin he slammed Zeno against the wall. His eyes turned watery and he started to cry out very loudly while pinning Zeno against the wall “MOMMMY HELLLPP!! IM SCAARRED! MOMMY!” People from both sides of the exits looked into the ally while passing, some even stopped to watch out of curiosity.


Baby bully[Solo] Empty Wed Jun 19, 2024 11:39 am

Windows from the apartments above the alley started to open the longer and louder the toddler cried. Zeno slammed his palm on the wall summoning a small enough vine to wrap around the child's mouth silencing him. The child jumped up and punched Zeno in his chest knocking the wind out of him and making the spell lose its hold. “Do that again and you will not live the next hit. Just help me and stop making this hard” The toddler cuddled up on Zeno and cheered loudly happily “DADDY I FOUND YOU, I WAS SO SCARED. Don't leave me alone again…. let’s go find mommy” Catching his breath Zeno frustratingly and willingly agrees to help. A lady stuck her head out from the window above and saw them two together. Zeno looks up and waves his hand. “We got separated from mom in the crowd and he ran off looking for her” he pats the toddler on the head then stands up from the wall and grabs his hand. “Let's go” starting to walk towards the congested exit. “Whats your name kid” “Leon” He said quickly “I tracked the boy to the nearby park, lets head there first to find him, make sure you give him abit of a pounding for running away from me like that” Zeno sighed and nodded.


Baby bully[Solo] Empty Wed Jun 19, 2024 12:15 pm

Zeno and Leon make it to the park to see the boy. “I'm going to hide and watch” Zeno nods and then Calls out to the boy to get his attention. “Hey kid! You alright?” The kid gets scared and stays on guard as Zeno approaches him. “My name is Zeno and I got s message for you from your buddy, He is coming this way and he said to meet him by the school or he is going to kick your butt all over this playground” Zeno waves to the kid and starts walking past the park to the nearest building. “I feel bad for you kid but I will help you out since you are in a bind. Come help me clear out the storage room and it could be your hideout when you need to hide from that scary toddler” The scared boy is in a panic state from the information given to him by Zeno resulted in him desperately agreeing to help. “Sweet come this way, I gotta get the boxes out from the room first. Let's hurry before he shows up” Zeno walks to the gap between the building and a restaurant, and the kid follows him cautiously looking back. When he notices the toddler's hat bouncing from behind the bushes he rushes to Zeno’s side. “Wait here” Zeno said as both of them reached a door in the alleyway.


Baby bully[Solo] Empty Wed Jun 19, 2024 12:17 pm

He places his hands on the wall causing vines to breach forth from the walls and binds the boy to the wall by his arms, legs, neck, and mouth. He pummeled the boy with constant body jabs while strangling the boy. “Come on kid, you gotta break free, or is this where your story ends?” The kid's arms and legs wriggle around trying to break free, biting on the vines causing him to burn his mouth, painful muffled screams leak out as Zeno continuously jabs the kid's chest, ribs, and gut. His eyes were full of tears while looking around frantically, his body convulsing violently, fists and feet clenching uncontrollably before loosening. “That's enough” Leon walks into the alley and slashes the vines freeing the boy. He collapses onto the floor gasping on the floor nearly completely unconscious. “Thanks, for helping but I got things from here” Leon gives Zeno a pouch and a phone. “I may need you again, take care!” Zeno sighs and walks away waving his hand while clenching the items given to him by Leon.


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