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Courting Controversy [Astrid]

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Courting Controversy [Astrid] Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 3:43 pm


WORDS: 450 | Simply Ballgown

"Three tons his past quarter alone, I am proud to admit~!
We certainly found quite the generous vein, I can tell you~!"

The summer soiree seeming to be in full swing as folk with flumes a bubbling and smouldering cigars in hand seemed to roar with amusement from their rather overstuffed bellies, one such fellow with the kind of face that only one's monocle could love seemed to twitch the walrus-y facial hair he possessed and bristle with enthusiasm as he regaled his fellow tycoons with the only too delightful anecdotes, and in doing so brought delight and mirth to everyone about him. Well, almost everyone.
“Ah yes, I've heard plenty about your achievements, my dear baron~” A figure with pink hair seeming to have infiltrated this gathering of the elite only upon the invitation and insistence of a cousin who himself had found himself wisely too busy to attend and now loitering close enough to catch the reason behind such celebration, in contrast to those who jostled from the middle and nodded she seemed to find her lip curling with disdain, and though she had entered into this scene with a promise to her beloved Rey not to cause too much of a scene could not prevent herself from intervening.

“And to think, all it cost was a few dozen families their homes, tell me something, did you share your profits with them?” Striding into view with a crisp tone of condemnation and candour which almost seemed cruel given the good mood that these chaps were in, the finery which this fuchsia fox seemed to flaunt upon her person was matched only by the blend of iciness and dry disdain for which she held these so called titans of commerce and industry, and frankly she had little issue in demonstrating that either.
“Oh that's right, you tend to prefer to make your land deals at the safe end of a musket, as I recall? Who needs those bothersome locals and the one safe corner of an island when there's money to be made, hm~? Bully for you, big chief!” Knowing all too well the disgruntled discomfort which she could weave when she let slip the few supposedly inconsequential details which this avaricious ass had opted to leave out of his stories and rather celebrating that in fact, all that she could do was scoop a chalice of her own in celebration of the so-called accolades of this loathsome swindler with her tone saturated to the limit with sarcasm, and then draw some gasps and grumbles as she emptied the vintage not down her throat but rather all over the floor. Though really, what could one expect letting Sophie Sauveterre loose upon a crowd like this, eh~?

Smart is the new Sexy

- Sophie Sequoia

credit to nat of adoxography.


Courting Controversy [Astrid] Empty Thu Aug 29, 2024 6:48 pm


"Revere me."

STR: 1 | SPD: 571 | CON: 191 | END: 191 | INT: 1001 | MANA: 16,650

"For I am your everything, eternal."
- Astrid Venier

Her arrival had come to the port city on the eve of the night’s festivities. Hours to spare, little reason to believe that as the patrons and distinguished guests gathered that she would have been missing. A crying shame to those whom anticipated her, much of the gossip and intrigue that seemed to spread from Crocus having reached a near tipping point to those in attendance. Alas, though her appearance was missed as the first drinks were poured and the pleasantries were exchanged, the night went about as one would have expected with such a group.

Politicians, nobility, those of great fortune or noteworthy valor, to maneuver through their circle was to have repeated found themselves burdened by these such events. Whilst an exciting moment at first, quickly it tends to become trite. Dull, even. Especially for those who found such gatherings of grandeur little more than luxurious prostitution, if such a callous term could sufficiently call it as such. Certainly, she had come to find the term appropriate, though a necessary evil – if not a self-wrought plight – also came to mind to describe it.

Astrid certainly looked at the event already underway as such a burden. Though it had managed to steal her away from some much overdue rest and relaxation within her home of Oak Town, it hardly stood as the potential high point to this trip. Her attendance here was nothing more than a chance for the many present to try to garner favor; her success of having become one of the Reigning Senators within the Fiore Senate having sent waves throughout the nation. With it came a level of influence that had been yet to be realized, a delicate flower now having been planted within a garden of power.

No doubt most whom were waiting in anticipation of her hoped to have some hand in deciding how that flower would sprout.

It was perhaps fitting then, that her own arrival was simply out of showing face, of putting a name to the political juggernaut that now stood before them. The very same figure whom many privately had come to revile and condemn, if not for her policies than for her known friendship with Alisa Vollan, news of the mutual support between the two – even from an early point in Astrid’s career – having been a source of controversy within Hargeon. Though it had since resided from the public tongue, Astrid found it reasonable enough to believe that the Blue Pegasus Guild Leader would not be in attendance.

Though unfortunate, it was perhaps for the best. All things considered, discussion of the Blood Pact that swore both of them to one another was hardly a discussion that suited such an event. And certainly if history were any indication, it would only stand to create a storm of controversy that would utterly consume the nation.

No, tonight would be a simple evening. Some drinks, some uninspired discussions with people whom she had zero interest in entertaining. And of course, the tried and true delight that was the seducing of wealthy, no doubt beautiful women, at least one of whom would be find themselves securing the golden ticket and finding themselves sharing a bed before the night ceased. It was a game, of sorts, but one that she often found to be the only solace that came from these types of events.

In a way, it was a race. It was those who sought her alliance; hoping to do just enough to perhaps cause her to give them a second look, the briefest of attention.  And then there was Astrid herself, pursuing carnal pleasures and looking to see that the most beautiful woman in the room would be coming home with her, husband or significant other be damned. And as the doors opened and she stepped through, adorned in the magnificent silken garments, it took only the briefest turning of the head to see that she was already a lap ahead of everyone else.

Barely a few steps forward into the main audience did she find herself besieged on all sides, some people fortunate to be already in path whilst others nearly tripped over themselves in their haste. Neither were received any better or worse than the others, simply ignored all the same. Perhaps it had been a mistake to deliberately arrive later as it seemed that for some the wine was proving to be too much for them. To one of the servants tending to the guests was a motioning of a finger towards her, to which drew the greatest irony, that the man of lowest standing found himself the object of envy to those whom had so much more.

Two sterling glasses housing a richly-colored, bubbly wine, the faint aroma of oak remaining trapped just beneath the glass rim. One of them for the immediate now, the liquid disappearing in a single, hearty sip, whilst the other no doubt would share its fate in an undoubtedly short time soon.

But before that could happen, something would catch her attention. Something different. Something unique to these sorts of events; a far cry from the boisterous self-importance that seemed to leave a suffocating feeling throughout the soiree. If anything, if it were the complete opposite, a verbal castration of an almost cartoonish figure, no less delivered by a figure to whom Astrid had to reason was perhaps barely of age to be in attendance of such an event.

It was not something that she had anticipated, but certainly not something that she took much issue towards.

In fact, it seemed to be rather entertaining at the very least. While not likely, she couldn’t help but hope that whatever it was that prompted such a scene to play out would come again before the night’s end. It would be a welcome change and one that make this a far more memorable event.

A handwave of dismissal was enough for those that still crowded her to disperse, those that did not immediately go finding themselves pulled by those that accepted her hint sooner. Curious of the sight that had been before her, a faint smile happened to dawn upon her lips as her gaze briefly shifted to the wine glass within her hand. But then she paused, like almost everyone in the vicinity as the red wine poured down like a waterfall onto the ground, splashing everything in sight, a pool forming at the feet of the woman, splashes shooting up in all directions, most stepping back out of panic and fear for what the wine may have done to their expensive gowns and suits. But not the pink-haired one in white whose antics had earned her the interest of Astrid, if even just as an excuse to not deal with the leeches around her.

Once it was clear that her own outfit was not presently at risk, she continued forward with a hand extended outwards, wine glass in hand as she presented it to the woman. Her eyes focused upon her face, the subtle examination of her figure in entirety before settling upon the olive branch, or olive glass more appropriately described as. In the same moment, there came the stiletto heel that cut through the small puddle of wine that lay beneath both their feet, the force sending the lightest of streams out and upwards, to the exasperated gasps of those too close to avoid the stain to come.

“Quite a presentation. If nothing else, one can at least appreciate that you have some truly refined taste. I don’t even need to taste this to know that this is far from Hargeon’s best,” she remarked, another kick soaring through the wine, this time not out of mockery but of irritation. “You would figure in a city like this that that quality wine would never be an issue. And yet… Certainly nobody would hold such actions against you, now would they?” Her words were comforting to the woman, yet cold with the implication apparent in her speech, her eyes like daggers as they cut through the crowd of onlookers whom were as much torn between anger for the pink-haired maiden and shock at Astrid’s presence.

Some backed away, others sighed and moved on, while a few lingered on, all of them having sufficiently received the message.

“Might I suggest that you give this a try? It’s a favorite of mine actually. Joyan label, if you can believe that. Sweeter than maybe to some peoples’ liking, but it has a great body, has that exotic allure, and has a way of simply making you want more. But, don’t just take my word for it.” Her hand raised just slightly, the glass swaying a few degrees in any given direction, the wine within lightly splashing about to stimulate the aroma and keep it from becoming flat. Her showmanship aside, the invitation in the gesture was apparent enough, “Care to give it a try?”


Courting Controversy [Astrid] Empty Fri Aug 30, 2024 4:40 am


WORDS: ### | Simply Ballgown

“Goodness, I think we scared them away, hm?” The leggy lass leaving the walrus squad jostling enough and then the gang seeming to scatter entirely when a starkly stunning soul slipped into the conversation with condemnation of the beverages being served, Sophie couldn’t help but note with a little intrigue how the intimidation of the lass seemed to send the formerly oh so jovial bunch scattering, and perhaps for that fact one so dauntless as she had to confess that she liked this dry witted figure already.
“Poor things, having to seek the comfort of their solid gold mansions…” For that reason the fuchsia fox seeming to share a smirk and a joke with this striking stranger as she studied the rather unusual but no less impressive features she possessed in the hope of recognition, after being away from Fiore for so long she had to admit that her familiarity with the typical ‘players’ at these kinds of occasions had slipped a bit, and as such in spite of the rather memorable features which her fellow femme possessed she noted that she couldn’t place her in the crowds she had known before.

“My, my, offering me a drink even before you introduce yourself~?” Not that she would hold such a fact against a girl and if anything such a fact standing in her favour, Miss Sauveterre would have been a disgrace as the daughter of Minstrel if she had denied the opportunity to sample a new kind of wine, and especially so with how her apparent ally seemed to be showing off the richness of that red colour so provocatively as well.
“I take it you’re either new to these circles, or this dress works even better than I had thought~?” Perhaps riding high from the satisfaction which she felt at sending that pack of jackals running as well and for that reason proving only more daring for hat fact, not only did the magenta minx seem to tip from one side and to the next in order to show off the white silk she was wearing as part of her little joke but next did she reach for the glass which this unknown madam seemed to present, wrapping her dainty and deft digits around both the stem and perhaps the fingers which held it as she teased prizing it away and dauntlessly sharing a sip from the same sample this stranger had…

Smart is the new Sexy

- Sophie Sauveterre

credit to nat of adoxography.


Courting Controversy [Astrid] Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 3:46 pm


"Revere me."

STR: 1 | SPD: 571 | CON: 191 | END: 191 | INT: 1001 | MANA: 16,650

"For I am your everything, eternal."
- Astrid Venier

There came but a brief moment where it seemed the events of the past few seconds would have sent this high society function into an upheaval. Those whom once stood among their company had predominantly dispersed, seeking refuge in the company of like-minded individuals, stunned and flustered reactions portrayed clearly upon their faces as they and their kin looked back upon Astrid and the other woman. Only then did it seem that the reality struck in, faces shifting in real time from that of frustration and dismay to heartbreak, the realization that the golden opportunity to try to find themselves in the Senator’s good graces having slipped right from them.

While a moment of tragedy for plenty, Astrid could not help but keep a smile upon her face. If given the opportunity, no doubt everyone at this event would have sought to garner Astrid’s favor, so to see some dreams crushed in such a swift move – in particular one that she hardly had to do anything to force – it made it all the more enjoyable. But to the glee aside that came of crushed hopes, it was simply a byproduct, albeit a welcome one, of tonight’s affair. After all, the most pragmatic time that she would likely have spent in Hargeon being those opposite her benefactor in conversation, but there would certainly be questions as to how feasible that may have been.

In any event, it were hardly one that she should have focused on, especially tonight. It was quite clear that Ms. Vollan was not in attendance at this event, lest there be another figure within the crowd that was garnering such unwanted attention as Astrid seemed to. Perhaps though she too had found someone like this pink-haired girl, one whose demeanor Astrid could not seem to get a proper handle on. No love lost for those who meekly departed from their immediate sight, Astrid silently chuckling as she listened to the woman disparaging them, the reality perhaps not quite having set in. Even within the most luxurious of golden mansions and diamond homes, an opportunity to maybe one day rise to something even above that had passed them away.

“Ah, but where would the fun in that be? After all, introductions often are so trite and peoples’ assumed sense of importance tend to perk up when a name is first given. Can’t say much that they’re company I’d find the need to keep,” her words were calculated to some degree. There was a friendliness in how she addressed the woman, yet there was a clear cynicism and perhaps even contempt to the ones who had walked away. And there was some truth to her feelings; even years before as but a young child at her father’s side at some of these same sort of events, she would hold the same disgust to them then as she harbored now. “Can’t quite say that those that exist only for the pursuit of greater wealth ever amount to much.”

A quick scan of the crowd and as her eyes fell upon exactly what she were looking for, the hand was raised again, a subtle gesture with her fingers being enough of a call to have the waiter returning again towards the pair. Upon the tray he carried so deftly there were another bottle of the same wine that Astrid had only just offered to the woman. Though she couldn’t speak to if her new friend would enjoy it or not, she certainly saw no reason to not further enjoy. After all, if the caliber of wine had already been shown to be so poor, there was little reason to expect anything better than options already available.

“You can go ahead and leave the bottle here,” Astrid cooly remarked as she tapped upon one of the tables that littered throughout the ballroom. No further acknowledgement or words spoken to the man as he bowed and departed, as now the full attention of the unbeknownst Phantom Lord Guild Master were upon the woman, eyes as much tracing her body within the white ballgown as her mind wondered just quite who she was. Like everyone here, there were a reason for her attendance, which at the minimum notated some importance, but she seemed so unlike them. Even than that of her for that matter.

She was a mystery. One that had Astrid intrigued.

A brief moment of validation almost seemed to resonate within her as the girl spoke again, addressing her with a question that as much seemed to simultaneously confirm Astrid’s suspicion while also strengthening her own curiosity. It was hard to believe that especially after her elevation to Reigning Senator that there’d be anyone at such a gathering that wasn’t at least somewhat familiar with her, but she could have at least chalked such uncertainty to plenty having never laid eyes upon her before. After all, Astrid fully recalled being taken aback when first actually meeting Alisa Vollan, before having only heard of the woman to that point.

“Aww, now why not both? While I may don’t know if I quite say that I’m new to these circles, perhaps best to say that I tend to encounter similar, if not somewhat varied circles. Less gold mansions and more, concerned of having gold statues erected of themselves.” There was a saying that seemed – all things considered – quite appropriate. ‘Those who wish to indulge their greed, become businessmen. Those who wish to indulge their ego, become politicians.’ Remarkable how it tended to be more truth than simply just a saying.

“But you should not sell yourself short. I couldn’t imagine that I would be able to pull off such a dress…” Her eyes lingered, briefly enthralled at just how well the dress seemed to suit the woman. Although one could have argued that it was perhaps a tad too risqué for such an engagement, Astrid certainly did not seem to hold any critiques towards it. “That isn’t to give too much credit towards the dress. I wouldn’t put past even in simple garbs that you would be stunning…”

A chuckle escaped her as some words spoken by the pink-haired girl recalled within her. “I suppose before I go any further, perhaps I ought to provide the proper introduction, shouldn’t I?” A smile flashed upon her face as intense eyes cast their visage onto the woman. “Astrid Venier. And if I am not too bold, to whom do I have the distinct privilege of sharing a drink with tonight?”


Courting Controversy [Astrid] Empty Sun Sep 01, 2024 5:48 am


WORDS: 640 | Simply Ballgown

“Those who pursue wealth don’t amount to much~? My, my, I fear we may have a comedienne in our midst~?” Both the brow and the lip of Miss Sauveterre seeming to lurch for a second as the choice of words which her new friend made seemed to stir a moment of amusement, whether the joke was intentional or not it only seemed to make the pinkette feel more playful, and so she smirked and shared a hint of a smoulder in those baby blues as she searched the gaze of the woman for similar spirit.
“Both is good, in the right circumstance, I suppose~?” Certainly not objecting either to the way in which she noticed the ivory haired beauty seem to look over her similarly snowy coloured dress given how she had seemed to invite it with her comment either, it was nice to know that she was looking good tonight and nicer still to observe someone doing it who didn’t make her skin crawl, while the note about this lass being new to this sphere was something which seemed to meet with approval as well. Politics definitely deserved newer blood than what she had seen here thus far, no?

“Myyyyyy, with how you spoke to those old walruses, I didn’t have you pegged for a charmer~? Perhaps a lady of repute should be careful about accepting too many drinks from you~?” The magenta haired minx marching into this den of swine with such expectation of disappointment in fact that it felt like no small degree of refreshment to find at least one person who was cut from a different cloth from the rest, the notion of having a coy co-conspirator here seemed to upturn her spirits and leave her with a smile as she handed the glass she had borrowed from the blanched belle back, fresh with its own perhaps provocative impression of the gloss which she had coloured her lips.
“Though, I dare to disagree on the dress. In fact, I’d be open to the idea of exchange, if you knew a place we might change~?” The fuchsia fox focusing upon her own form for a moment however as she mulled over how her fellow femme had said that few had worn her silky number white as well as she would and ultimately denying the exclusivity in her ranks, the sapphiric stare of the siren soon shifted to the shape of the woman before her, and in her admiration she could not deny an interest in seeing how both of their options might have compared, should the chance present itself.

“Sophie. Sophie Sauveterre. It’s a pleasure to meet you Miss Venier~” Perhaps the thrill of seeing someone who defied the room like she did making her hasty however and this fact something observed when finally she was given a proper name to call the new woman in her life, the top teeth of this sometimes termagant temptress grazed her bottom lip for a second before she extended both her name and her hand in greeting, and while doing so seemed to also perhaps tease the topic of Astrid’s relationship status. Never hurt to know, right?
“So tell me, what brings a woman so wonderfully witty as you to a farce like this~?” Stepping into the side of the stranger soon after and looking over the crowd of mirth filled magnates as she did so before returning that oh so keen gaze back to her only apparent ally in the room with curiosity, Miss Sauveterre could only smirk and arch her brow as she questioned the purpose behind her presence in this den which she disdained, hoping to learn a little more about her and perhaps find out why she felt just a touch of familiarity with her name as well. She’d definitely heard it somewhere before, and perhaps not too long ago either, right~?

Smart is the new Sexy

- Sophie Sauveterre

credit to nat of adoxography.

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