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Corrupted Wyvern [Quest]

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Corrupted Wyvern [Quest] Empty Fri Jun 07, 2024 5:05 pm

“Si tengo que limpiar otro vestuario, me ahorcaré,” Rhea murmured, sitting patiently at the drinking station. With a tired sigh, she picked up her cup of ale, taking only a sip. The aroma itself reeked of sugars, and the flavor was just as horrendous. Rhea immediately spit the ale back into her cup before sliding it away. She had expected the food in this country to be bad, but how does someone mess up a cerveza? For a country famous for almost everything, Fiore was proving to be quite the disappointment. Not that it mattered—she had no intention of staying for more than a year. She was here to make money, search for the mythical Immortal Sun, and maybe find out who her father was. She had her whole year planned out already.

“Ms. Alvarez?” a scruffy voice called from behind her. There was only one person who would come looking for her today. Rhea quickly turned around, “Yes—” she stopped mid-sentence, her eyes widening and flickering with different colors as she saw who had spoken. “Ay dios—well, aren’t you just the cutest little thing,” she blushed, poking her bottom lip as if seeing Daragast had warmed her heart. The dragon-like-human-dwarf simply blinked, saying nothing before opening his folder. “Haha...” he rolled his eyes, ready to get straight to business. Apparently, Rhea had been ordered to undertake one of his tasks, for reasons she didn’t care to ponder. Perhaps it was a test, considering how easily she stood out among her peers.

Daragast cleared his throat before diving into the quest details. A corrupted Wyvern was on the loose, nesting atop Era’s dungeon. Her job was straightforward: kill the Wyvern and avoid causing damage to the dungeon. It sounded simple enough, except Rhea wasn’t good at avoiding collateral damage when she fought. Her powers were too destructive, which is why she wanted to learn to control them. Nonetheless, she had enough physical strength to get the job done.



Corrupted Wyvern [Quest] Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 2:19 pm

Rhea grabbed her few belongings at the bar, gave the ale one last disgusted look, and followed Daragast out of the tavern. Stepping into the busy streets of Era, she couldn’t help but be captivated by the city’s vibrant energy. Era was truly a beautiful place, with its intricate buildings, colorful markets, and the lively chatter of people everywhere. As she made her way through the city, Rhea took her time to take in the sights. She passed by towering buildings with ornate carvings, street vendors selling goods that she was too afraid to buy, and kids playing games in the narrow alleys. The air was filled with the scents of street food and blooming flowers, creating a sensory overload that was both overwhelming and enchanting to the dragon slayer. For someone about to face off with a corrupted Wyvern, she was surprisingly calm. Maybe it was the beauty of Era or the sense of purpose she felt, but she was ready for whatever lay ahead.

Rhea’s mind wandered as she walked. Why would the Knights send a Private like her on such a tough mission? It seemed almost too difficult for someone of her rank, and she couldn’t shake the feeling that she was being watched. Perhaps this was a test of her abilities, or maybe there was more at stake than she realized. Either way, she was determined to prove herself and complete the task. The closer she got to Era’s dungeon, the quieter the streets became. The lively hustle and bustle of the city gradually gave way to a more eerie and somber atmosphere. The dungeon was further away from the heart of the city, surrounded by smaller buildings and more rocky terrain. The trees grew taller and more twisted as she approached, their branches casting long shadows on the ground.

Finally, Rhea arrived at the dungeon entrance. The stone structure loomed before her, its massive, weathered metal doors. The air was cooler here, and the sounds of the city seemed distant and muffled. She could hear the faint rustling of leaves and the occasional call of a distant bird, but otherwise, it was annoyingly quiet. Taking a deep breath, Rhea steeled herself for the task ahead. The Wyvern was nesting somewhere above, and she had to be careful not to damage the dungeon. Her powers were destructive, but she was determined to control them and complete her mission. With a toothy grin, she stepped forward, ready to face the beast that awaited her on the head of Era’s dungeon.

"SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" the beast bellowed.



Corrupted Wyvern [Quest] Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 4:52 pm

Rhea was used to battling beasts. Back in Stella, her family did it for work and sport, frequently challenging the most beautiful and deadly creatures to hone their fighting skills. Now that she was in Fiore, she planned to keep a catalog of all the beasts she defeated. The corrupted Wyvern would be her first in Fiore, and she couldn’t wait to learn more about the other creatures in this country. After she beat the beast with her bare hands, she was going to take a tooth to start her collection. After getting her credentials verified by the guards, Rhea stepped into the dungeon. The air was cooler inside, with dimly lit lacrima on the stone walls. Her footsteps echoed through the corridors, mixing with the distant shouts and whistles of prisoners.

As she walked, her mind drifted back to Stella. The Dragon Slayer remembered the thrill of the hunt and the rush of adrenaline facing off against powerful beasts. Her family took pride in conquering the wild, and she could almost hear her cousins cheering as they celebrated a successful hunt. If they were here now, they'd have done everything to be the first to take the flying creature down. Now, in Fiore, she felt that same excitement building. This Wyvern was her first real test in this new land, and she was eager to prove herself.

The dungeon was a maze of cells and passageways. Prisoners called out to her as she passed, whistling and shouting disgusting remarks. She ignored them and remained focused on the task ahead. The further Rhea went, the louder the noise became, a chaotic mix of shouts and clangs echoing off the cell bars.Finally, she reached the last flight of stairs leading to the top floor. Her heart pounded with anticipation as she climbed, each step bringing her closer to the Wyvern. She could almost feel its presence waiting for her at the top. At the top of the dungeon, The Private paused to catch her breath. The door to the roof was massive, with iron bands reinforcing the steel bars. She pushed it open slowly, peeking through the crack to see the Wyvern’s back facing her. The beast was huge, its dark scales glinting in the sunlight. It stood on the rooftop, its wings folded against its body.

Rhea felt a surge of excitement and determination. This was it—the moment she had been waiting for. The Stellan stepped through the door, her eyes locked on the Wyvern. The rooftop was expansive, with the city of Era stretching out below. The warm air was filled with distant sounds of street music and chatter, but up here, it was just her and the beast. The sun cast a golden glow over everything, highlighting the Wyvern’s obsidian form. Its tail swished back and forth, creating an almost hypnotic motion. Rhea took a deep breath, steadying herself. She knew she had to be careful—one wrong move could mean death.

She remembered the countless hours spent honing her skills and the many battles fought and won. Now, it was time to add another victory to her record.



Corrupted Wyvern [Quest] Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 6:50 pm

The beast was still clueless about her presence, its focus elsewhere. Rhea crept forward, her steps silent. The anticipation was almost unbearable as her heart pounding in her chest. She could feel the adrenaline pumping through her veins, heightening her senses and sharpening her focus. As she closed the distance, Rhea’s mind was clear. Confidently, she continued her approach, ready to take on the Wyvern and come out on top. The Wyvern began sniffing the air, its massive head turning slightly. Rhea froze, barely breathing. The beast’s nostrils flared as it caught the Dragon Slayer's scent. In a sudden motion, the Wyvern whipped around, its glowing eyes locking onto Private Alvarez. There was a moment of silence before the Wyvern roared a deafening sound that echoed through the night.

Rhea didn’t hesitate. She immediately lunged forward, closing the remaining distance in an instant. Her first strike was a powerful punch to the Wyvern’s jaw, followed by a swift kick to its side. The beast staggered as if it were surprised by her strength. It retaliated with a swipe of its claw, but Rhea was already moving, dodging to the side and landing another punch to its ribcage. The fight was intense, and if anybody could watch, they'd see a blur of movement and sound. Rhea’s fists flew, each strike landing with precision and power. The Wyvern screeched in pain and fury, its tail lashing out in a wide arc. The Stellan ducked under the tail swipe, delivering a crushing blow to the beast’s knee, causing it to stumble.

But the Wyvern was not easily defeated. It swung its tail again, this time catching Rhea off guard. The blow knocked the wind out of her, sending her flying across the rooftop. She skidded to a stop at the edge, her fingers gripping the ledge just in time to stop her from falling. For a moment, she hung there, the wind whipping her hair around her face. With a grunt, Rhea pulled herself back up onto the rooftop. She stood, brushing off the dust and readying herself for the next round. The Wyvern was waiting as its eyes burned with rage. It roared again, the sound vibrating through her bones.



Corrupted Wyvern [Quest] Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 7:07 pm

"Alright, let's get this over with." The Berserker huffed.

Rhea charged, her fists a blur as she landed hit after hit on the beast. The Wyvern screeched in pain, its scales cracking under her relentless assault. It tried to fight back, but Rhea was too fast, too strong. She ducked under its claws, sidestepped its snapping jaws, and delivered a powerful uppercut that sent the beast reeling. The building beneath them shook from the intensity of their clash, adding to the chaos. The Wyvern swung its tail again, but this time Rhea was ready. She caught the tail mid-swing, using the beast’s momentum to flip it onto its back. The roof trembled with the impact, making Rhea momentarily lose her footing. The Wyvern’s screeching filled the air. Rhea didn’t give it a chance to recover. She leapt onto its chest, her fists raining down in a flurry of blows. The Wyvern roared in agony, its body struggling under her relentless assault. Rhea’s hands moved like light, each punch a calculated strike aimed at the beast’s vital points.

The Wyvern’s roars grew weaker, and suddenly its movements became sluggish. With one final, powerful punch, Rhea struck the beast’s head, the impact echoing through the night as her hand punctured its skull. The building shook one last time as the Wyvern collapsed under her. The Wyvern went still. Lifeless. Rhea stood over it, breathing heavily, her heart pounding in her chest. She wiped removed her bloody hand out of its head and wiped the sweat from her brow with the back of her other hand, a smile spreading across her face. She laughed, a sound of pure joy. This had been the most fun she’d had in months.As the adrenaline began to fade, Rhea took a moment to survey the scene. The rooftop was a mess, but she had done it. Rhea had defeated the corrupted Wyvern with her bare hands. With a final glance at the fallen beast, she plucked a tooth from its jaw, adding the first trophy to her new collection.

"Mucho mejor que rosalita."

With a contented sigh, Rhea waited as the Knights stormed up the stairs. The job was done and she had proven herself today. As the Rune Knights gathered around its body, mesmerized by the damage the beast had taken, she continued her laughter. They probably thought she was crazy.


- end -

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