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A day out in the Chaos. (With Mishiko) [CE – High Spirits]

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A day out in the Chaos. (With Mishiko) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Thu Aug 01, 2024 12:49 pm

Emil had once fought in this country and helped to take on one of the lower in the shoguns command out with the help of others and he was even told there was a statue some where of the heroes and he wondered if he was counted among them. He had brought his children to come and see the event that was happening in Joya as he doesn't remember bringing them to this country before though he had taken them only a few places outside of Fiore as he was kind of protective of the last pieces he has of his wife after her passing and he knows the children would love to be able to see things like this more often but he is in some ways more careful than to just bring them along just anywhere with him.

Fang and Luna are dressed up and look ready for their day of looking and seeing as well as trying new foods and seeing new things that they hadn't been able to see and do before they stay by Emil and hold onto either side of his as they walk and he can tell that Luna is a bit scared of the crowds as she was gripping tighter to him and Fang on the other hand is slightly pulling forward a bit as he was excited to see and do things like play games. The shop and stall owners seem to look down at them and then back up to Emil as Emil is a half elf, Fang is a demi-human wolf with white silverish hair and Luna has her hair styled to match her brother's wolf ears even though she is also a half elf like her father is and her hair is a mix of black and silverish white. Emil feels they are being slightly judging of if he looks like the children but he isn't so bothered by it as people often seemed to judge single dads.


A day out in the Chaos. (With Mishiko) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Fri Aug 02, 2024 11:11 am


"Momma, when will we see uncle?", the girl asked Mishiko, her adopted mother. The other child smiles sweetly as the male teen looks at the two with a tired gaze. "Your uncle is probably busy,", he spoke and yawns as the four walked towards the food stands. Mishiko gazed at her adopted daughter who had flowing red beautiful hair  that looked like flames, her eyes glistened like gems as her smile was like the sun. "I am sure we will meet again... we...", she was thinking of how to tell her. "We've both just been very busy.. both your uncle and godfather," her voice was trying to be as soft as possible without letting her emotions out. "Oh...", the red hair child whined innocently in a cute manner.

They walked and looked to see Aymeric missing, "Where is...", she started to say and saw him go towards one of the stalls and bump into demi-human wolf with white silverfish hair. Mishiko's long legs stride towards the destination, people made way as her children followed. Her eyes of death itself bared softness as she gazed down at Aymeric and then the people they bumped into. "Aymeric... say sorry for bumping into them,", she spoke in her cool soft tone as she looked at the guy and his kids. "Sorry..." he spoke in a pout and looks away, rejoining his sisters. "Hello! I'm Suza!", spoke the girl with red hair and Mishiko looks at her adopted daughter with a warm small smile at her innocence despite who she is and then looks back at the man. "Greetings, are you enjoying your time in Joya?" Mishiko wondered curiously. Suza was still getting use to her new role, her new appearance that changed after she developed her abilities. Suza was hoping to make mother happy.



A day out in the Chaos. (With Mishiko) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Fri Aug 02, 2024 12:02 pm

When the boy had ran into the silver haired demi-wolf child he looked at the person. "hey watch where you are going…" the boys voice sounded tough to start then lowered at the end as he saw that the person that ran into him was a bigger kid than he was. When the other boy said sorry to him Fang blinked and Luna tapped him in the arm and did the say something head movement. "It was okay I guess." The boys more cocky tone to his voice had returned and he looked up to his father as the girl spoke saying her name. "I am Fang and that is Luna!" he pointed to his sister then he pointed up to his father. "And that is my father! Emil of the best guild to ever exist Paradise Dawn!" the boy was very confident in his assertion of it being that way.

Luna kind of hid behind her father’s leg a bit as she was not as out spoken and confident as her brother. Emil spoke up to the girl. "Luna sweetie no need to hide the nice girl is greeting you." The girl came from behind his leg a little and spoke in a soft tone toward the girl. "H-h-hi I am Luna." she was shaking a little bit as she was nervous around strangers.

When the woman spoke Emil looked at her and he felt like he should know her but he couldn’t place her. He figures it was probably just someone his brother Kaito knew or something that had been spoken in passing, though he was terrible putting most peoples faces to their names unless he was around them a lot. "It isn’t bad so far as seems there is a lot of entertainment and stands to get things from, do I know you?" Fang was nodding agreeing with his dad saying that the place was not bad and Luna had returned to hiding back behind his leg again.
(331) (661)


A day out in the Chaos. (With Mishiko) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Tue Aug 06, 2024 8:15 pm


Before Aymeric could speak, the mother Shogun gazed at him, making him stop. Her eyes then looked towards the father who was Emil and Mishiko smiled. "Nice to meet you Luna. Suza, I know your fiery spirit is hard to control, but remember many are like late flowers.", Mishiko told Suza. Suza gave a determined look and nodded, "Of course mother, I didn't mean to scare her. I just get excited," she spoke sweetly and looks at Luna with her own crimson eyes that glistened orange and yellow mixed like the sun.

"You seem familiar sir, what is your name?", she wondered as she could hear a voice that only she - alone could hear. Despite that, she was not going to listen to it and wanted to hear it from the man's mouth alone. "Mmm, familiar yet different,", she hummed amused as her children gazed at her. Her fingers combed through her hair that was long silks of brown and black. With a flick she then invited, "Shall we all walk together as a group?", she wondered soothingly.


A day out in the Chaos. (With Mishiko) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Wed Aug 07, 2024 6:49 am

Emil looked down at the little ones that the woman had with her he had to admit that he liked the spunk of the female one that she was willing to be excited to see them and to meet them though he really did have to wonder who this woman was and why she seemed so familiar to him. Emil heard her ask his name which confused Emil a bit as Fang had said his name already but maybe she was after his full name. So Emil stood up tall to speak his name. "Uh maybe you missed my son say it but my first and last name are Emil Alexander. What is your name miss?" He was not sure who this woman was but he felt like he should know her.

At the woman's request for them to walk around together Emil was fine with it and he looked to his children who both nodded."We seem in agreement to walking around with you guys." Fang got back by his fathers side and Luna stopped hiding behind his leg and Emil would follow along with the other party of people as he was not sure where a lot of things were around her as he was not use to being in the country as he thinks the last time he had been here was when he had joined his fellow PD members and a random dude in armor in fighting some card crazed loony bin that summoned monsters and had taken his friends leaving him to fight along side the tin man to chop down the huge monster to size along with three strange creatures that had pretty much freed themselves and were mistreated by the loony that had, had them. He had gotten a card from that fight but it seemed to not do anything yet and he wondered if he needed to do something special to awaken it's power.
(325) (986)


A day out in the Chaos. (With Mishiko) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Wed Aug 07, 2024 12:05 pm


Mishiko realized her mind was so much on the commotion that she didn't realize his name was said. She blinked a few times and chuckled lightly. "My apologies, so much was going on in my head and around that it flew by,", she spoke softly and ghostly as her death accent swung by. Before she could introduce herself, Suza gripped Mishiko's sleeve and smiled proudly, "This here is none other than Quillareine - Mishiko the mighty Shogun of Joya,", she gave a shit-eating grin of a smile as she was proud of her adopted mother. "She has many other titles like -", she started but Mishiko arched her brown and it silenced her.

"I doubt we need to go and bother people with such history,", Mishiko spoke softly and looked at Emil.  Suddenly, she looked at Ohta who nods, flicking his wrist making a card magically appear. Mishiko took it from him, feeling his gloved fingers and then looks away as she then handed the card to Emil. "The creature requested kindly for me to give you this," Mishiko spoke and when Emil looks at it, he'd see Ojama Yellow on the card. Once, if he does take it, he'd see a ghostly-like small sprite of Ojama Yellow floating - one happy to see a fellow honorary brother. Once the agreement of walking concluded, they'd start walking as one huge group.


A day out in the Chaos. (With Mishiko) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Wed Aug 07, 2024 1:40 pm

Emil upon hearing the woman's names and title rubbed his chin. "Oh so you were the one I fought that card summoning freak along side my guild mates and a tin man. Also that name sounds like the name of the woman that made the foolish choice of making my brother Kaito the godfather to her daughter." Emil looked to the girl that had the spunk and talked like Fang had talked about himself and he wonders if that girl was the one his brother was the godfather to as she looked nothing like Kaito had described her as and looked older than Kaito seemed to have said the girl was.

Emil looked at the card and saw the yellow creature again and he wondered if that meant something but her wasn't sure but he took the new card of the creature as it seemed that it was happy to see him and he couldn't complain about it as it was something different than a blank card that did nothing for him. Luna looked at the tall woman as they walked. "Do you know my uncle Kaito?" Her father seemed to not have asked if this woman was indeed the same woman or not but she wanted to ask as she wanted to know if this woman was the same woman or not.
(227) (1,213)


A day out in the Chaos. (With Mishiko) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Sat Aug 10, 2024 1:44 pm


Mishiko chuckled at Emil's words, "I am indeed the one that made Kaito the godfather of Suza. He was there when we found her,". Her eyes then looked at the child who spoke to her, "I do know Kaito. He was actually my very first friend when I appeared in Fiore years ago.", Mishiko spoke softer for the child and gently as a small smile appeared on her lips. She tried to smile more after her talk with Yuurei. It still felt strange to show more emotions after not showing emotions in public for the reasoning of her sister's and ruling. "How is your uncle doing anyways?~", Mishiko wondered genuinely since she knew both of them were out on their own adventure, separate ways.

It didn't mean she never thought about him though. The Quillareine he knew was still inside her soul, but after so many things happened it was hard. "Yea, it's been quite a while since I last saw him. He probably described me looking much shorter and younger, huh?", she asked in a friendly-sweet way and smiles at the child. Her children were watching and they'd walk together around. Her eyes then looked at Emil, "Is there anything your children with to do first?", the death and war goddess wondered.


A day out in the Chaos. (With Mishiko) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Sat Aug 10, 2024 2:46 pm

The children looked at her and wondered. "Is my Uncle as strong as the rumors say? Last I saw Uncle he was fine but he always seems fine but very unfocused and clumsy, so I wonder if he is really all that strong but his magic is really cool." Luna was smiling from ear to ear thinking about her uncles magic. Fang was not sure about the woman that stood in front of them or if she was really Uncles friend or not as she said she hadn't seen him in awhile.

Emil looked at her as she said the thing about how Kaito had probably said she looked like. "Well more he said you were one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen and seemed to understand him on a deeper level, I think he thought you liked him and I think he had a crush on you." Emil laughed at the thought of that, as he knows his brother is an idiot and no way that that he thought he had a chance with a powerful woman like this and it probably explains why she hadn't seen him in awhile.

Fang chimed in when the woman asked what they wanted to do. "I want to get some food and then maybe play some games." Luna started nodding her head in agreement with the statement her brother had made about food and games as she didn't know what else there was and her brother had most of the guts.
(258) (1,471)


A day out in the Chaos. (With Mishiko) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Thu Aug 22, 2024 12:31 pm


Mishiko was thinking as she was sure Kaito was stronger than when they last met. "Mm, I think he is," she spoke since she didn't want to say 'he is as strong' due to the fact she doesn't know the stories that were told nor does she know if he currently is. The death Goddess wanted to be kind to the girl and answer, but then Emil started to speak and what he said made her blush lightly due to being caught off guard. "I'm sure he think that about a handful of ladies and yet I am grateful to hear it.", she paused as she thought of the other things he said. "I did like him, but then you find out that there are different types of love and the one that is needed for a blossoming relationship is not one I can give to him. Someone is currently claiming that when it comes to mortals." Mishiko then looked at the sky and made a small smile and then back to Emil. "When it comes to the crushing... I-", she was about to say, but then heard Fang and the other children of hers agreed.

"Alright, let us go," She spoke and looked around, my black hair like strands of silk ribbons. She started to walk as she then escorted them to the games. Many of the game staff saw it was the Shogun, ready to make sure the games were either easier or to let go of the button that makes a game harder. There was a ball shooting game that hits the targets, the squirting water gun game that needs to hit the fire balls, basketball game, and more. "So, which ones?" she asked softly.

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